
One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 5

See Week 4 of OPM Training Program here!

Week 5... you mean, we're still going?!

If you guys have been keeping up with this so far, you should be finding that you're in remarkably better shape even after just four weeks of training. You guys should be taking additional time to stretch every day and making sure that you are eating a wide variety of good foods, including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and plenty of water. Keep at it!!

Day 29-
  1. 100 Push-ups 
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 30-
  1. 25 Push-ups
  2. 25 Sit-ups
  3. 25 Squats
  4. 2.5 km Running
  5. Rest 2 Minutes
--5 Rounds, try to complete the individual rounds as fast as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Use a rowboat to save a drowning child from a lake and deliver him to medical attention!
  1. Row 1000 Meters, as fast as possible
  2. Carry 50# Sandbag 100 Meters>>
Day 31-
  1. 100 Wide Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 32-

5 km Running
  1. 10 Push-ups w/10#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/10#
  3. 10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 33-
  1. Sprint 200 Meters
  2. 10 Push-ups
  3. 10 Sit-ups
  4. 10 Squats
  5. Jog 800 Meters
--10 Rounds, 90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds

Day 34-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat a rock monster with a sledgehammer, random objects, and hand-to-hand combat while dodging attacks!
  1. 25 Downward Sledgehammer Swings to Tire or Large Stone
  2. 15 Max Distance Throws of 50# Sandbag
  3. 10 Front or Side Kicks per side to Heavy Bag
  4. 5 Burpees
--As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes>>

Day 35- 

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.

See Week 4 of OPM Training Program here!

Week 5... you mean, we're still going?!

If you guys have been keeping up with this so far, you should be finding that you're in remarkably better shape even after just four weeks of training. You guys should be taking additional time to stretch every day and making sure that you are eating a wide variety of good foods, including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and plenty of water. Keep at it!!

Day 29-
  1. 100 Push-ups 
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 30-
  1. 25 Push-ups
  2. 25 Sit-ups
  3. 25 Squats
  4. 2.5 km Running
  5. Rest 2 Minutes
--5 Rounds, try to complete the individual rounds as fast as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Use a rowboat to save a drowning child from a lake and deliver him to medical attention!
  1. Row 1000 Meters, as fast as possible
  2. Carry 50# Sandbag 100 Meters>>
Day 31-
  1. 100 Wide Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 32-

5 km Running
  1. 10 Push-ups w/10#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/10#
  3. 10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 33-
  1. Sprint 200 Meters
  2. 10 Push-ups
  3. 10 Sit-ups
  4. 10 Squats
  5. Jog 800 Meters
--10 Rounds, 90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds

Day 34-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat a rock monster with a sledgehammer, random objects, and hand-to-hand combat while dodging attacks!
  1. 25 Downward Sledgehammer Swings to Tire or Large Stone
  2. 15 Max Distance Throws of 50# Sandbag
  3. 10 Front or Side Kicks per side to Heavy Bag
  4. 5 Burpees
--As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes>>

Day 35- 

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Call to Arms: The Prologue to the Fictional Fitness Revolution

Since 2007, the purpose of Real Anime Training has been to bring fitness knowledge and inspiration to anime and manga fans worldwide. And, either directly or indirectly, it has been fairly successful in doing so. We are the Original Anime Fitness Website. 

The first post on Real Anime Training ("Call to Arms") was posted May 9th, 2007.  It was me yelling out into the unknown, calling to those who would stand with me and shatter the stereotype of fat, weak nerds. It took some time, but people responded, little by little. 

Many people have gotten in shape while training like Goku, Ippo, Saitama, Rock Lee, or any number of other characters on this blog. Some of them have gone along to create their own Anime Training or Fictional Fitness content (JaxBlade and Blackeroni, for instance).  Some have used Real Anime Training as a resource in writing and for training motivation and inspiration. 

We've made workouts based on anime, cartoons, and video games, built to mimic the training of individual characters or inspired by those characters' personalities. These workouts include various types of weight training, martial arts, calisthenics and running, swimming, climbing, and cycling. There are hundreds of workouts with more being added all the time. 

This is a new call to arms to anime fans, gamers, and nerds of all types. When I started this in 2007, I was all by myself.  NerdFitness didn't exist. JaxBlade hadn't yet become a Super Saiyan. Be A Game Character wasn't a player. DareBee wasn't even a thing. I know for a fact that some of the people who are in the Fictional Fitness world are here in some way because of Real Anime Training and perhaps more are, but that's not important. What is important is that there are many more people out there being nerdy as hell and in-shape and that is super freaking awesome!

There is a revolution coming and I'm happy to have been here since the beginning. More is coming, so you'd better be prepared. 

Since 2007, the purpose of Real Anime Training has been to bring fitness knowledge and inspiration to anime and manga fans worldwide. And, either directly or indirectly, it has been fairly successful in doing so. We are the Original Anime Fitness Website. 

The first post on Real Anime Training ("Call to Arms") was posted May 9th, 2007.  It was me yelling out into the unknown, calling to those who would stand with me and shatter the stereotype of fat, weak nerds. It took some time, but people responded, little by little. 

Many people have gotten in shape while training like Goku, Ippo, Saitama, Rock Lee, or any number of other characters on this blog. Some of them have gone along to create their own Anime Training or Fictional Fitness content (JaxBlade and Blackeroni, for instance).  Some have used Real Anime Training as a resource in writing and for training motivation and inspiration. 

We've made workouts based on anime, cartoons, and video games, built to mimic the training of individual characters or inspired by those characters' personalities. These workouts include various types of weight training, martial arts, calisthenics and running, swimming, climbing, and cycling. There are hundreds of workouts with more being added all the time. 

This is a new call to arms to anime fans, gamers, and nerds of all types. When I started this in 2007, I was all by myself.  NerdFitness didn't exist. JaxBlade hadn't yet become a Super Saiyan. Be A Game Character wasn't a player. DareBee wasn't even a thing. I know for a fact that some of the people who are in the Fictional Fitness world are here in some way because of Real Anime Training and perhaps more are, but that's not important. What is important is that there are many more people out there being nerdy as hell and in-shape and that is super freaking awesome!

There is a revolution coming and I'm happy to have been here since the beginning. More is coming, so you'd better be prepared. 

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 4

Continuation of the OPM Training Program from Week 3.

Call your friends, because it's time to train.
Day 22-

  1. 100 Push-ups (When you fail doing normal push-ups, immediately move to knee push-ups. When you fail at knee push-ups, immediately move to counter push-ups.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 23-
  1. 20 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 20 Med Ball Toss Sit-ups @ 4# (Toss up at the top of the sit-up and catch it before laying back down.)
  3. 20 Hindu Squats
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 24-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Flip wrecked cars right-side up and push them to the side of the road.

  1. Flip a 300# tire
  2. 25 Meter Push/Pull Sled @ 300#  
--5 Rounds>>

Day 25-
  1. 5 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 5 Sit-ups
  3. 5 Jump Squats
  4. 400 Meter Sprint
  5. 400 Meter Recovery Jog
Day 26-
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats 
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT-  Crank the motors of generators for people who have lost power.

  • Throughout the day perform 100 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows on each side with 25#>>

Day 27-

5 km Running, then
  1. 10 Push-ups w/10#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/10#
  3. 10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 28-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
Continuation of the OPM Training Program from Week 3.

Call your friends, because it's time to train.
Day 22-

  1. 100 Push-ups (When you fail doing normal push-ups, immediately move to knee push-ups. When you fail at knee push-ups, immediately move to counter push-ups.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 23-
  1. 20 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 20 Med Ball Toss Sit-ups @ 4# (Toss up at the top of the sit-up and catch it before laying back down.)
  3. 20 Hindu Squats
  4. 2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 24-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Flip wrecked cars right-side up and push them to the side of the road.

  1. Flip a 300# tire
  2. 25 Meter Push/Pull Sled @ 300#  
--5 Rounds>>

Day 25-
  1. 5 Plyo Push-ups
  2. 5 Sit-ups
  3. 5 Jump Squats
  4. 400 Meter Sprint
  5. 400 Meter Recovery Jog
Day 26-
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats 
  4. 10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT-  Crank the motors of generators for people who have lost power.

  • Throughout the day perform 100 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows on each side with 25#>>

Day 27-

5 km Running, then
  1. 10 Push-ups w/10#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/10#
  3. 10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 28-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

SMASH Workout Get Ripped like Little Mac, Jump Rope | Tough Like The Too...

Get ready to burn some fat with one of my favorite exercises of all time as JaxBlade takes us through some great coaching queues for skipping rope!

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Get ready to burn some fat with one of my favorite exercises of all time as JaxBlade takes us through some great coaching queues for skipping rope!

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 3

This is a continuation of the OPM Training Program. You can find the 2nd Week here.

More of the same, but a little better all the time.
Day 15-

  1. 5 km Running
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Sit-ups
  4. 100 Squats
  5. 5 km Running
--in as few sets as possible.

<<HERO EVENT- Carry an old lady's grocery's home!
  1. 1600 Meter Farmer's Carry w/30# DBs
  2. Climb 20 Steps w/30# DBs in hands>> 

Day 16-
  1. 1 km Running
  2. 40 Push-ups
  3. 40 Sit-ups
  4. 40 Squats
  5. 2 km Running
  6. 30 Push-ups
  7. 30 Sit-ups
  8. 30 Squats
  9. 3 km Running
  10. 20 Push-ups
  11. 20 Sit-ups
  12. 20 Squats
  13. 4 km Running
  14. 10 Push-ups
  15. 10 Sit-ups
  16. 10 Squats
Day 17-

5 km Running, then
  1. 10 Wide Push-ups
  2. 10 Butterfly Sit-ups
  3. 10 Sumo Squats
  4. 500 Meter Run
--10 Rounds

  1. 5 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  2. 20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
  3. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  4. 20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
  5. 1 Minute Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork>>
Day 18-
  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 100 Meter Backpeddle
  3. 100 Meter Side Shuffle (Left)
  4. 100 Meter Side Shuffle (Right)
  5. 100 Meter Jog
  6. 5 Plyo Push-ups
  7. 5 Sit-ups
  8. 5 Jump Squats
--20 Rounds

Day 19-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT-  Save an injured construction worker from broken scaffolding.
  1. Climb 100 Total Feet of Rope or Rock Wall OR do 25 Pull-ups
  2. Hold a Deadlift in the top position w/135-225# for MAX Time 
The deadlift hold mimics lowering the man down by a rope to the bottom.>>

Day 20-

5 km Running, then
  1. 5 Push-ups w 10#
  2. 5 Push-ups w/10#
  3. 5 Squats w/10 #
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 21-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1
This is a continuation of the OPM Training Program. You can find the 2nd Week here.

More of the same, but a little better all the time.
Day 15-

  1. 5 km Running
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Sit-ups
  4. 100 Squats
  5. 5 km Running
--in as few sets as possible.

<<HERO EVENT- Carry an old lady's grocery's home!
  1. 1600 Meter Farmer's Carry w/30# DBs
  2. Climb 20 Steps w/30# DBs in hands>> 

Day 16-
  1. 1 km Running
  2. 40 Push-ups
  3. 40 Sit-ups
  4. 40 Squats
  5. 2 km Running
  6. 30 Push-ups
  7. 30 Sit-ups
  8. 30 Squats
  9. 3 km Running
  10. 20 Push-ups
  11. 20 Sit-ups
  12. 20 Squats
  13. 4 km Running
  14. 10 Push-ups
  15. 10 Sit-ups
  16. 10 Squats
Day 17-

5 km Running, then
  1. 10 Wide Push-ups
  2. 10 Butterfly Sit-ups
  3. 10 Sumo Squats
  4. 500 Meter Run
--10 Rounds

  1. 5 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  2. 20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
  3. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
  4. 20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
  5. 1 Minute Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork>>
Day 18-
  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 100 Meter Backpeddle
  3. 100 Meter Side Shuffle (Left)
  4. 100 Meter Side Shuffle (Right)
  5. 100 Meter Jog
  6. 5 Plyo Push-ups
  7. 5 Sit-ups
  8. 5 Jump Squats
--20 Rounds

Day 19-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT-  Save an injured construction worker from broken scaffolding.
  1. Climb 100 Total Feet of Rope or Rock Wall OR do 25 Pull-ups
  2. Hold a Deadlift in the top position w/135-225# for MAX Time 
The deadlift hold mimics lowering the man down by a rope to the bottom.>>

Day 20-

5 km Running, then
  1. 5 Push-ups w 10#
  2. 5 Push-ups w/10#
  3. 5 Squats w/10 #
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 21-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 2

This is the continuation of the One-Punch Man Training Program. You can find the first week here.  This week introduces "Monster Events" and "Hero Events," where you will have to perform tasks that a hero would perform to save the day. At this point, Saitama did not have the ability to OHKO bad guys, so those problems would be serious things for him to deal with at this stage in his training.

Get that grind!

Day 8-

  1. 100 Push-ups (At whatever number you fail, immediately switch to knee push-ups. When you fail there, immediately switch to counter push-ups. Finish your push-ups here in as few sets as possible.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats 
  4. 10 km Running at Easy Pace 
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Save a child from fallen rubble!
  1. Deadlift a total of 5,000# in whatever number of sets, reps, or weights. (For example, you could do a 200# Deadlift for 25 total reps, spread out between 5 sets OR you could Deadlift 250# for 20 total reps)
  2. Carry 50# Sandbag for 400 Meters (imitating carrying the child to safety)>>

Day 9- 

1. 5 km Running, then 
  • 10 Push-ups w/5# (Vest or Backpack)
  • 10 Sit-ups w/5# (Dumbell or Plate)
  • 10 Squats w/5# (Dumbbell or Vest)
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

2. 5 km Running

Day 10-
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 11-
  1. 10 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 10 Close Stance Squats
  4. 20 Close Push-ups
  5. 20 Sit-ups w/10#
  6. 20 Hindu Squats
  7. 30 Push-ups
  8. 30 Sit-ups w/5#
  9. 30 Squats
  10. 40 Wide Push-ups
  11. 40 Sit-ups
  12. 40 Sumo Squats
  13. 10 km Running at Easy Pace
<<MONSTER EVENT-  10 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bag Work >>

Day 12-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 13-
  1. 400 Meter Run x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  2. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  3. 200 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  4. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  5. 100 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  6. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  7. 50 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
  8. 10 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  9. 25 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
  10. 6125 Meters Running at Easy Pace
Day 14-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
This is the continuation of the One-Punch Man Training Program. You can find the first week here.  This week introduces "Monster Events" and "Hero Events," where you will have to perform tasks that a hero would perform to save the day. At this point, Saitama did not have the ability to OHKO bad guys, so those problems would be serious things for him to deal with at this stage in his training.

Get that grind!

Day 8-

  1. 100 Push-ups (At whatever number you fail, immediately switch to knee push-ups. When you fail there, immediately switch to counter push-ups. Finish your push-ups here in as few sets as possible.)
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats 
  4. 10 km Running at Easy Pace 
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Save a child from fallen rubble!
  1. Deadlift a total of 5,000# in whatever number of sets, reps, or weights. (For example, you could do a 200# Deadlift for 25 total reps, spread out between 5 sets OR you could Deadlift 250# for 20 total reps)
  2. Carry 50# Sandbag for 400 Meters (imitating carrying the child to safety)>>

Day 9- 

1. 5 km Running, then 
  • 10 Push-ups w/5# (Vest or Backpack)
  • 10 Sit-ups w/5# (Dumbell or Plate)
  • 10 Squats w/5# (Dumbbell or Vest)
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

2. 5 km Running

Day 10-
  1. 100 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Close Stance Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 11-
  1. 10 Diamond Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/15#
  3. 10 Close Stance Squats
  4. 20 Close Push-ups
  5. 20 Sit-ups w/10#
  6. 20 Hindu Squats
  7. 30 Push-ups
  8. 30 Sit-ups w/5#
  9. 30 Squats
  10. 40 Wide Push-ups
  11. 40 Sit-ups
  12. 40 Sumo Squats
  13. 10 km Running at Easy Pace
<<MONSTER EVENT-  10 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bag Work >>

Day 12-
  1. 100 Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups
  3. 100 Squats
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 13-
  1. 400 Meter Run x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  2. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  3. 200 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  4. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  5. 100 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
  6. 30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  7. 50 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
  8. 10 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
  9. 25 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
  10. 6125 Meters Running at Easy Pace
Day 14-

Same as Day 7 from Week 1.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

One Punch Man Workout Master Post

Saitama's Training (Video)
Superhero Registry Exam Workout

One-Punch Man Training Program

  1. Week 1
  2. Week 2
  3. Week 3
  4. Week 4
  5. Week 5
  6. Week 6
  7. Week 7
  8. Week 8
  9. Week 9
  10. Week 10
  11. Week 11

Workouts will be added to this list as they are completed/I have time to add them. 
Saitama's Training (Video)
Superhero Registry Exam Workout

One-Punch Man Training Program

  1. Week 1
  2. Week 2
  3. Week 3
  4. Week 4
  5. Week 5
  6. Week 6
  7. Week 7
  8. Week 8
  9. Week 9
  10. Week 10
  11. Week 11

Workouts will be added to this list as they are completed/I have time to add them. 
reade more... Résuméabuiyad