
Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

Ogata is amazingly versatile in his martial arts. He can grapple just as well as he strikes and he possesses all manner of inventive techniques in each type of discipline he engages in.  This workout, while not giving you the martial skills of Kensei, will help cultivate the attributes that he possesses as a martial artist: balance, toughness, flexibility, and strength.

Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

  1. Round Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  2. Nukite (Spear Hand) into Sand*- 100 each side
  3. Side Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  4. Short Power Strikes- 100 each side (see notes)
  5. Back Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  6. Tree Striking- 200 Strikes, as is comfortable
  7. Front Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  8. Diamond Finger- 100 Strikes each side
  9. Side Split Stretch- 3 x 2 Minutes
  10. Gliding Step Foowork- 5 Minutes
  11. Front Split Stretch- 3 x 1 Minute each side
  12. 40-100# Sand Bag Throwing- 15 Minutes
  13. Heavy Bag Work- 15 Minutes
  14. Seikuuken Training- 30 Minutes
  15. Sparring

  • You may do the kicks for balance with support to begin with, but ideally you should not use support for all 100 kicks. Your goal should be to not put your foot down at all during any of the balance kicking.
  • For the spear hand strikes, it's best to fill a 5 gallon bucket or a big blue wash bin with sand for the strikes. After 100 workouts, remove a cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot and mix it all together. Continue to remove one cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot every other workout after that. In order to not dump out any of your steel shot, you should dump the scoop of sand into a strainer atop another bucket to make sure you catch any shot you may have picked up. There are 16 cups in a gallon, so once you start the process of removing a cup of sand every other workout (after the first 100), you should be completely steel shot somewhere around workout 260, if you were using the 5-gallon bucket. This should be long enough for you to build up a good base for your hand training and a gradual enough increase to keep you from hurting yourself.
  • Short power strikes means that you will practice hitting a target from 3 or less inches away. You are working to activate all of your muscles involved in the strike as quickly as possible. Eventually, you should work up to being able to strike the target from point-blank range. If you're looking for an example of this power, check out a demonstration I did with a friend of mine a couple of years back. 
  • For tree striking, you may use any strike you like-- punches, kicks, knees, elbows, shoulder bumps, chops or whatever. Do them as comfortably as you can and you will be able to build upon that later. This will take time, so be patient and don't get overzealous, because injury is a very real possibility if you hit the tree to hard. It's best if you start on softer, flatter trees. 
  • For the side split stretch, you will spread your legs as wide as possible and reach forward for 30 seconds. Then reach to the left for 30 seconds. Then reach to the right for 30 seconds. Then reach back to the the center, trying to stretch just a little farther for 30 seconds. Rest by walking around and shaking your legs out for 1 minute. Repeat for the listed sets.
  • For the front split stretch, you will put one foot forward as far as possible and one foot back as far as possible. You will place the back of your heel down on the front foot and the knee down on the opposite leg behind you. You will lean forward, the heel of your front foot sliding away from you, while your opposite hip is moving toward the ground. Stretch this way for 1 minute, then switch sides. Rest for 1 minute by walking around and shaking out your legs. Repeat for the listed sets.
  • The footwork for the gliding step is not very clear in the manga, however, what you should practice is shuffling your feet to one side or the other as quickly as you can. One foot will reach out to the side in a step, the other foot will slide to meet it and you will repeat the motion as quickly as possible. You can also do this movement in a circle or change directions abruptly as well.
  • For the sand bag throws, you can fill a canvas laundry bag with sand (it leaks, though), rubberized mulch or real wood chips, pea gravel, or steel shot. I think your best option is rubberized mulch, because it is the middle ground for cost, as well as not being super messy. You'll want to secure the bag with a good line or rope or even have it sewn up with fishing line. The actual technique of the exercise is up to you. You can throw the bag overhead, you can pick it up and throw it down, you can try to spin and toss it for distance, or you can practice any body throws from Judo or Wrestling that you may know. 
  • The heavy bag work is time for you to play with your techniques. Throw whatever you like as fast or as slow or as soft or hard as you like. You can use it as a cardio or strength session or purely just to play with new strikes. I recommend bag gloves if you are not used to hitting a heavy bag, to save the skin on your knuckles. Eventually, you may remove the gloves as your hands toughen up from the other training, but always err on the side of caution with training, because injuries can sideline you for extended periods of time.
  • Reference Kenichi's Seikuuken Training for the Seikuuken portion of this workout. 
  • There are no limits or rules for your sparring. You may do no contact, full contact, just grappling or striking, multi-person sparring or whatever you feel. Just be careful and work up to more difficult things as you feel comfortable. I recommend wearing gloves, a cup, and a mouthpiece in order to keep yourself safe. The sparring sessions are really about skill. You've toughened yourself up with the rest of your training.
That's all for today! Good luck and train hard!
Ogata is amazingly versatile in his martial arts. He can grapple just as well as he strikes and he possesses all manner of inventive techniques in each type of discipline he engages in.  This workout, while not giving you the martial skills of Kensei, will help cultivate the attributes that he possesses as a martial artist: balance, toughness, flexibility, and strength.

Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

  1. Round Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  2. Nukite (Spear Hand) into Sand*- 100 each side
  3. Side Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  4. Short Power Strikes- 100 each side (see notes)
  5. Back Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  6. Tree Striking- 200 Strikes, as is comfortable
  7. Front Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
  8. Diamond Finger- 100 Strikes each side
  9. Side Split Stretch- 3 x 2 Minutes
  10. Gliding Step Foowork- 5 Minutes
  11. Front Split Stretch- 3 x 1 Minute each side
  12. 40-100# Sand Bag Throwing- 15 Minutes
  13. Heavy Bag Work- 15 Minutes
  14. Seikuuken Training- 30 Minutes
  15. Sparring

  • You may do the kicks for balance with support to begin with, but ideally you should not use support for all 100 kicks. Your goal should be to not put your foot down at all during any of the balance kicking.
  • For the spear hand strikes, it's best to fill a 5 gallon bucket or a big blue wash bin with sand for the strikes. After 100 workouts, remove a cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot and mix it all together. Continue to remove one cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot every other workout after that. In order to not dump out any of your steel shot, you should dump the scoop of sand into a strainer atop another bucket to make sure you catch any shot you may have picked up. There are 16 cups in a gallon, so once you start the process of removing a cup of sand every other workout (after the first 100), you should be completely steel shot somewhere around workout 260, if you were using the 5-gallon bucket. This should be long enough for you to build up a good base for your hand training and a gradual enough increase to keep you from hurting yourself.
  • Short power strikes means that you will practice hitting a target from 3 or less inches away. You are working to activate all of your muscles involved in the strike as quickly as possible. Eventually, you should work up to being able to strike the target from point-blank range. If you're looking for an example of this power, check out a demonstration I did with a friend of mine a couple of years back. 
  • For tree striking, you may use any strike you like-- punches, kicks, knees, elbows, shoulder bumps, chops or whatever. Do them as comfortably as you can and you will be able to build upon that later. This will take time, so be patient and don't get overzealous, because injury is a very real possibility if you hit the tree to hard. It's best if you start on softer, flatter trees. 
  • For the side split stretch, you will spread your legs as wide as possible and reach forward for 30 seconds. Then reach to the left for 30 seconds. Then reach to the right for 30 seconds. Then reach back to the the center, trying to stretch just a little farther for 30 seconds. Rest by walking around and shaking your legs out for 1 minute. Repeat for the listed sets.
  • For the front split stretch, you will put one foot forward as far as possible and one foot back as far as possible. You will place the back of your heel down on the front foot and the knee down on the opposite leg behind you. You will lean forward, the heel of your front foot sliding away from you, while your opposite hip is moving toward the ground. Stretch this way for 1 minute, then switch sides. Rest for 1 minute by walking around and shaking out your legs. Repeat for the listed sets.
  • The footwork for the gliding step is not very clear in the manga, however, what you should practice is shuffling your feet to one side or the other as quickly as you can. One foot will reach out to the side in a step, the other foot will slide to meet it and you will repeat the motion as quickly as possible. You can also do this movement in a circle or change directions abruptly as well.
  • For the sand bag throws, you can fill a canvas laundry bag with sand (it leaks, though), rubberized mulch or real wood chips, pea gravel, or steel shot. I think your best option is rubberized mulch, because it is the middle ground for cost, as well as not being super messy. You'll want to secure the bag with a good line or rope or even have it sewn up with fishing line. The actual technique of the exercise is up to you. You can throw the bag overhead, you can pick it up and throw it down, you can try to spin and toss it for distance, or you can practice any body throws from Judo or Wrestling that you may know. 
  • The heavy bag work is time for you to play with your techniques. Throw whatever you like as fast or as slow or as soft or hard as you like. You can use it as a cardio or strength session or purely just to play with new strikes. I recommend bag gloves if you are not used to hitting a heavy bag, to save the skin on your knuckles. Eventually, you may remove the gloves as your hands toughen up from the other training, but always err on the side of caution with training, because injuries can sideline you for extended periods of time.
  • Reference Kenichi's Seikuuken Training for the Seikuuken portion of this workout. 
  • There are no limits or rules for your sparring. You may do no contact, full contact, just grappling or striking, multi-person sparring or whatever you feel. Just be careful and work up to more difficult things as you feel comfortable. I recommend wearing gloves, a cup, and a mouthpiece in order to keep yourself safe. The sparring sessions are really about skill. You've toughened yourself up with the rest of your training.
That's all for today! Good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

Ogata Isshinsai, often called Kensei, is a young member of the One Shadow, Nine Fists. He was previously the number one disciple of Ryouzanpaku and was trained by the Elder, Akisame, and Ma. He has mastered at least one of the Elder's 108 secret techniques. Through his disciples, we've managed to see several of Ogata's techniques and the skills that he possesses as a fighter. These workouts are based on the accumulation of everything seen of Kensei.

Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

-Run 3 Miles
-500 Yard Bear Crawl

4-6 Hours Later

  1. Up and Down Hill Sprints- 5 x 50-100 Meters
  2. 50 Fingertip Push-ups+
  3. 50 High Jump Squats
  4. 50 Fingertip Pull-ups+
  5. 50 Box Jumps (Start at 18")
  6. 50 40-100# Sandbag Overhead Toss
  7. 50 Depth Jumps (Start at 12")
  8. 50 Sandbag Shoulder and Slams (25 each side)
  9. Pick 5 calisthenic exercises and perform 100 reps of each.
  • For up and down hill sprints, you sprint up a hill of 50-100 meters and then, when you get to the top, you immediately turn and sprint back down. You have to be careful sprinting downhill, so you can just jog at first, then run, then work up to a sprint. The steeper the hill, the better. This is training the ability Rimi used to run up and down a wall. 
  • On the fingertip push-ups and fingertip pull-ups, you'll work up to doing 50 non-stop repetitions. Once you get to 50, then you'll attempt 10 more without your pinky. After you accomplish that, you'll do ten more without your ring finger. You'll continue with this until you are just using your thumb. If you cannot complete 50 in one set, break it into as many sets as needed until you get to 50. 
  • For high jump squats, you will perform a jump squat, but attempt to jump as high as you possibly can on each rep. 
  • On the box jumps, you'll jump both feet up on top of the box at the same time and stand-up completely before jumping or stepping off the box. 
  • For the sandbag toss, just toss the sandbag over your head as far as you can.
  • For a depth jump, you will stand atop a box and step off like you are walking off a plank. As your second foot leaves, it will square up with your first foot and you will land in a half squat position. 
  • For sandbag slams, you'll pick the sandbag up, then using your a knee and your arms, place the bag on one shoulder and then slam it down. You can do all 25 on one side and switch to the other side OR you can alternate on each rep. 
  • I'll leave a list of sample calisthenic exercises you can do here: push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, mountain climbers, burpees, jumping jacks, handstand push-ups, dips, body weight rows, etc. You could also do one-limb versions of these exercises. This is an opportunity for you to build from previous training however you need to. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

Ogata Isshinsai, often called Kensei, is a young member of the One Shadow, Nine Fists. He was previously the number one disciple of Ryouzanpaku and was trained by the Elder, Akisame, and Ma. He has mastered at least one of the Elder's 108 secret techniques. Through his disciples, we've managed to see several of Ogata's techniques and the skills that he possesses as a fighter. These workouts are based on the accumulation of everything seen of Kensei.

Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

-Run 3 Miles
-500 Yard Bear Crawl

4-6 Hours Later

  1. Up and Down Hill Sprints- 5 x 50-100 Meters
  2. 50 Fingertip Push-ups+
  3. 50 High Jump Squats
  4. 50 Fingertip Pull-ups+
  5. 50 Box Jumps (Start at 18")
  6. 50 40-100# Sandbag Overhead Toss
  7. 50 Depth Jumps (Start at 12")
  8. 50 Sandbag Shoulder and Slams (25 each side)
  9. Pick 5 calisthenic exercises and perform 100 reps of each.
  • For up and down hill sprints, you sprint up a hill of 50-100 meters and then, when you get to the top, you immediately turn and sprint back down. You have to be careful sprinting downhill, so you can just jog at first, then run, then work up to a sprint. The steeper the hill, the better. This is training the ability Rimi used to run up and down a wall. 
  • On the fingertip push-ups and fingertip pull-ups, you'll work up to doing 50 non-stop repetitions. Once you get to 50, then you'll attempt 10 more without your pinky. After you accomplish that, you'll do ten more without your ring finger. You'll continue with this until you are just using your thumb. If you cannot complete 50 in one set, break it into as many sets as needed until you get to 50. 
  • For high jump squats, you will perform a jump squat, but attempt to jump as high as you possibly can on each rep. 
  • On the box jumps, you'll jump both feet up on top of the box at the same time and stand-up completely before jumping or stepping off the box. 
  • For the sandbag toss, just toss the sandbag over your head as far as you can.
  • For a depth jump, you will stand atop a box and step off like you are walking off a plank. As your second foot leaves, it will square up with your first foot and you will land in a half squat position. 
  • For sandbag slams, you'll pick the sandbag up, then using your a knee and your arms, place the bag on one shoulder and then slam it down. You can do all 25 on one side and switch to the other side OR you can alternate on each rep. 
  • I'll leave a list of sample calisthenic exercises you can do here: push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, mountain climbers, burpees, jumping jacks, handstand push-ups, dips, body weight rows, etc. You could also do one-limb versions of these exercises. This is an opportunity for you to build from previous training however you need to. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Kaoru-chan Training Special (Submission for KSKM)

This workout was submitted by Adam Gorman for "Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru." I liked it, so I didn't really feel like I needed to make modifications and so the text is almost entirely as it was submitted to me. 

Kaoru-chan Training Special

Physical Conditioning
  1. 25+ Knuckle Push-ups (build up to say 100 then do 1 handed)
  2. 25+ Sit-ups (if you reach 100 do decline or weighted)
  3. 25+Jump Squats (build up to 100 then 1 legged)
  4. 20+ Split Squats (build up as high as you can)
  5. 15 Dumbbell Punches (each side)

  1. 4 x 3 min Speed Ladder Work
  2. 4 x 3 min Slip Bag Work
  3. 4 x 3 min Thai Pads
  4. 4 x 3 min Boxing Mitts
  5. 5 x 3 min Muay Thai Sparring, Kumite or Heavy Bag
  6. 50 reps of "Kaoru-chan Missile" ( see through this chapter for explantion
  7. 50 reps of "Hyakuman Goku Upper" ( same as above
  8. "Kaoru-chan Machine Gun" (1-2s as fast as possible)
  9. Lunging upper to an overhand right (later becomes his signature technique) (
  10. Shrimp Attack (
  11. 2-4 x 3 min of "Speed Hell"  (
  • This workout is aimed at building the speed and explosive power Hamada had as well as conditioning your body in a way similar to his, as well as having you practice his signature techniques.
  • It's likely he weight trains as he goes from a lightweight to middle in a year.
  • (From here on the notes are all from Real Anime Training)
  • We've pretty much covered everything in the first part, except for split squats. A split squat is done from the top of a lunge position. You squat down to the bottom of the lunge, with knee touching the floor, then you stand up. You feet will remain with one leg out front and one leg back. When you complete all of the reps, do the other side. 
  • The punches with the dumbbell should start out light, like 1 or 2 lbs. 
  • For the speed ladder, here is a video with some good drills.
  • Below is a picture of a slip bag, if you didn't know what it was. You hit it and then practice slipping to the side like a punch is coming in. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard! If anyone has character or anime workouts they want to submit, please do so at! 
This workout was submitted by Adam Gorman for "Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru." I liked it, so I didn't really feel like I needed to make modifications and so the text is almost entirely as it was submitted to me. 

Kaoru-chan Training Special

Physical Conditioning
  1. 25+ Knuckle Push-ups (build up to say 100 then do 1 handed)
  2. 25+ Sit-ups (if you reach 100 do decline or weighted)
  3. 25+Jump Squats (build up to 100 then 1 legged)
  4. 20+ Split Squats (build up as high as you can)
  5. 15 Dumbbell Punches (each side)

  1. 4 x 3 min Speed Ladder Work
  2. 4 x 3 min Slip Bag Work
  3. 4 x 3 min Thai Pads
  4. 4 x 3 min Boxing Mitts
  5. 5 x 3 min Muay Thai Sparring, Kumite or Heavy Bag
  6. 50 reps of "Kaoru-chan Missile" ( see through this chapter for explantion
  7. 50 reps of "Hyakuman Goku Upper" ( same as above
  8. "Kaoru-chan Machine Gun" (1-2s as fast as possible)
  9. Lunging upper to an overhand right (later becomes his signature technique) (
  10. Shrimp Attack (
  11. 2-4 x 3 min of "Speed Hell"  (
  • This workout is aimed at building the speed and explosive power Hamada had as well as conditioning your body in a way similar to his, as well as having you practice his signature techniques.
  • It's likely he weight trains as he goes from a lightweight to middle in a year.
  • (From here on the notes are all from Real Anime Training)
  • We've pretty much covered everything in the first part, except for split squats. A split squat is done from the top of a lunge position. You squat down to the bottom of the lunge, with knee touching the floor, then you stand up. You feet will remain with one leg out front and one leg back. When you complete all of the reps, do the other side. 
  • The punches with the dumbbell should start out light, like 1 or 2 lbs. 
  • For the speed ladder, here is a video with some good drills.
  • Below is a picture of a slip bag, if you didn't know what it was. You hit it and then practice slipping to the side like a punch is coming in. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard! If anyone has character or anime workouts they want to submit, please do so at! 
reade more... Résuméabuiyad