
Pokemon Workouts #07-#09: Squirtle-Blastoise

Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #07-#09: Squirtle-Blastoise

  1. Run 200 Yards w/10# pack or vest
  2. 10 Squirtle Squats w/10# pack or vest
  3. 10 X-Crunches/side
  4. 10 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/10# pack or vest
  5. 10 Squirtle Dips w/10# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/10# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

  1. Run 200 Yards w/16# pack or vest
  2. 16 Squirtle Squats w/16# pack or vest
  3. 16 X-Crunches/side
  4. 16 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/16# pack or vest
  5. 16 Squirtle Dips w/16# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/16# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

  1. Run 200 Yards w/36# pack or vest
  2. 36 Squirtle Squats w/36# pack or vest
  3. 36 X-Crunches/side
  4. 36 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/36# pack or vest
  5. 36 Squirtle Dips w/36# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/36# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

Mega Blastoise Add-on (If you are able to complete the Blastoise workout in its entirety without stopping, you can add on this workout.)
  1. 100 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/36# pack or vest
  2. 100 Yard Farmer's Carry w/50# per hand and 36# pack or vest
  3. 100 Yard Shallow Swim w/36# pack or vest

  • You may not advance to the next workout until you are able to complete the current level without rest. (Grabbing water is okay, just don't hang out.)
  • Make sure that your vest or pack is secured tightly so that it doesn't bounce around or slide during the workout.
  • Squirtle Squats begin as a normal squat. As you reach the bottom of the squat, rock forward onto your hands, arms slightly bent and in between your legs, placing as much of your weight on your hands as possible before rocking back into the bottom of the squat and standing up. That is one repetition. To do the push-up variation, when you place your hands of the ground, move your feet back and perform one push-up before returning to the previous position and completing the remainder of the motion.
  • X-Crunches require you to lie on your back with arms flat and legs flat on the ground so your body looks like an X. You will raise one arm and the opposite leg up and toward each other until they touch, before returning them to the ground. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep. 
  • Squirtle Dips require you to climb into or jump into a pool with water at waist or chest height water. After this, place both hands on the edge of the pool and, without leg motion, press yourself out of the water fully and then climb out of the pool completely and come to standing. 
  • The Shallow Swim is in waist or chest height water, so that your feet will always be able to touch the bottom of the pool firmly. Swim as best as possible, but walk if you need to. Please do this workout with a spotter or lifeguard.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #07-#09: Squirtle-Blastoise

  1. Run 200 Yards w/10# pack or vest
  2. 10 Squirtle Squats w/10# pack or vest
  3. 10 X-Crunches/side
  4. 10 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/10# pack or vest
  5. 10 Squirtle Dips w/10# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/10# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

  1. Run 200 Yards w/16# pack or vest
  2. 16 Squirtle Squats w/16# pack or vest
  3. 16 X-Crunches/side
  4. 16 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/16# pack or vest
  5. 16 Squirtle Dips w/16# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/16# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

  1. Run 200 Yards w/36# pack or vest
  2. 36 Squirtle Squats w/36# pack or vest
  3. 36 X-Crunches/side
  4. 36 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/36# pack or vest
  5. 36 Squirtle Dips w/36# pack or vest
  6. 50 Yard Shallow Swim w/36# pack or vest
--5 Rounds

Mega Blastoise Add-on (If you are able to complete the Blastoise workout in its entirety without stopping, you can add on this workout.)
  1. 100 Squirtle Squats to Push-up w/36# pack or vest
  2. 100 Yard Farmer's Carry w/50# per hand and 36# pack or vest
  3. 100 Yard Shallow Swim w/36# pack or vest

  • You may not advance to the next workout until you are able to complete the current level without rest. (Grabbing water is okay, just don't hang out.)
  • Make sure that your vest or pack is secured tightly so that it doesn't bounce around or slide during the workout.
  • Squirtle Squats begin as a normal squat. As you reach the bottom of the squat, rock forward onto your hands, arms slightly bent and in between your legs, placing as much of your weight on your hands as possible before rocking back into the bottom of the squat and standing up. That is one repetition. To do the push-up variation, when you place your hands of the ground, move your feet back and perform one push-up before returning to the previous position and completing the remainder of the motion.
  • X-Crunches require you to lie on your back with arms flat and legs flat on the ground so your body looks like an X. You will raise one arm and the opposite leg up and toward each other until they touch, before returning them to the ground. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep. 
  • Squirtle Dips require you to climb into or jump into a pool with water at waist or chest height water. After this, place both hands on the edge of the pool and, without leg motion, press yourself out of the water fully and then climb out of the pool completely and come to standing. 
  • The Shallow Swim is in waist or chest height water, so that your feet will always be able to touch the bottom of the pool firmly. Swim as best as possible, but walk if you need to. Please do this workout with a spotter or lifeguard.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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