
Batman Workout: How to get built like the Bat | Tough Like The Toonz: EP 3

Today, on Tough Like The Toonz, Jax is taking us through a strength routine to get you big and bad like the Batman. You also get to see Jax have a bit of a conversation with himself, which is fun. Fortunately, the majority of this workout will require relatively little equipment, but there is some need of a gym if you want to do it in its entirety.

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Today, on Tough Like The Toonz, Jax is taking us through a strength routine to get you big and bad like the Batman. You also get to see Jax have a bit of a conversation with himself, which is fun. Fortunately, the majority of this workout will require relatively little equipment, but there is some need of a gym if you want to do it in its entirety.

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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