
The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

After the 7 year timeskip, the Fairy Tail crew goes off to train for The Grand Magic Games, which will determine the #1 Guild in the country! However, very little training gets done thanks to a little bit of a mishap with the passage of time in the Celestial Spirit Realm. This workout is based on what little training Natsu actually gets done before the event.

The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

  1. Swim 100 Meters (Sprint!)
  2. 100 Meter Sled/Tire Pull (Sprint!)
--AMRAP in a day

  • You don't have to do the rounds back to back, but you do need to do the Sled Pull right after the swim. 
  • Both of these things should be sprinting activities. You need to do them as fast as you possibly can. 
  • It might help to do several rounds early in the day, a few in the afternoon, and some more in the evening. It will be difficult to continue to move through the rounds over and over because of the nature of the exercises. You can't keep a sprint going over and over again, because you will not have the strength to move at that speed continually. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

After the 7 year timeskip, the Fairy Tail crew goes off to train for The Grand Magic Games, which will determine the #1 Guild in the country! However, very little training gets done thanks to a little bit of a mishap with the passage of time in the Celestial Spirit Realm. This workout is based on what little training Natsu actually gets done before the event.

The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

  1. Swim 100 Meters (Sprint!)
  2. 100 Meter Sled/Tire Pull (Sprint!)
--AMRAP in a day

  • You don't have to do the rounds back to back, but you do need to do the Sled Pull right after the swim. 
  • Both of these things should be sprinting activities. You need to do them as fast as you possibly can. 
  • It might help to do several rounds early in the day, a few in the afternoon, and some more in the evening. It will be difficult to continue to move through the rounds over and over because of the nature of the exercises. You can't keep a sprint going over and over again, because you will not have the strength to move at that speed continually. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur

Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur 


  1. 50 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 50 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
--5 Rounds 

  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 16 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Venusaur (wearing a 25# weighted vest or backpack)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 32 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Mega Venusaur Add-on (If you are able to complete the Venusaur workout in its entirety without stopping, you can do this to finish up your workout)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Yard Reverse Bear Crawl


  • You may not advance to the next level of the workout until you are capable of completing the workout in its entirety without rest. 
  • Short video with a bunch of Battle Rope drills. You can find the ones in the workout on here, as well. The only difference is that on the "squat-stance" portion, you are just sitting in the bottom of the squat, instead of going up and down. 
  • For the bear crawl, go onto all fours, keeping your butt in the air and a great deal of your weight on your palms. You left hand moves forward, followed by your right leg, then your right hand and then your left leg, so that you should always have three points of contact with the ground. 
  • For the frog hop, you will squat down, with your feet wide and your palms on the ground in front of you. You will hold yourself on your hands as your feet hop up to come even with your hands. Then, you will reach out in front of you with your hands and repeat. At no point should both your hands and your feet be off the ground at the same time. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur 


  1. 50 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 50 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
--5 Rounds 

  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 16 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Venusaur (wearing a 25# weighted vest or backpack)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 32 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Mega Venusaur Add-on (If you are able to complete the Venusaur workout in its entirety without stopping, you can do this to finish up your workout)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Yard Reverse Bear Crawl


  • You may not advance to the next level of the workout until you are capable of completing the workout in its entirety without rest. 
  • Short video with a bunch of Battle Rope drills. You can find the ones in the workout on here, as well. The only difference is that on the "squat-stance" portion, you are just sitting in the bottom of the squat, instead of going up and down. 
  • For the bear crawl, go onto all fours, keeping your butt in the air and a great deal of your weight on your palms. You left hand moves forward, followed by your right leg, then your right hand and then your left leg, so that you should always have three points of contact with the ground. 
  • For the frog hop, you will squat down, with your feet wide and your palms on the ground in front of you. You will hold yourself on your hands as your feet hop up to come even with your hands. Then, you will reach out in front of you with your hands and repeat. At no point should both your hands and your feet be off the ground at the same time. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout (Fairy Tail)

After the guild is destroyed by the Phantom Lord Guild, all the members of Fairy Tail pitch in to help rebuild the guild building. There's a lot of lifting and carrying going on in the midst of construction and that is what this workout hopes to mimic.

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout

1. "Lumber Carry" Barbell Complex

  1. Deadlift
  2. Clean
  3. Front Squat
  4. Push Press
  5. Back Squat
  6. Barbell Lunge
  7. Barbell Yoke Carry- 50 Meters
  8. Push Press
--10 to 20 Rounds

2. "Bucket Carry" Dumbbell Complex, increasing weight
  1. 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  2. 100 Meter Run
--5 to 10 Rounds

3. 200 Sledgehammer Swings

  • The Barbell Complex is only one rep of each exercise. You'll approach the bar, bend down and do a Deadlift, sit the bar down (but don't let it go) and immediately go into a full Clean. After the Clean, do a Front Squat (the bar racked on your chest and delts). At the top of the Front Squat, bend your knees and hips slightly and use the momentum from the upward movement of your legs to help you press the weight completely overhead for the Push Press. From the overhead position, bring the weight down on your shoulders and do a Back Squat. From the Back Squat, perform a Barbell Lunge on each leg. Next walk 50 meters with the weight still on your shoulders. At the end of the 50 meters, perform another Push Press from the bars current position. You may either bring the weight down to your chest and reverse the motion of the clean to put the bar back down or you may just drop the weight in front of you (but make sure you are out of the way). Repeat 10 to 20 times depending on your fitness. 
  • The limiting factor as far as weight goes for the Barbell Complex will most likely be the Push Press. Starting with 45-95# is probably a good place to begin. 
  • The Dumbbell Complex will require several increasingly heavier DBs or a set of varying weight dumbbells. You'll pick up the first set of dumbbell and walk 100 meters, then set them down and jog 100 meters back to the start. Then, you'll pick up the next set of DBs and do the next set. For instance, the complex may work like this: 15#, 25#, 35#, 45#, 55#. 
  • Ideally, you should be swinging the sledgehammer down onto a tire. If sledgehammer swings get too easy at the end of your workout, use a heavier hammer. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
After the guild is destroyed by the Phantom Lord Guild, all the members of Fairy Tail pitch in to help rebuild the guild building. There's a lot of lifting and carrying going on in the midst of construction and that is what this workout hopes to mimic.

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout

1. "Lumber Carry" Barbell Complex

  1. Deadlift
  2. Clean
  3. Front Squat
  4. Push Press
  5. Back Squat
  6. Barbell Lunge
  7. Barbell Yoke Carry- 50 Meters
  8. Push Press
--10 to 20 Rounds

2. "Bucket Carry" Dumbbell Complex, increasing weight
  1. 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  2. 100 Meter Run
--5 to 10 Rounds

3. 200 Sledgehammer Swings

  • The Barbell Complex is only one rep of each exercise. You'll approach the bar, bend down and do a Deadlift, sit the bar down (but don't let it go) and immediately go into a full Clean. After the Clean, do a Front Squat (the bar racked on your chest and delts). At the top of the Front Squat, bend your knees and hips slightly and use the momentum from the upward movement of your legs to help you press the weight completely overhead for the Push Press. From the overhead position, bring the weight down on your shoulders and do a Back Squat. From the Back Squat, perform a Barbell Lunge on each leg. Next walk 50 meters with the weight still on your shoulders. At the end of the 50 meters, perform another Push Press from the bars current position. You may either bring the weight down to your chest and reverse the motion of the clean to put the bar back down or you may just drop the weight in front of you (but make sure you are out of the way). Repeat 10 to 20 times depending on your fitness. 
  • The limiting factor as far as weight goes for the Barbell Complex will most likely be the Push Press. Starting with 45-95# is probably a good place to begin. 
  • The Dumbbell Complex will require several increasingly heavier DBs or a set of varying weight dumbbells. You'll pick up the first set of dumbbell and walk 100 meters, then set them down and jog 100 meters back to the start. Then, you'll pick up the next set of DBs and do the next set. For instance, the complex may work like this: 15#, 25#, 35#, 45#, 55#. 
  • Ideally, you should be swinging the sledgehammer down onto a tire. If sledgehammer swings get too easy at the end of your workout, use a heavier hammer. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

This workout is based solely on what it would take to make you a Pokemon trainer on a world-wide journey. It's an endurance workout utilizing a few different kinds of training. It starts out slow and gradually adds things, just like the game. You'll be walking, running, hiking, climbing a little, and swimming. However, the workouts are not exactly just doing what you would do on a journey, but also what it would take to get your prepared for that daily grind. The first workout is that preparation.

That's a long-ass way to walk, if you ask me. 

Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

  1. Walk 1 Mile OR Cycle 2 Miles
  2. Deadlift, Squat, OR Clean- 5 x 5 Reps
  3. 30 Step-ups on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  4. 1 Minute Plank
  5. Dumbbell Shrugs- 5 x 5 Reps
  6. 30 Step-downs on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  7. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  8. 30 Push-ups
  9. 30 Lunges w/Rotation (each side)
  10. 1 Minute Plank
  11. 5 x 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  12. 30 Squats
  13. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  • For the bodyweight exercises, when you can do all 30 reps without stopping, it's time to add weight in the form of a weighted vest, a backpack, or dumbbells. Try 10# at a time to begin with.
  • The weights are at the beginning of the workout to make sure that you're able to lift as much as possible. Remember to go up in weight if you are able to complete all five sets. You can either pick a weight and stay there for each set or go up after each one. I recommend starting a little lighter and adding weight, so that at the end, the 5th rep is the last possible rep you could have done. 
  • For the step-ups, make sure both feet make it to the top of the bench before you step down. You can alternate legs each rep or just power through one side and then do the other. 
  • The step-downs start from the top of the bench or box. You'll bend your knee, allowing your other foot to go toward the floor. As soon as the foot touches the floor, press with the leg on the bench or box and come back to standing.
  • On DB shrugs, just hold a weight in each hand and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.
  • This workout is useful for building your leg and back strength and core endurance, so that you can stay strong during runs, hikes, and long days out biking or swimming. 
  • When you lunge forward, rotate over the leg that is stepping out, making sure to keep your body straight up and down and turning as far as you can over that leg. Reverse the twist as you come back to standing.
  • Start light on the farmer's walk and work your way up. You should be relatively spent at this point. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
This workout is based solely on what it would take to make you a Pokemon trainer on a world-wide journey. It's an endurance workout utilizing a few different kinds of training. It starts out slow and gradually adds things, just like the game. You'll be walking, running, hiking, climbing a little, and swimming. However, the workouts are not exactly just doing what you would do on a journey, but also what it would take to get your prepared for that daily grind. The first workout is that preparation.

That's a long-ass way to walk, if you ask me. 

Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

  1. Walk 1 Mile OR Cycle 2 Miles
  2. Deadlift, Squat, OR Clean- 5 x 5 Reps
  3. 30 Step-ups on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  4. 1 Minute Plank
  5. Dumbbell Shrugs- 5 x 5 Reps
  6. 30 Step-downs on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  7. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  8. 30 Push-ups
  9. 30 Lunges w/Rotation (each side)
  10. 1 Minute Plank
  11. 5 x 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  12. 30 Squats
  13. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  • For the bodyweight exercises, when you can do all 30 reps without stopping, it's time to add weight in the form of a weighted vest, a backpack, or dumbbells. Try 10# at a time to begin with.
  • The weights are at the beginning of the workout to make sure that you're able to lift as much as possible. Remember to go up in weight if you are able to complete all five sets. You can either pick a weight and stay there for each set or go up after each one. I recommend starting a little lighter and adding weight, so that at the end, the 5th rep is the last possible rep you could have done. 
  • For the step-ups, make sure both feet make it to the top of the bench before you step down. You can alternate legs each rep or just power through one side and then do the other. 
  • The step-downs start from the top of the bench or box. You'll bend your knee, allowing your other foot to go toward the floor. As soon as the foot touches the floor, press with the leg on the bench or box and come back to standing.
  • On DB shrugs, just hold a weight in each hand and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.
  • This workout is useful for building your leg and back strength and core endurance, so that you can stay strong during runs, hikes, and long days out biking or swimming. 
  • When you lunge forward, rotate over the leg that is stepping out, making sure to keep your body straight up and down and turning as far as you can over that leg. Reverse the twist as you come back to standing.
  • Start light on the farmer's walk and work your way up. You should be relatively spent at this point. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

In the anime, there is a filler arc where Rock Lee is shown running for days at a time and he ends up almost dying, but is given some amazing curry and brought back to the realm of the living. This workout is about the mental toughness to push yourself further and further and to move forward, even if you're just barely moving at all.

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

-Run X+1 Miles.  X= The # of time you've completed the workout.


  • You'll start with 1 mile the first time you do the workout. After that, you'll do 2 miles. If you complete 2, then run 3. If you complete 3, then run 4. This continues for as long as you can handle it. 
  • I would avoid doing this workout every day, because it's a very quick way to over train due to the ever increasing distance. 
  • For longer distances, make sure that you are consuming enough water and carbohydrates. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour or so when you are running or working out continuously. 
  • If you are going to be running very long distances, make sure that you wear decent clothing that is not going to chafe, as well as possibly a phone and money for emergency purposes. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
In the anime, there is a filler arc where Rock Lee is shown running for days at a time and he ends up almost dying, but is given some amazing curry and brought back to the realm of the living. This workout is about the mental toughness to push yourself further and further and to move forward, even if you're just barely moving at all.

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

-Run X+1 Miles.  X= The # of time you've completed the workout.


  • You'll start with 1 mile the first time you do the workout. After that, you'll do 2 miles. If you complete 2, then run 3. If you complete 3, then run 4. This continues for as long as you can handle it. 
  • I would avoid doing this workout every day, because it's a very quick way to over train due to the ever increasing distance. 
  • For longer distances, make sure that you are consuming enough water and carbohydrates. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour or so when you are running or working out continuously. 
  • If you are going to be running very long distances, make sure that you wear decent clothing that is not going to chafe, as well as possibly a phone and money for emergency purposes. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad