
One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 9

Find Week 8 here!

This is the 9th week of hell. Congratulations on making it this far! You're probably feeling pretty good about yourself, but don't get too cocky, there are soooooo many more weeks to go.

One day, even YOU may be able to OHKO giant monsters!

Day 57

  1. 100 Push-ups (2 Count Down, 2 Count Up)
  2. 100 Sit-ups (3 Count Up, 3 Count Down)
  3. 100 Squats (4 Count Down, 4 Count Up)
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 58

  1. 20 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 20 Sit-ups
  3. 20 Sumo Squats
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- Protect citizens from a gang of thugs with nothing but your bare hands!

-30 Minutes Shadowboxing>>

Day 59

  1. 10 Push-ups w/20#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/20#
  3. 10 Squats w/20#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 200 Meter Back Peddle
  2. 200 Meter Sprint
  3. 600 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds 

Day 60

  1. 10 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 10 Decline Sit-ups
  3. 10 Jump Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 61

  1. 100 Push-ups w/Hands at Hips
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Find a bomb that has been hidden at the city dump! Move stuff out of the way and find that bomb!
  1. 5 Deadlifts w/225#
  2. 10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows w/45#/hand
  3. 25 Meter Farmer's Walk w/60#/hand
--20 Minute AMRAP>>

Day 62

  1. 10 Diamond Push-ups w/5#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 10 Hindu Squats w/5#
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 63
Same as Day 7 on Week 1
Find Week 8 here!

This is the 9th week of hell. Congratulations on making it this far! You're probably feeling pretty good about yourself, but don't get too cocky, there are soooooo many more weeks to go.

One day, even YOU may be able to OHKO giant monsters!

Day 57

  1. 100 Push-ups (2 Count Down, 2 Count Up)
  2. 100 Sit-ups (3 Count Up, 3 Count Down)
  3. 100 Squats (4 Count Down, 4 Count Up)
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 58

  1. 20 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 20 Sit-ups
  3. 20 Sumo Squats
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- Protect citizens from a gang of thugs with nothing but your bare hands!

-30 Minutes Shadowboxing>>

Day 59

  1. 10 Push-ups w/20#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/20#
  3. 10 Squats w/20#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 200 Meter Back Peddle
  2. 200 Meter Sprint
  3. 600 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds 

Day 60

  1. 10 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 10 Decline Sit-ups
  3. 10 Jump Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 61

  1. 100 Push-ups w/Hands at Hips
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Find a bomb that has been hidden at the city dump! Move stuff out of the way and find that bomb!
  1. 5 Deadlifts w/225#
  2. 10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows w/45#/hand
  3. 25 Meter Farmer's Walk w/60#/hand
--20 Minute AMRAP>>

Day 62

  1. 10 Diamond Push-ups w/5#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 10 Hindu Squats w/5#
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 63
Same as Day 7 on Week 1
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 8

Find Week 7 here!

By this point, you might be feeling the mental stress of training every day, doing much the same thing. Motivate yourself by re-watching One-Punch Man during this week so that you can get hyped back up!

Keep up your training so you don't get your
ass kicked by a giant Crab Man.

Day 50
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running 
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- A maniac has been stealing people's pet cats and putting them in high places. Recover the cats and catch the bad guy!
  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Box Jumps @ 24"
--10 Rounds, then

-100 Meter ALL-OUT Sprint>>

Day 51
  1. 5 Push-ups w/20#
  2. 5 Sit-ups w/20#
  3. 5 Squats w/20#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 800 Meter Jog
  3. 100 Meter Backpeddle
--10 Rounds 

Day 52
  1. 100 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Hindu Sit-ups
  4. 10 km Running
==Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 53
  1. 10 Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups
  3. 10 Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- A Pinata monster is attacking people in the city square! Take him out with your hands and feet while dodging his colorful attacks!
  1. 20 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  2. 1 Burpee
  3. 10 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  4. 2 Burpees
  5. 5 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  6. 3 Burpees
--AMRAP in 10 Minutes>>
Day 54
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Decline Sit-ups (Slight Incline)
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible 

Day 55
  1. 25 Push-ups w/5#
  2. 25 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 25 Squats w/5#
  4. 2500 Meter Run
--5 Rounds

Day 56
Same as Day 7 on Week 1.
Find Week 7 here!

By this point, you might be feeling the mental stress of training every day, doing much the same thing. Motivate yourself by re-watching One-Punch Man during this week so that you can get hyped back up!

Keep up your training so you don't get your
ass kicked by a giant Crab Man.

