
Shingeki no Kyojin: Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

The cadets in SNK (Attack on Titan) have a lot to deal with and need to have to strength to handle extremely dangerous situations if they are going to be able to save themselves, their comrades, and humanity from the bellies of the Titans. This workout (the first of three) will build a baseline of strength for the movement and skill training the cadets will have to undergo before splitting into the Scouting Division, the Stationary Division, and the Military Police. The requirements to be a member of these divisions include using 3D Gear, running and climbing with weight, carrying fellow teammates, and fighting with various weapons.

Hip and core strength would be massively important in the operation of the 3D Gear, so there will be a large emphasis on developing these.

We're gonna need a lot more hip strength, here, guys.

Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Dips
  3. 5 Depth Jumps
  4. 5 Sandbag/Log Overhead Presses
  5. 10 Push-ups
  6. 10 Sit-ups
  7. 10 Jump Squats
  8. 10 Sandbag/Log Cleans
  9. 15 Hip Thrusts
  10. 15 Plank Lifts
  11. 15 Side Plank Lifts
  12. 15 Sandbag/Log Deadlifts
  13. 30 Second Straight Bridge
  14. 30 Second Plank
  15. 30 Second Side Plank
  16. 30 Second Sandbag Drag
--5 Rounds

  • The pull-ups can be any grip you like. Actually, I would recommend changing your grip, just so you can train pulling in different ways. You can even change in between rounds. If you can't do pull-ups, you could even do jumping pull-ups, where you jump up while holding the bar to utilize momentum in the pull. Make sure to use a full range of motion, even to the point of doing chest-to-bar pull-ups. 
  • The dips can be close or wide, but you should always go as deep as you can and have a full lock out at the top of the movement. 
  • For a depth jump, you'll start with about a 12 inch box or step. You take a step off and the simultaneously land with both feet, dropping your hips into a partial squat to absorb the shock of the fall. You don't really jump off, you just step. After a few successful workouts, add a few inches to the exercise. This is very good for training your ability to absorb force on a jump, which will translate to better rebound in jumping. 
  • The sandbag or log should be relatively heavy, because you're only doing five reps, but be careful not the drop it on your head. If you feel like you are going to drop the weight, just let it go and get out of the way. 
  • On any of the bodyweight movements, if they become too easy, add a weighted vest to the workout. 
  • Your jump squats only require your feet to come off the ground. You don't have to jump very high, although you can if you want to. It might be good to do high jump squats every few attempts of this workout. 
  • The basic mechanics of the clean start out like a deadlift, but once the weight hits mid-thigh, you use a hip pop, a shoulder shrug, and a high-pull (like an upright row) to pull the weight as high as possible, before diving into a squat underneath it and shooting your elbows forward and underneath the weight so that it rests on the fronts of your shoulders. You should be in a full squat at the bottom and then, to end the movement, you drive your hips forward to lift the weight. You may drop the weight from here to start the next rep or reverse the motion to go back down. With the sandbag, you'll be gripping the outside of the bag, so you'll get some good grip training from it. With the log, you'll have to modify your technique by using an alternating grip (one hand over the top, one under it) and then getting both hands underneath it during the pop/shrug/pull portion of the lift. 
  • For the hip thrusts, you will lay flat on the ground, with your knees bent and feet up towards your butt, flat on the ground. From this position, you will drive your hips up, pushing your feet and your shoulders into the ground. The top of the position should have your torso and legs from shoulders to your knees in as straight a line as possible. 
  • For plank lifts, begin on your hands or forearms in a basic plank position, remembering to keep your body straight and hips neutral. From this position, you will drop your hips to the floor slowly and then, once they touch, reverse the motion to return to the neutral position. 
  • Side plank lifts are performed the same way as plank lifts, but just in the side plank position. 
  • You should make sure you have the sandbag or log as close to your legs as possible on the deadlift. From this position, squat down with your head up and your back straight. Your upper body will lean forward to counter balance you. Keep your arms straight, think about pushing your heels through the floor and driving your hips forward. The motion for the deadlift comes from the hips. Don't focus on anything else. Grasp the weight, plant your feet, tighten your core and DRIVE your hips! At the top of the movement, lock your hips forward and your shoulders back. Be careful not to bend your arms or shrug. Reverse the movement in the same exact fashion, keep everything tight and release the weight down while pushing your hips back. 
  • The straight bridge is performed by propping yourself up on your hands and the bottom of your heels, while keeping your hips up and your body in a straight line. It is the opposite of a plank. 
  • For the sandbag drag, you can pull it in any way you like-- walking backwards, forwards, sideways, one armed, under your legs or whatever way you can think. 
The cadets in SNK (Attack on Titan) have a lot to deal with and need to have to strength to handle extremely dangerous situations if they are going to be able to save themselves, their comrades, and humanity from the bellies of the Titans. This workout (the first of three) will build a baseline of strength for the movement and skill training the cadets will have to undergo before splitting into the Scouting Division, the Stationary Division, and the Military Police. The requirements to be a member of these divisions include using 3D Gear, running and climbing with weight, carrying fellow teammates, and fighting with various weapons.

Hip and core strength would be massively important in the operation of the 3D Gear, so there will be a large emphasis on developing these.

We're gonna need a lot more hip strength, here, guys.

Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Dips
  3. 5 Depth Jumps
  4. 5 Sandbag/Log Overhead Presses
  5. 10 Push-ups
  6. 10 Sit-ups
  7. 10 Jump Squats
  8. 10 Sandbag/Log Cleans
  9. 15 Hip Thrusts
  10. 15 Plank Lifts
  11. 15 Side Plank Lifts
  12. 15 Sandbag/Log Deadlifts
  13. 30 Second Straight Bridge
  14. 30 Second Plank
  15. 30 Second Side Plank
  16. 30 Second Sandbag Drag
--5 Rounds

  • The pull-ups can be any grip you like. Actually, I would recommend changing your grip, just so you can train pulling in different ways. You can even change in between rounds. If you can't do pull-ups, you could even do jumping pull-ups, where you jump up while holding the bar to utilize momentum in the pull. Make sure to use a full range of motion, even to the point of doing chest-to-bar pull-ups. 
  • The dips can be close or wide, but you should always go as deep as you can and have a full lock out at the top of the movement. 
  • For a depth jump, you'll start with about a 12 inch box or step. You take a step off and the simultaneously land with both feet, dropping your hips into a partial squat to absorb the shock of the fall. You don't really jump off, you just step. After a few successful workouts, add a few inches to the exercise. This is very good for training your ability to absorb force on a jump, which will translate to better rebound in jumping. 
  • The sandbag or log should be relatively heavy, because you're only doing five reps, but be careful not the drop it on your head. If you feel like you are going to drop the weight, just let it go and get out of the way. 
  • On any of the bodyweight movements, if they become too easy, add a weighted vest to the workout. 
  • Your jump squats only require your feet to come off the ground. You don't have to jump very high, although you can if you want to. It might be good to do high jump squats every few attempts of this workout. 
  • The basic mechanics of the clean start out like a deadlift, but once the weight hits mid-thigh, you use a hip pop, a shoulder shrug, and a high-pull (like an upright row) to pull the weight as high as possible, before diving into a squat underneath it and shooting your elbows forward and underneath the weight so that it rests on the fronts of your shoulders. You should be in a full squat at the bottom and then, to end the movement, you drive your hips forward to lift the weight. You may drop the weight from here to start the next rep or reverse the motion to go back down. With the sandbag, you'll be gripping the outside of the bag, so you'll get some good grip training from it. With the log, you'll have to modify your technique by using an alternating grip (one hand over the top, one under it) and then getting both hands underneath it during the pop/shrug/pull portion of the lift. 
  • For the hip thrusts, you will lay flat on the ground, with your knees bent and feet up towards your butt, flat on the ground. From this position, you will drive your hips up, pushing your feet and your shoulders into the ground. The top of the position should have your torso and legs from shoulders to your knees in as straight a line as possible. 
  • For plank lifts, begin on your hands or forearms in a basic plank position, remembering to keep your body straight and hips neutral. From this position, you will drop your hips to the floor slowly and then, once they touch, reverse the motion to return to the neutral position. 
  • Side plank lifts are performed the same way as plank lifts, but just in the side plank position. 
  • You should make sure you have the sandbag or log as close to your legs as possible on the deadlift. From this position, squat down with your head up and your back straight. Your upper body will lean forward to counter balance you. Keep your arms straight, think about pushing your heels through the floor and driving your hips forward. The motion for the deadlift comes from the hips. Don't focus on anything else. Grasp the weight, plant your feet, tighten your core and DRIVE your hips! At the top of the movement, lock your hips forward and your shoulders back. Be careful not to bend your arms or shrug. Reverse the movement in the same exact fashion, keep everything tight and release the weight down while pushing your hips back. 
  • The straight bridge is performed by propping yourself up on your hands and the bottom of your heels, while keeping your hips up and your body in a straight line. It is the opposite of a plank. 
  • For the sandbag drag, you can pull it in any way you like-- walking backwards, forwards, sideways, one armed, under your legs or whatever way you can think. 
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Gene Starwind's Training

Gene Starwind runs a jack-of-all-trades business, taking any job he can get. In the story, he comes across a ship, taking him out into space and forcing him to butt heads with a variety of opponents and pushing him into a lot of dangerous situations. This workout is designed to mimic the types of activities that Gene would have to do (and is seen doing) during the course of the series.

Gene Starwind's Training

  1. Headbutt- 10+ Strikes to Heavy Bag
  2. Dodging (Single)- 3 Hits  
  3. Sprinting- 100 Meters
  4. Dodging (Multiple)- 3 Hits
  5. Hurdles- 100 Meters 
  6. Head Movement Practice (Weaving)- 1 Minute
  7. Heavy Bagwork- 1 Minute
  8. 24-32" Box Jumps- 20 Jumps
  9. 10 Forward Rolls (each side) 
--5 Rounds, then
  • Long-Range Accuracy Training- Using a ball, shuriken, knife, or even a gun (don't use any real weapons unless you have been specifically instructed in their use. In cases where you are using real weaponry, it is best that you go to a location specifically designed for their use, like a shooting range. No definite time for practice, but 30-60 minutes is a good length if you aren't sure what to do. 

  • With the headbutts, you should start very light and only hit with the very top of your forehead or the top of your head, where it is the hardest. What "10+" means is that you will start with 10 the first time you do the workout and then add one more strike every time you do the workout after that. You'll be doing a total of 50 strikes the first time you do the workout, anyway. 
  • Single Dodging just means you have one thing being thrown at you. Since it's only one thing, a larger projectile, such as a dodgeball, soccerball, or something of the sort would be a good choice. You will continue dodging until you are hit three times. After that, move on to the next part of the workout. You can have one person just throwing it at you, in which case your back should be against a wall or you can be in the middle of a few people as they toss it at you. 
  • Try to go all out on the sprint. 
  • Multiple Dodging is dodging several projectiles. The best option here is probably tennis balls because you are not likely to hurt yourself. Once again, you can have one person throwing them at you with your back against a wall or a group surrounding you. 
  • Hurdling requires a lot of technique and, well, hurdles. If you have neither, then you may just want to settle on trying to clear a few obstacles along a running path. Jumping over a small fence or climbing up a wall would be sufficient. If you actually have access to hurdles and the have the skill to hurdle, you can do that, too. 
  • With the head movement drill, you'll need someone to throw punches at your head (slowly at first), while you dodge them. They can be standing in front of you or mounted on top of you. Either way, start slow and progress slowly. You don't really want to get hit in the face. Honestly, it's best if you have mats and both of you wear gear as well: gloves, mouthpiece, and headgear.
  • You can throw whatever strikes you want for the bagwork. 
  • On the box jumps, you need to make sure that once you jump on the box, you stand all the way up before you jump or step back down.
  • The forward rolls will be from one shoulder down to the opposite hip, making your body into as much of a circle as you can to turn the downward force of gravity into forward motion. If you are not used to rolling, start on mats or sand and then you can eventually move to harder surfaces once you have the technique down. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Gene Starwind runs a jack-of-all-trades business, taking any job he can get. In the story, he comes across a ship, taking him out into space and forcing him to butt heads with a variety of opponents and pushing him into a lot of dangerous situations. This workout is designed to mimic the types of activities that Gene would have to do (and is seen doing) during the course of the series.

Gene Starwind's Training

  1. Headbutt- 10+ Strikes to Heavy Bag
  2. Dodging (Single)- 3 Hits  
  3. Sprinting- 100 Meters
  4. Dodging (Multiple)- 3 Hits
  5. Hurdles- 100 Meters 
  6. Head Movement Practice (Weaving)- 1 Minute
  7. Heavy Bagwork- 1 Minute
  8. 24-32" Box Jumps- 20 Jumps
  9. 10 Forward Rolls (each side) 
--5 Rounds, then
  • Long-Range Accuracy Training- Using a ball, shuriken, knife, or even a gun (don't use any real weapons unless you have been specifically instructed in their use. In cases where you are using real weaponry, it is best that you go to a location specifically designed for their use, like a shooting range. No definite time for practice, but 30-60 minutes is a good length if you aren't sure what to do. 

  • With the headbutts, you should start very light and only hit with the very top of your forehead or the top of your head, where it is the hardest. What "10+" means is that you will start with 10 the first time you do the workout and then add one more strike every time you do the workout after that. You'll be doing a total of 50 strikes the first time you do the workout, anyway. 
  • Single Dodging just means you have one thing being thrown at you. Since it's only one thing, a larger projectile, such as a dodgeball, soccerball, or something of the sort would be a good choice. You will continue dodging until you are hit three times. After that, move on to the next part of the workout. You can have one person just throwing it at you, in which case your back should be against a wall or you can be in the middle of a few people as they toss it at you. 
  • Try to go all out on the sprint. 
  • Multiple Dodging is dodging several projectiles. The best option here is probably tennis balls because you are not likely to hurt yourself. Once again, you can have one person throwing them at you with your back against a wall or a group surrounding you. 
  • Hurdling requires a lot of technique and, well, hurdles. If you have neither, then you may just want to settle on trying to clear a few obstacles along a running path. Jumping over a small fence or climbing up a wall would be sufficient. If you actually have access to hurdles and the have the skill to hurdle, you can do that, too. 
  • With the head movement drill, you'll need someone to throw punches at your head (slowly at first), while you dodge them. They can be standing in front of you or mounted on top of you. Either way, start slow and progress slowly. You don't really want to get hit in the face. Honestly, it's best if you have mats and both of you wear gear as well: gloves, mouthpiece, and headgear.
  • You can throw whatever strikes you want for the bagwork. 
  • On the box jumps, you need to make sure that once you jump on the box, you stand all the way up before you jump or step back down.
  • The forward rolls will be from one shoulder down to the opposite hip, making your body into as much of a circle as you can to turn the downward force of gravity into forward motion. If you are not used to rolling, start on mats or sand and then you can eventually move to harder surfaces once you have the technique down. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Luffy's New World Training (One Piece)

After the showdown at the end of the Marineford Arc, Luffy and the others go off a two year training journey, each to different locations. Luffy trains in the wilderness with the help of Rayleigh, attaining new levels of power and ability by mastering his Haki. This workout is based on that training time.

Luffy's New World Training

Strength and Conditioning
  1. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  2. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters
  3. Muscle-ups- MAX REPS
  4. 100 Meter Sprint
  5. Full Power Push-ups- MAX REPS
  6. 100 Meter Sprint
  7. High Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  8. 100 Meter Sprint
  9. Long Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  10. 100 Meter Sprint
  11. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  12. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters

Combat Skills
  1. Full Power Striking to Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  2. All-out Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  3. Stick Dodging- 5 Minutes
  4. Tennis Ball Dodging- 5 Minutes
  5. Target Practice - 5 Minutes
  6. Sparring- 3 x 5 Minutes
  • For the stone lifts and the stone carry, you'll try to lift whatever stone you have as high as you possibly can, with the eventual goal being locking the weight out directly overhead. The heavier the stone or weight is the less likely you will be to raise it to full lockout and that's okay. We're looking for a weight that's very heavy to begin with so you can gradually build up your strength over time. During the stone carry, you may carry the stone or weight however is most comfortable for you. 
  • For stick dodging you will need some sort of padded stick, or you can actually use a real stick if you are okay with getting hit (not really recommended, but I can't stop some people). All of the strikes will be swings, so do not have your partner thrust at you. The swings will come down or across and will be aimed at the head, in which case you will either move your head to the left or right or duck. Please, please, please begin slowly.
  • For target practice, you can use a speed bag, focus mitts, a tennis ball hanging from a string, several tennis balls thrown at you, a double end bag or anything else that is difficult to strike. You'll want to throw as many types of strikes at the particular target as possible. 
  • For sparring, you can go against one or multiple opponents, but if you are new to sparring, please go slow and hit softer. You will want to use gear, such as headgear, a mouthpiece, a cup, gloves, and shin guards in order to protect yourself during sparring. The main purpose of sparring is skill development. This is no time to get injured. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
After the showdown at the end of the Marineford Arc, Luffy and the others go off a two year training journey, each to different locations. Luffy trains in the wilderness with the help of Rayleigh, attaining new levels of power and ability by mastering his Haki. This workout is based on that training time.

Luffy's New World Training

Strength and Conditioning
  1. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  2. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters
  3. Muscle-ups- MAX REPS
  4. 100 Meter Sprint
  5. Full Power Push-ups- MAX REPS
  6. 100 Meter Sprint
  7. High Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  8. 100 Meter Sprint
  9. Long Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  10. 100 Meter Sprint
  11. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  12. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters

Combat Skills
  1. Full Power Striking to Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  2. All-out Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  3. Stick Dodging- 5 Minutes
  4. Tennis Ball Dodging- 5 Minutes
  5. Target Practice - 5 Minutes
  6. Sparring- 3 x 5 Minutes
  • For the stone lifts and the stone carry, you'll try to lift whatever stone you have as high as you possibly can, with the eventual goal being locking the weight out directly overhead. The heavier the stone or weight is the less likely you will be to raise it to full lockout and that's okay. We're looking for a weight that's very heavy to begin with so you can gradually build up your strength over time. During the stone carry, you may carry the stone or weight however is most comfortable for you. 
  • For stick dodging you will need some sort of padded stick, or you can actually use a real stick if you are okay with getting hit (not really recommended, but I can't stop some people). All of the strikes will be swings, so do not have your partner thrust at you. The swings will come down or across and will be aimed at the head, in which case you will either move your head to the left or right or duck. Please, please, please begin slowly.
  • For target practice, you can use a speed bag, focus mitts, a tennis ball hanging from a string, several tennis balls thrown at you, a double end bag or anything else that is difficult to strike. You'll want to throw as many types of strikes at the particular target as possible. 
  • For sparring, you can go against one or multiple opponents, but if you are new to sparring, please go slow and hit softer. You will want to use gear, such as headgear, a mouthpiece, a cup, gloves, and shin guards in order to protect yourself during sparring. The main purpose of sparring is skill development. This is no time to get injured. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout (Fairy Tail)

Natsu Dragneel is a Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Slayer. Meaning he kills dragons.

Well, to be fair, he hasn't actually killed a dragon yet. He was just taught Dragon Slaying Magic from his Dragon foster father, Igneel. He has a massive amount of power, strength, and endurance and... oh, yeah-- he can breathe fire. (Plus he has amazing abs!)

This workout was inspired by the "Fire Dragon's Roar" technique and the concept of breathing fire.

Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout

  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 1 Minute Plank
  3. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
--AMRAP until plank fails

  • You should push yourself on the sprints. It should be 80-90% speed on these.
  • Essentially, you will continue on this workout until you fail to reach 1 Minute on either plank or side plank. If you fail, you should still complete that round, meaning that you do the full minute on each of the exercises, but you should not do another round after that.
  • The workout is called "Breath of Fire," because after a couple of rounds, you'll be breathing extremely hard, especially while trying to hold the plank. It will sound like you are trying to breathe fire. :D
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

Natsu Dragneel is a Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Slayer. Meaning he kills dragons.

Well, to be fair, he hasn't actually killed a dragon yet. He was just taught Dragon Slaying Magic from his Dragon foster father, Igneel. He has a massive amount of power, strength, and endurance and... oh, yeah-- he can breathe fire. (Plus he has amazing abs!)

This workout was inspired by the "Fire Dragon's Roar" technique and the concept of breathing fire.

Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout

  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 1 Minute Plank
  3. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
--AMRAP until plank fails

  • You should push yourself on the sprints. It should be 80-90% speed on these.
  • Essentially, you will continue on this workout until you fail to reach 1 Minute on either plank or side plank. If you fail, you should still complete that round, meaning that you do the full minute on each of the exercises, but you should not do another round after that.
  • The workout is called "Breath of Fire," because after a couple of rounds, you'll be breathing extremely hard, especially while trying to hold the plank. It will sound like you are trying to breathe fire. :D
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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MMA Conditioning Video

This video has a lot of older clips in it. Love seeing all of this together!

This video has a lot of older clips in it. Love seeing all of this together!

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