
Real Anime Training: Level Zero

A while ago, one of our readers brought up that a bunch of the Real Anime Training workouts were so difficult that beginners wouldn't even know where to start with them. In response to that conversation, I've created this post to provide those who might feel a little dismayed about starting with Real Anime Training, due to the difficulty level, with options for training. Just because you can't do the listed workout does not mean we can't break the exercises down into smaller pieces or scale everything to an easier level for you. This post will serve as a reference for scaling options in workouts.

Part I: Less is More

If a workout lists a certain number of repetitions or a certain weight to be used, that in no way means that you must do that in your training. If necessary, you can cut the reps or weight by half or even down to a quarter of the prescribed amount. Over time, you can increase them both gradually until you reach how the workout is written.

You can also do easier Real Anime Training workouts (several workouts will soon be added to the "Level Zero" tag) or just not do as many training sessions during the week. The goal of training is to stimulate a response from your body into becoming stronger, not to demolish it so that it cannot recover.

Part II: Scaling Exercises

Here is a list of certain exercises that you can do in lieu of harder exercises. I will list them in degrees. I will also list new ones as needed.

  1. Handstand Push-up----> Wall Handstand Push-up----> Pike HSPU Progression----> Decline Push-up
  2. Push-up----> Knee Push-up----> Counter/Incline Push-up----> Wall Push-up
  3. Pull-up----> Negative Pull-up----> Body Row (More Horizontal=Harder, More Vertical=Easier) using a bar, a TRX, gymnastic rings, or a rope
  4. Jump Squat----> Body Squat----> Half Squat----> Quarter Squat
  5. Lunges----> Half Lunge----> Quarter Lunge
  6. Handstand Walk----> Wheelbarrow Walk----> Plank Walk
  7. Clean----> Power Clean----> Deadlift----> Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing
  8. Snatch----> Power Snatch----> Snatch-Grip Deadlift and Snatch-Grip Jump and Shrug
  9. Hanging Sit-up----> Decline Sit-up----> Sit-up----> Half Sit-up----> Crunch
  10. Plank/Side Plank----> Plank/Side Plank on Knees

Part III: Exercise Modifiers

These are techniques you can use to help you even further, if you get stuck on a workout. 
  1. Kipping- Using your hips to generate force to help you in a pull-up, row, dip, or handstand push-up.
  2. Pushing- Utilizing your hips and legs in an overhead lift in order to help complete it. Explosive in nature. 
  3. Swinging- Using your hips in order to generate more force. Motion is not is not as explosive as a push or a kip and relies more on larger body movement. 

If anyone has any specific questions regarding exercises or making things easier, feel free to email me at and I'll make the adjustments here. 
A while ago, one of our readers brought up that a bunch of the Real Anime Training workouts were so difficult that beginners wouldn't even know where to start with them. In response to that conversation, I've created this post to provide those who might feel a little dismayed about starting with Real Anime Training, due to the difficulty level, with options for training. Just because you can't do the listed workout does not mean we can't break the exercises down into smaller pieces or scale everything to an easier level for you. This post will serve as a reference for scaling options in workouts.

Part I: Less is More

If a workout lists a certain number of repetitions or a certain weight to be used, that in no way means that you must do that in your training. If necessary, you can cut the reps or weight by half or even down to a quarter of the prescribed amount. Over time, you can increase them both gradually until you reach how the workout is written.

You can also do easier Real Anime Training workouts (several workouts will soon be added to the "Level Zero" tag) or just not do as many training sessions during the week. The goal of training is to stimulate a response from your body into becoming stronger, not to demolish it so that it cannot recover.

Part II: Scaling Exercises

Here is a list of certain exercises that you can do in lieu of harder exercises. I will list them in degrees. I will also list new ones as needed.

  1. Handstand Push-up----> Wall Handstand Push-up----> Pike HSPU Progression----> Decline Push-up
  2. Push-up----> Knee Push-up----> Counter/Incline Push-up----> Wall Push-up
  3. Pull-up----> Negative Pull-up----> Body Row (More Horizontal=Harder, More Vertical=Easier) using a bar, a TRX, gymnastic rings, or a rope
  4. Jump Squat----> Body Squat----> Half Squat----> Quarter Squat
  5. Lunges----> Half Lunge----> Quarter Lunge
  6. Handstand Walk----> Wheelbarrow Walk----> Plank Walk
  7. Clean----> Power Clean----> Deadlift----> Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing
  8. Snatch----> Power Snatch----> Snatch-Grip Deadlift and Snatch-Grip Jump and Shrug
  9. Hanging Sit-up----> Decline Sit-up----> Sit-up----> Half Sit-up----> Crunch
  10. Plank/Side Plank----> Plank/Side Plank on Knees

Part III: Exercise Modifiers

These are techniques you can use to help you even further, if you get stuck on a workout. 
  1. Kipping- Using your hips to generate force to help you in a pull-up, row, dip, or handstand push-up.
  2. Pushing- Utilizing your hips and legs in an overhead lift in order to help complete it. Explosive in nature. 
  3. Swinging- Using your hips in order to generate more force. Motion is not is not as explosive as a push or a kip and relies more on larger body movement. 

If anyone has any specific questions regarding exercises or making things easier, feel free to email me at and I'll make the adjustments here. 
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Centurion Method Workout #2: The Tidal Mark

Here's the second workout in the Centurion Method Program.

Workout Two: The Tidal Mark

  1. 5 Weighted Plank Walks
  2. 15 Hanging Leg Raises
  3. 5 Dead Leg Drags
  4. 5 Weighted Stalking Walks
  5. 15 Weighted Box Jumps w/20kg (45#)
  6. 20 Chest Raises* w/20kg (45#)
  7. 20 Farmer's Carry Lifts w/20kg (45#)
  8. 15 Burpee Pull-ups
--For Time

  • For the plank walk, you will go into a plank position with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight in your hands. You will lift one weight and move it out in front of you and do the same on the other side. That is one rep. Since there are only five reps, the weight should be relatively heavy. 
  • For the hanging leg raises, you should keep your legs as straight as possible and, without swinging, raise them until they are parallel with the floor. 
  • The dead leg drags will require you to put a weight on your ankles or feet and pull yourself forward. There is not a set distance or weight that is listed in the workout, so I would start with 25 meters and 10#. After that, you can increase the distance or the weight, depending on your goals. 
  • On the stalking walks, hold the weight up high on your chest and get into the bottom position of a squat. Then, you move forward on each leg and that is one rep. 
  • The weighted box jump are going to be difficult. You can use a bar, a plate, a sandbag, or any other weight during the exercise, but please be comfortable with box jumps to begin with and start off with a shorter box once you add weight. 
  • Weighted chest raises in the program sound a lot like an upright row, so that's what I've done them as when I did this workout a few times. Holding the weight down by your groin, you will pull up your body in a straight line, your elbows coming up and out. The weight will stop at your chest, just under your neck. Reverse the movement to the starting position to complete the rep. 
  • Farmer's carry lifts start with holding a weight in each hand. From here, you attempt to raise the weight as high as possible on each side along your body. Your elbows will go out behind you as you complete this lift. 
  • Burpee pull-ups are brutal for a lot of people. You start by completing a burpee, chest to the ground and jump at the top. While in the air, grab the pull-up bar above you and complete a pull-up. At the bottom of the pull-up, release your grip and immediately start the next burpee. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Here's the second workout in the Centurion Method Program.

Workout Two: The Tidal Mark

  1. 5 Weighted Plank Walks
  2. 15 Hanging Leg Raises
  3. 5 Dead Leg Drags
  4. 5 Weighted Stalking Walks
  5. 15 Weighted Box Jumps w/20kg (45#)
  6. 20 Chest Raises* w/20kg (45#)
  7. 20 Farmer's Carry Lifts w/20kg (45#)
  8. 15 Burpee Pull-ups
--For Time

  • For the plank walk, you will go into a plank position with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight in your hands. You will lift one weight and move it out in front of you and do the same on the other side. That is one rep. Since there are only five reps, the weight should be relatively heavy. 
  • For the hanging leg raises, you should keep your legs as straight as possible and, without swinging, raise them until they are parallel with the floor. 
  • The dead leg drags will require you to put a weight on your ankles or feet and pull yourself forward. There is not a set distance or weight that is listed in the workout, so I would start with 25 meters and 10#. After that, you can increase the distance or the weight, depending on your goals. 
  • On the stalking walks, hold the weight up high on your chest and get into the bottom position of a squat. Then, you move forward on each leg and that is one rep. 
  • The weighted box jump are going to be difficult. You can use a bar, a plate, a sandbag, or any other weight during the exercise, but please be comfortable with box jumps to begin with and start off with a shorter box once you add weight. 
  • Weighted chest raises in the program sound a lot like an upright row, so that's what I've done them as when I did this workout a few times. Holding the weight down by your groin, you will pull up your body in a straight line, your elbows coming up and out. The weight will stop at your chest, just under your neck. Reverse the movement to the starting position to complete the rep. 
  • Farmer's carry lifts start with holding a weight in each hand. From here, you attempt to raise the weight as high as possible on each side along your body. Your elbows will go out behind you as you complete this lift. 
  • Burpee pull-ups are brutal for a lot of people. You start by completing a burpee, chest to the ground and jump at the top. While in the air, grab the pull-up bar above you and complete a pull-up. At the bottom of the pull-up, release your grip and immediately start the next burpee. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Centurion Method Workout #1: The Leaper In-between

I wasn't planning on posting the workouts for the Centurion Method, even though the program is used for our Berserk and Vinland Saga training, but since the book has been discontinued and the author does not have a problem with posting the workouts online, I will be posting them here. As I have done the majority of the workouts, I will also be putting my two cents about the training on here as well. Please note that there are slight variations from the original text, but only stylistically. Nothing in the meat of the program should be lost.

Workout One- The Leaper In-between 
1 Minute of Work Per Station

  1. Push-up-Row-Burpee
  2. Strict Pull-ups
  3. Weighted Box Jumps
  4. Bear Crawl Push-ups
  5. Plank
--3 Rounds

  • Progression: Increase weight used or increase the height of the box jumps. You may also do the workout all over again. 
  • Place a dumbbell, kettlebell, or a rock beneath you (or in each hand), do a push-up and then row once on each side. You'll likely have to spread your feet in order to stay balanced. After this, jump up without the weights in your hands and then do a burpee before returning to the original position. All three movements are one rep.
  • Strict Pull-ups just mean that you may not kip. You need to go all the way into a full hang and make sure that your chin goes all the way over the bar. 
  • Weighted box jumps are kind of dangerous if you are holding the weight or it is on your back, because if you fall you will not be able to catch yourself properly. However, you may use a barbell, dumbbells, a sandbag, medicine ball, or a weighted vest. When you jump onto the box, make sure that your hips come to full extension before you come back down. They may do so on the jump off. You don't have to jump, you can step down if you feel so inclined. 
  • Bear Crawl push-ups are a stationary "Dragon Crawl." One side is long, with one hand reaching out in front of you and one leg straight behind you. The other side is short, with your hand right next to your foot and your elbow on the inside of your knee. To go down, bend your outside arm and lower your shoulder and chest toward the ground. Come up and switch sides. That's one rep. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!!

I wasn't planning on posting the workouts for the Centurion Method, even though the program is used for our Berserk and Vinland Saga training, but since the book has been discontinued and the author does not have a problem with posting the workouts online, I will be posting them here. As I have done the majority of the workouts, I will also be putting my two cents about the training on here as well. Please note that there are slight variations from the original text, but only stylistically. Nothing in the meat of the program should be lost.

Workout One- The Leaper In-between 
1 Minute of Work Per Station

  1. Push-up-Row-Burpee
  2. Strict Pull-ups
  3. Weighted Box Jumps
  4. Bear Crawl Push-ups
  5. Plank
--3 Rounds

  • Progression: Increase weight used or increase the height of the box jumps. You may also do the workout all over again. 
  • Place a dumbbell, kettlebell, or a rock beneath you (or in each hand), do a push-up and then row once on each side. You'll likely have to spread your feet in order to stay balanced. After this, jump up without the weights in your hands and then do a burpee before returning to the original position. All three movements are one rep.
  • Strict Pull-ups just mean that you may not kip. You need to go all the way into a full hang and make sure that your chin goes all the way over the bar. 
  • Weighted box jumps are kind of dangerous if you are holding the weight or it is on your back, because if you fall you will not be able to catch yourself properly. However, you may use a barbell, dumbbells, a sandbag, medicine ball, or a weighted vest. When you jump onto the box, make sure that your hips come to full extension before you come back down. They may do so on the jump off. You don't have to jump, you can step down if you feel so inclined. 
  • Bear Crawl push-ups are a stationary "Dragon Crawl." One side is long, with one hand reaching out in front of you and one leg straight behind you. The other side is short, with your hand right next to your foot and your elbow on the inside of your knee. To go down, bend your outside arm and lower your shoulder and chest toward the ground. Come up and switch sides. That's one rep. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Grappler Baki: Baki Squats A and B

Baki has some really powerful legs and it just makes sense that he would squat heavy from time to time, even though it's not really shown. These two workouts are designed for pure strength and are not in Baki's normal high-volume approach. I suspect he would probably do something like this in the morning and then do another workout (or two on top of it later in the day). 

Baki Squats A
  1. Overhead Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  2. Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  3. Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1

Baki Squats B
  1. Overhead Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  2. Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  3. Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1


  • The Overhead Squat is a very difficult movement that requires you to have excellent mobility. If you are lacking the mobility, it's best that you only squat to a very shallow depth during that part of the lift. You will need a very wide grip, toward the ends of the bar, which is overhead. Keep an active shoulder, lifting them up toward the ceiling and your elbows locked out and pointed down. From this position, break your hips back into the squat, allowing your shoulders to reach back so that they stay positioned above your heels. If you keep your arms in the same position as you started them in, you will fall forward as you squat. If you keep them back before you start, you run the risk of falling backward at the top of the movement. 
  • The Front Squat has the bar resting on your shoulders, in front of your neck. Your fingers are lightly on the bar, with your elbows pointing forward. As you squat, make sure you keep your elbows high or the bar can pull you forward. Alternatively, you can cross your arms over the bar to keep it locked in, but still keep your elbows high. 
  • On all of the these lifts, you're going for strength, so rest about 2-5 minutes in between each lift in order to regain as much strength as possible for each attempt. You should start very light with the Overhead Squat and add a small amount of weight on each set. When you move from OHS to Front Squat, you will once again add weight. You will continue this process, until you get to the final set of the workout, where you will have the most weight on the bar.
Baki has some really powerful legs and it just makes sense that he would squat heavy from time to time, even though it's not really shown. These two workouts are designed for pure strength and are not in Baki's normal high-volume approach. I suspect he would probably do something like this in the morning and then do another workout (or two on top of it later in the day). 

Baki Squats A
  1. Overhead Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  2. Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  3. Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1

Baki Squats B
  1. Overhead Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  2. Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  3. Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1


  • The Overhead Squat is a very difficult movement that requires you to have excellent mobility. If you are lacking the mobility, it's best that you only squat to a very shallow depth during that part of the lift. You will need a very wide grip, toward the ends of the bar, which is overhead. Keep an active shoulder, lifting them up toward the ceiling and your elbows locked out and pointed down. From this position, break your hips back into the squat, allowing your shoulders to reach back so that they stay positioned above your heels. If you keep your arms in the same position as you started them in, you will fall forward as you squat. If you keep them back before you start, you run the risk of falling backward at the top of the movement. 
  • The Front Squat has the bar resting on your shoulders, in front of your neck. Your fingers are lightly on the bar, with your elbows pointing forward. As you squat, make sure you keep your elbows high or the bar can pull you forward. Alternatively, you can cross your arms over the bar to keep it locked in, but still keep your elbows high. 
  • On all of the these lifts, you're going for strength, so rest about 2-5 minutes in between each lift in order to regain as much strength as possible for each attempt. You should start very light with the Overhead Squat and add a small amount of weight on each set. When you move from OHS to Front Squat, you will once again add weight. You will continue this process, until you get to the final set of the workout, where you will have the most weight on the bar.
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