Day 50
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running 
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- A maniac has been stealing people's pet cats and putting them in high places. Recover the cats and catch the bad guy!
  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Box Jumps @ 24"
--10 Rounds, then

-100 Meter ALL-OUT Sprint>>

Day 51
  1. 5 Push-ups w/20#
  2. 5 Sit-ups w/20#
  3. 5 Squats w/20#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 800 Meter Jog
  3. 100 Meter Backpeddle
--10 Rounds 

Day 52
  1. 100 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Hindu Sit-ups
  4. 10 km Running
==Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 53
  1. 10 Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups
  3. 10 Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- A Pinata monster is attacking people in the city square! Take him out with your hands and feet while dodging his colorful attacks!
  1. 20 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  2. 1 Burpee
  3. 10 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  4. 2 Burpees
  5. 5 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
  6. 3 Burpees
--AMRAP in 10 Minutes>>
Day 54
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Decline Sit-ups (Slight Incline)
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible 

Day 55
  1. 25 Push-ups w/5#
  2. 25 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 25 Squats w/5#
  4. 2500 Meter Run
--5 Rounds

Day 56
Same as Day 7 on Week 1.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Jose Torres' GoFundMe Workout- "Century"

This workout is for Jose Torres, who helped fund a Real Anime Training's gym. Hopefully, I will make many more of these workouts as people help us get to the point of opening our gym. $10,000 will not cover all of the costs of the gym, but will be enough to get us started. In any case, here's the workout!!

Jose Torres' Workout- "Century"

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 20 Push-ups
  3. 30 Sit-ups
  4. 40 Squats
  5. 50 Jumping Jacks
  6. 60 Seconds Plank
  7. 70 Jump Rope
  8. 80 Yard Bear Crawl
  9. 90 Seconds Mountain Climbers
  10. 100 Meter Run
--AMRAP in 20 Minutes


  • Rest as needed, but try not to just stand around. You've only got 20 minutes to get through as many rounds of this as possible. 
  • If you are very out of shape, make sure that you go at a slow pace and stop when your body says stop. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

This workout is for Jose Torres, who helped fund a Real Anime Training's gym. Hopefully, I will make many more of these workouts as people help us get to the point of opening our gym. $10,000 will not cover all of the costs of the gym, but will be enough to get us started. In any case, here's the workout!!

Jose Torres' Workout- "Century"

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 20 Push-ups
  3. 30 Sit-ups
  4. 40 Squats
  5. 50 Jumping Jacks
  6. 60 Seconds Plank
  7. 70 Jump Rope
  8. 80 Yard Bear Crawl
  9. 90 Seconds Mountain Climbers
  10. 100 Meter Run
--AMRAP in 20 Minutes


  • Rest as needed, but try not to just stand around. You've only got 20 minutes to get through as many rounds of this as possible. 
  • If you are very out of shape, make sure that you go at a slow pace and stop when your body says stop. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Real Anime Training: Get Insane Badass Reflexes

A video that Blackeroni did for us on how to get your reflexes up. We've talked about some of these things in previous workouts, but it's good to hear someone else's take on it.


That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
A video that Blackeroni did for us on how to get your reflexes up. We've talked about some of these things in previous workouts, but it's good to hear someone else's take on it.


That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 7

Find Week 6 here!

We're moving on up.  Six weeks down, only 150 more to go!

Get your asses in gear!!!!
Day 43
  1. 100 Wide Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat an octopus monster!!! Grab it by the tentacles, beat the crap out of it, and drag it back to the water!
  1. Alternating Waves w/Battle Ropes- 1 Minute
  2. Heavy Bag Striking- 1 Minute
  3. 40 Meter Sled Pull w/200#
--4 Rounds>>

Day 44
  1. 10 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups
  3. 10 Jump Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 45
  1. 100 Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure, then counter push-ups until you reach 100 reps.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 46

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps
  1. Push-ups
  2. Sit-ups 
  3. Squats
(1 Push-up, 1 Sit-up, 1 Squat, 2 Push-ups, 2 Sit-ups, 2 Squats, 3 Push-ups, 3 Sit-ups... etc.)


10 km Running
Day 47
  1. 10 Push-ups w/15#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 10 Squats w/15#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 800 Meters Running
  2. 200 Meters Back Peddle
--10 Rounds 

Day 48
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Fight a heavily armed anti-government terrorist. Dodge gunfire, get close, and kick his ass!
  1. 5 Burpee Broad Jumps (Do a burpee and then jump as far as you can forward at the top.)
  2. 10 Meter Back Peddle
  3. 25 Meter Army Crawl
  4. 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
  5. 20 Meter Back Peddle
  6. 50 Meter Army Crawl
  7. 50 Heavy Bag Strikes>>

Day 49
Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
Find Week 6 here!

We're moving on up.  Six weeks down, only 150 more to go!

Get your asses in gear!!!!
Day 43
  1. 100 Wide Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat an octopus monster!!! Grab it by the tentacles, beat the crap out of it, and drag it back to the water!
  1. Alternating Waves w/Battle Ropes- 1 Minute
  2. Heavy Bag Striking- 1 Minute
  3. 40 Meter Sled Pull w/200#
--4 Rounds>>

Day 44
  1. 10 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups
  3. 10 Jump Squats
  4. 1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 45
  1. 100 Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure, then counter push-ups until you reach 100 reps.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 46

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps
  1. Push-ups
  2. Sit-ups 
  3. Squats
(1 Push-up, 1 Sit-up, 1 Squat, 2 Push-ups, 2 Sit-ups, 2 Squats, 3 Push-ups, 3 Sit-ups... etc.)


10 km Running
Day 47
  1. 10 Push-ups w/15#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 10 Squats w/15#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 800 Meters Running
  2. 200 Meters Back Peddle
--10 Rounds 

Day 48
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Fight a heavily armed anti-government terrorist. Dodge gunfire, get close, and kick his ass!
  1. 5 Burpee Broad Jumps (Do a burpee and then jump as far as you can forward at the top.)
  2. 10 Meter Back Peddle
  3. 25 Meter Army Crawl
  4. 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
  5. 20 Meter Back Peddle
  6. 50 Meter Army Crawl
  7. 50 Heavy Bag Strikes>>

Day 49
Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

DEADPOOL WORKS OUT IN THE GYM!! | Tough Like The Toonz: EP 8

Deadpool takes an opportunity to jack Jax's show from him to show us how to get dat booty. Fortunately, he let JaxBlade live, so we'll be able to see more Tough Like the Toonz in the future.

WARNING: Gratuitous booty ahead!!

If you put the work in, you too can look bootylicious in a skin-tight superhero outfit!  A lot of people neglect glute-specific training and, thus, do not really have the ability to activate the glutes during athletic activity. Make sure you remedy that!!

Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Deadpool takes an opportunity to jack Jax's show from him to show us how to get dat booty. Fortunately, he let JaxBlade live, so we'll be able to see more Tough Like the Toonz in the future.

WARNING: Gratuitous booty ahead!!

If you put the work in, you too can look bootylicious in a skin-tight superhero outfit!  A lot of people neglect glute-specific training and, thus, do not really have the ability to activate the glutes during athletic activity. Make sure you remedy that!!

Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 6

See Week 5 here!

You're getting stronger, little by little, so keep with it. You're probably finding that the days of just 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats, and 10 km Running are getting easier and easier. Keep it up!

One more week closer to complete domination of your foes. 

Day 36
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 37
  1. Jog 100 Meters
  2. Sprint 100 Meters
  3. Side Shuffle Left 100 Meters 
  4. Side Shuffle Right 100 Meters
  5. Back Peddle 100 Meters
  6. Run 500 Meters
  7. 10 Push-ups
  8. 10 Sit-ups
  9. 10 Squats
--10 Rounds

<<HERO EVENT- Dig a hole to get to a broken water main and turn it off with the cut-off valve.

  1. Dig with a shovel for 30 Minutes
  2. Perform 10 Seated Cable Rows or Bent Over Rows at 150#>>

Day 38
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure, then counter push-ups to failure.)
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Sumo Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 39

5 km Running, then

  1. 5 Push-ups w/15#
  2. 5 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 5 Squats w/15#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

<<MONSTER EVENT- Beat a gang of thugs who are terrorizing a city block.
  1. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  2. Throw 60# Heavy Bag 5 times.
--5 Rounds>>

Day 40

  1. 100 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Hindu Squats
  4. 9 km Running
  5. 1 km Backwards Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 41

  1. 20 Push-ups w/5#
  2. 20 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 20 Squats w/5#
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 42

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
See Week 5 here!

You're getting stronger, little by little, so keep with it. You're probably finding that the days of just 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats, and 10 km Running are getting easier and easier. Keep it up!

One more week closer to complete domination of your foes. 

Day 36
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 37
  1. Jog 100 Meters
  2. Sprint 100 Meters
  3. Side Shuffle Left 100 Meters 
  4. Side Shuffle Right 100 Meters
  5. Back Peddle 100 Meters
  6. Run 500 Meters
  7. 10 Push-ups
  8. 10 Sit-ups
  9. 10 Squats
--10 Rounds

<<HERO EVENT- Dig a hole to get to a broken water main and turn it off with the cut-off valve.

  1. Dig with a shovel for 30 Minutes
  2. Perform 10 Seated Cable Rows or Bent Over Rows at 150#>>

Day 38
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure, then counter push-ups to failure.)
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Sumo Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 39

5 km Running, then

  1. 5 Push-ups w/15#
  2. 5 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 5 Squats w/15#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

<<MONSTER EVENT- Beat a gang of thugs who are terrorizing a city block.
  1. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  2. Throw 60# Heavy Bag 5 times.
--5 Rounds>>

Day 40

  1. 100 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Hindu Squats
  4. 9 km Running
  5. 1 km Backwards Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 41

  1. 20 Push-ups w/5#
  2. 20 Sit-ups w/5#
  3. 20 Squats w/5#
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 42

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad