
Real Anime Training: Level Zero

A while ago, one of our readers brought up that a bunch of the Real Anime Training workouts were so difficult that beginners wouldn't even know where to start with them. In response to that conversation, I've created this post to provide those who might feel a little dismayed about starting with Real Anime Training, due to the difficulty level, with options for training. Just because you can't do the listed workout does not mean we can't break the exercises down into smaller pieces or scale everything to an easier level for you. This post will serve as a reference for scaling options in workouts.

Part I: Less is More

If a workout lists a certain number of repetitions or a certain weight to be used, that in no way means that you must do that in your training. If necessary, you can cut the reps or weight by half or even down to a quarter of the prescribed amount. Over time, you can increase them both gradually until you reach how the workout is written.

You can also do easier Real Anime Training workouts (several workouts will soon be added to the "Level Zero" tag) or just not do as many training sessions during the week. The goal of training is to stimulate a response from your body into becoming stronger, not to demolish it so that it cannot recover.

Part II: Scaling Exercises

Here is a list of certain exercises that you can do in lieu of harder exercises. I will list them in degrees. I will also list new ones as needed.

  1. Handstand Push-up----> Wall Handstand Push-up----> Pike HSPU Progression----> Decline Push-up
  2. Push-up----> Knee Push-up----> Counter/Incline Push-up----> Wall Push-up
  3. Pull-up----> Negative Pull-up----> Body Row (More Horizontal=Harder, More Vertical=Easier) using a bar, a TRX, gymnastic rings, or a rope
  4. Jump Squat----> Body Squat----> Half Squat----> Quarter Squat
  5. Lunges----> Half Lunge----> Quarter Lunge
  6. Handstand Walk----> Wheelbarrow Walk----> Plank Walk
  7. Clean----> Power Clean----> Deadlift----> Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing
  8. Snatch----> Power Snatch----> Snatch-Grip Deadlift and Snatch-Grip Jump and Shrug
  9. Hanging Sit-up----> Decline Sit-up----> Sit-up----> Half Sit-up----> Crunch
  10. Plank/Side Plank----> Plank/Side Plank on Knees

Part III: Exercise Modifiers

These are techniques you can use to help you even further, if you get stuck on a workout. 
  1. Kipping- Using your hips to generate force to help you in a pull-up, row, dip, or handstand push-up.
  2. Pushing- Utilizing your hips and legs in an overhead lift in order to help complete it. Explosive in nature. 
  3. Swinging- Using your hips in order to generate more force. Motion is not is not as explosive as a push or a kip and relies more on larger body movement. 

If anyone has any specific questions regarding exercises or making things easier, feel free to email me at and I'll make the adjustments here. 
A while ago, one of our readers brought up that a bunch of the Real Anime Training workouts were so difficult that beginners wouldn't even know where to start with them. In response to that conversation, I've created this post to provide those who might feel a little dismayed about starting with Real Anime Training, due to the difficulty level, with options for training. Just because you can't do the listed workout does not mean we can't break the exercises down into smaller pieces or scale everything to an easier level for you. This post will serve as a reference for scaling options in workouts.

Part I: Less is More

If a workout lists a certain number of repetitions or a certain weight to be used, that in no way means that you must do that in your training. If necessary, you can cut the reps or weight by half or even down to a quarter of the prescribed amount. Over time, you can increase them both gradually until you reach how the workout is written.

You can also do easier Real Anime Training workouts (several workouts will soon be added to the "Level Zero" tag) or just not do as many training sessions during the week. The goal of training is to stimulate a response from your body into becoming stronger, not to demolish it so that it cannot recover.

Part II: Scaling Exercises

Here is a list of certain exercises that you can do in lieu of harder exercises. I will list them in degrees. I will also list new ones as needed.

  1. Handstand Push-up----> Wall Handstand Push-up----> Pike HSPU Progression----> Decline Push-up
  2. Push-up----> Knee Push-up----> Counter/Incline Push-up----> Wall Push-up
  3. Pull-up----> Negative Pull-up----> Body Row (More Horizontal=Harder, More Vertical=Easier) using a bar, a TRX, gymnastic rings, or a rope
  4. Jump Squat----> Body Squat----> Half Squat----> Quarter Squat
  5. Lunges----> Half Lunge----> Quarter Lunge
  6. Handstand Walk----> Wheelbarrow Walk----> Plank Walk
  7. Clean----> Power Clean----> Deadlift----> Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing
  8. Snatch----> Power Snatch----> Snatch-Grip Deadlift and Snatch-Grip Jump and Shrug
  9. Hanging Sit-up----> Decline Sit-up----> Sit-up----> Half Sit-up----> Crunch
  10. Plank/Side Plank----> Plank/Side Plank on Knees

Part III: Exercise Modifiers

These are techniques you can use to help you even further, if you get stuck on a workout. 
  1. Kipping- Using your hips to generate force to help you in a pull-up, row, dip, or handstand push-up.
  2. Pushing- Utilizing your hips and legs in an overhead lift in order to help complete it. Explosive in nature. 
  3. Swinging- Using your hips in order to generate more force. Motion is not is not as explosive as a push or a kip and relies more on larger body movement. 

If anyone has any specific questions regarding exercises or making things easier, feel free to email me at and I'll make the adjustments here. 
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Centurion Method Workout #2: The Tidal Mark

Here's the second workout in the Centurion Method Program.

Workout Two: The Tidal Mark

  1. 5 Weighted Plank Walks
  2. 15 Hanging Leg Raises
  3. 5 Dead Leg Drags
  4. 5 Weighted Stalking Walks
  5. 15 Weighted Box Jumps w/20kg (45#)
  6. 20 Chest Raises* w/20kg (45#)
  7. 20 Farmer's Carry Lifts w/20kg (45#)
  8. 15 Burpee Pull-ups
--For Time

  • For the plank walk, you will go into a plank position with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight in your hands. You will lift one weight and move it out in front of you and do the same on the other side. That is one rep. Since there are only five reps, the weight should be relatively heavy. 
  • For the hanging leg raises, you should keep your legs as straight as possible and, without swinging, raise them until they are parallel with the floor. 
  • The dead leg drags will require you to put a weight on your ankles or feet and pull yourself forward. There is not a set distance or weight that is listed in the workout, so I would start with 25 meters and 10#. After that, you can increase the distance or the weight, depending on your goals. 
  • On the stalking walks, hold the weight up high on your chest and get into the bottom position of a squat. Then, you move forward on each leg and that is one rep. 
  • The weighted box jump are going to be difficult. You can use a bar, a plate, a sandbag, or any other weight during the exercise, but please be comfortable with box jumps to begin with and start off with a shorter box once you add weight. 
  • Weighted chest raises in the program sound a lot like an upright row, so that's what I've done them as when I did this workout a few times. Holding the weight down by your groin, you will pull up your body in a straight line, your elbows coming up and out. The weight will stop at your chest, just under your neck. Reverse the movement to the starting position to complete the rep. 
  • Farmer's carry lifts start with holding a weight in each hand. From here, you attempt to raise the weight as high as possible on each side along your body. Your elbows will go out behind you as you complete this lift. 
  • Burpee pull-ups are brutal for a lot of people. You start by completing a burpee, chest to the ground and jump at the top. While in the air, grab the pull-up bar above you and complete a pull-up. At the bottom of the pull-up, release your grip and immediately start the next burpee. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Here's the second workout in the Centurion Method Program.

Workout Two: The Tidal Mark

  1. 5 Weighted Plank Walks
  2. 15 Hanging Leg Raises
  3. 5 Dead Leg Drags
  4. 5 Weighted Stalking Walks
  5. 15 Weighted Box Jumps w/20kg (45#)
  6. 20 Chest Raises* w/20kg (45#)
  7. 20 Farmer's Carry Lifts w/20kg (45#)
  8. 15 Burpee Pull-ups
--For Time

  • For the plank walk, you will go into a plank position with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight in your hands. You will lift one weight and move it out in front of you and do the same on the other side. That is one rep. Since there are only five reps, the weight should be relatively heavy. 
  • For the hanging leg raises, you should keep your legs as straight as possible and, without swinging, raise them until they are parallel with the floor. 
  • The dead leg drags will require you to put a weight on your ankles or feet and pull yourself forward. There is not a set distance or weight that is listed in the workout, so I would start with 25 meters and 10#. After that, you can increase the distance or the weight, depending on your goals. 
  • On the stalking walks, hold the weight up high on your chest and get into the bottom position of a squat. Then, you move forward on each leg and that is one rep. 
  • The weighted box jump are going to be difficult. You can use a bar, a plate, a sandbag, or any other weight during the exercise, but please be comfortable with box jumps to begin with and start off with a shorter box once you add weight. 
  • Weighted chest raises in the program sound a lot like an upright row, so that's what I've done them as when I did this workout a few times. Holding the weight down by your groin, you will pull up your body in a straight line, your elbows coming up and out. The weight will stop at your chest, just under your neck. Reverse the movement to the starting position to complete the rep. 
  • Farmer's carry lifts start with holding a weight in each hand. From here, you attempt to raise the weight as high as possible on each side along your body. Your elbows will go out behind you as you complete this lift. 
  • Burpee pull-ups are brutal for a lot of people. You start by completing a burpee, chest to the ground and jump at the top. While in the air, grab the pull-up bar above you and complete a pull-up. At the bottom of the pull-up, release your grip and immediately start the next burpee. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Centurion Method Workout #1: The Leaper In-between

I wasn't planning on posting the workouts for the Centurion Method, even though the program is used for our Berserk and Vinland Saga training, but since the book has been discontinued and the author does not have a problem with posting the workouts online, I will be posting them here. As I have done the majority of the workouts, I will also be putting my two cents about the training on here as well. Please note that there are slight variations from the original text, but only stylistically. Nothing in the meat of the program should be lost.

Workout One- The Leaper In-between 
1 Minute of Work Per Station

  1. Push-up-Row-Burpee
  2. Strict Pull-ups
  3. Weighted Box Jumps
  4. Bear Crawl Push-ups
  5. Plank
--3 Rounds

  • Progression: Increase weight used or increase the height of the box jumps. You may also do the workout all over again. 
  • Place a dumbbell, kettlebell, or a rock beneath you (or in each hand), do a push-up and then row once on each side. You'll likely have to spread your feet in order to stay balanced. After this, jump up without the weights in your hands and then do a burpee before returning to the original position. All three movements are one rep.
  • Strict Pull-ups just mean that you may not kip. You need to go all the way into a full hang and make sure that your chin goes all the way over the bar. 
  • Weighted box jumps are kind of dangerous if you are holding the weight or it is on your back, because if you fall you will not be able to catch yourself properly. However, you may use a barbell, dumbbells, a sandbag, medicine ball, or a weighted vest. When you jump onto the box, make sure that your hips come to full extension before you come back down. They may do so on the jump off. You don't have to jump, you can step down if you feel so inclined. 
  • Bear Crawl push-ups are a stationary "Dragon Crawl." One side is long, with one hand reaching out in front of you and one leg straight behind you. The other side is short, with your hand right next to your foot and your elbow on the inside of your knee. To go down, bend your outside arm and lower your shoulder and chest toward the ground. Come up and switch sides. That's one rep. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!!

I wasn't planning on posting the workouts for the Centurion Method, even though the program is used for our Berserk and Vinland Saga training, but since the book has been discontinued and the author does not have a problem with posting the workouts online, I will be posting them here. As I have done the majority of the workouts, I will also be putting my two cents about the training on here as well. Please note that there are slight variations from the original text, but only stylistically. Nothing in the meat of the program should be lost.

Workout One- The Leaper In-between 
1 Minute of Work Per Station

  1. Push-up-Row-Burpee
  2. Strict Pull-ups
  3. Weighted Box Jumps
  4. Bear Crawl Push-ups
  5. Plank
--3 Rounds

  • Progression: Increase weight used or increase the height of the box jumps. You may also do the workout all over again. 
  • Place a dumbbell, kettlebell, or a rock beneath you (or in each hand), do a push-up and then row once on each side. You'll likely have to spread your feet in order to stay balanced. After this, jump up without the weights in your hands and then do a burpee before returning to the original position. All three movements are one rep.
  • Strict Pull-ups just mean that you may not kip. You need to go all the way into a full hang and make sure that your chin goes all the way over the bar. 
  • Weighted box jumps are kind of dangerous if you are holding the weight or it is on your back, because if you fall you will not be able to catch yourself properly. However, you may use a barbell, dumbbells, a sandbag, medicine ball, or a weighted vest. When you jump onto the box, make sure that your hips come to full extension before you come back down. They may do so on the jump off. You don't have to jump, you can step down if you feel so inclined. 
  • Bear Crawl push-ups are a stationary "Dragon Crawl." One side is long, with one hand reaching out in front of you and one leg straight behind you. The other side is short, with your hand right next to your foot and your elbow on the inside of your knee. To go down, bend your outside arm and lower your shoulder and chest toward the ground. Come up and switch sides. That's one rep. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Grappler Baki: Baki Squats A and B

Baki has some really powerful legs and it just makes sense that he would squat heavy from time to time, even though it's not really shown. These two workouts are designed for pure strength and are not in Baki's normal high-volume approach. I suspect he would probably do something like this in the morning and then do another workout (or two on top of it later in the day). 

Baki Squats A
  1. Overhead Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  2. Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  3. Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1

Baki Squats B
  1. Overhead Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  2. Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  3. Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1


  • The Overhead Squat is a very difficult movement that requires you to have excellent mobility. If you are lacking the mobility, it's best that you only squat to a very shallow depth during that part of the lift. You will need a very wide grip, toward the ends of the bar, which is overhead. Keep an active shoulder, lifting them up toward the ceiling and your elbows locked out and pointed down. From this position, break your hips back into the squat, allowing your shoulders to reach back so that they stay positioned above your heels. If you keep your arms in the same position as you started them in, you will fall forward as you squat. If you keep them back before you start, you run the risk of falling backward at the top of the movement. 
  • The Front Squat has the bar resting on your shoulders, in front of your neck. Your fingers are lightly on the bar, with your elbows pointing forward. As you squat, make sure you keep your elbows high or the bar can pull you forward. Alternatively, you can cross your arms over the bar to keep it locked in, but still keep your elbows high. 
  • On all of the these lifts, you're going for strength, so rest about 2-5 minutes in between each lift in order to regain as much strength as possible for each attempt. You should start very light with the Overhead Squat and add a small amount of weight on each set. When you move from OHS to Front Squat, you will once again add weight. You will continue this process, until you get to the final set of the workout, where you will have the most weight on the bar.
Baki has some really powerful legs and it just makes sense that he would squat heavy from time to time, even though it's not really shown. These two workouts are designed for pure strength and are not in Baki's normal high-volume approach. I suspect he would probably do something like this in the morning and then do another workout (or two on top of it later in the day). 

Baki Squats A
  1. Overhead Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  2. Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
  3. Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1

Baki Squats B
  1. Overhead Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  2. Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1
  3. Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1


  • The Overhead Squat is a very difficult movement that requires you to have excellent mobility. If you are lacking the mobility, it's best that you only squat to a very shallow depth during that part of the lift. You will need a very wide grip, toward the ends of the bar, which is overhead. Keep an active shoulder, lifting them up toward the ceiling and your elbows locked out and pointed down. From this position, break your hips back into the squat, allowing your shoulders to reach back so that they stay positioned above your heels. If you keep your arms in the same position as you started them in, you will fall forward as you squat. If you keep them back before you start, you run the risk of falling backward at the top of the movement. 
  • The Front Squat has the bar resting on your shoulders, in front of your neck. Your fingers are lightly on the bar, with your elbows pointing forward. As you squat, make sure you keep your elbows high or the bar can pull you forward. Alternatively, you can cross your arms over the bar to keep it locked in, but still keep your elbows high. 
  • On all of the these lifts, you're going for strength, so rest about 2-5 minutes in between each lift in order to regain as much strength as possible for each attempt. You should start very light with the Overhead Squat and add a small amount of weight on each set. When you move from OHS to Front Squat, you will once again add weight. You will continue this process, until you get to the final set of the workout, where you will have the most weight on the bar.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

After the 7 year timeskip, the Fairy Tail crew goes off to train for The Grand Magic Games, which will determine the #1 Guild in the country! However, very little training gets done thanks to a little bit of a mishap with the passage of time in the Celestial Spirit Realm. This workout is based on what little training Natsu actually gets done before the event.

The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

  1. Swim 100 Meters (Sprint!)
  2. 100 Meter Sled/Tire Pull (Sprint!)
--AMRAP in a day

  • You don't have to do the rounds back to back, but you do need to do the Sled Pull right after the swim. 
  • Both of these things should be sprinting activities. You need to do them as fast as you possibly can. 
  • It might help to do several rounds early in the day, a few in the afternoon, and some more in the evening. It will be difficult to continue to move through the rounds over and over because of the nature of the exercises. You can't keep a sprint going over and over again, because you will not have the strength to move at that speed continually. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

After the 7 year timeskip, the Fairy Tail crew goes off to train for The Grand Magic Games, which will determine the #1 Guild in the country! However, very little training gets done thanks to a little bit of a mishap with the passage of time in the Celestial Spirit Realm. This workout is based on what little training Natsu actually gets done before the event.

The Grand Magic Games Training Camp Workout

  1. Swim 100 Meters (Sprint!)
  2. 100 Meter Sled/Tire Pull (Sprint!)
--AMRAP in a day

  • You don't have to do the rounds back to back, but you do need to do the Sled Pull right after the swim. 
  • Both of these things should be sprinting activities. You need to do them as fast as you possibly can. 
  • It might help to do several rounds early in the day, a few in the afternoon, and some more in the evening. It will be difficult to continue to move through the rounds over and over because of the nature of the exercises. You can't keep a sprint going over and over again, because you will not have the strength to move at that speed continually. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur

Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur 


  1. 50 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 50 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
--5 Rounds 

  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 16 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Venusaur (wearing a 25# weighted vest or backpack)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 32 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Mega Venusaur Add-on (If you are able to complete the Venusaur workout in its entirety without stopping, you can do this to finish up your workout)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Yard Reverse Bear Crawl


  • You may not advance to the next level of the workout until you are capable of completing the workout in its entirety without rest. 
  • Short video with a bunch of Battle Rope drills. You can find the ones in the workout on here, as well. The only difference is that on the "squat-stance" portion, you are just sitting in the bottom of the squat, instead of going up and down. 
  • For the bear crawl, go onto all fours, keeping your butt in the air and a great deal of your weight on your palms. You left hand moves forward, followed by your right leg, then your right hand and then your left leg, so that you should always have three points of contact with the ground. 
  • For the frog hop, you will squat down, with your feet wide and your palms on the ground in front of you. You will hold yourself on your hands as your feet hop up to come even with your hands. Then, you will reach out in front of you with your hands and repeat. At no point should both your hands and your feet be off the ground at the same time. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon workouts! My name is Stephen. People call me the Anime Trainer! This world is inhabited by workouts inspired by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon workouts are a hobby. Others use them as a way to get in shape. Myself... I create Pokemon workouts as a profession.

Your very own Pokemon workout legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon workouts awaits! Let's go!

Pokemon Workouts #01-#03: Bulbasaur-Venusaur 


  1. 50 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 50 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
--5 Rounds 

  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 16 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Venusaur (wearing a 25# weighted vest or backpack)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 1 Minute Alternating Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  3. 100 Yard Frog Hop
  4. 1 Minute Battle Rope Slams
  5. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  6. 1 Minute In-Out Squat-Stance Waves with Battle Ropes
  7. 32 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

Mega Venusaur Add-on (If you are able to complete the Venusaur workout in its entirety without stopping, you can do this to finish up your workout)
  1. 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 100 Yard Reverse Bear Crawl


  • You may not advance to the next level of the workout until you are capable of completing the workout in its entirety without rest. 
  • Short video with a bunch of Battle Rope drills. You can find the ones in the workout on here, as well. The only difference is that on the "squat-stance" portion, you are just sitting in the bottom of the squat, instead of going up and down. 
  • For the bear crawl, go onto all fours, keeping your butt in the air and a great deal of your weight on your palms. You left hand moves forward, followed by your right leg, then your right hand and then your left leg, so that you should always have three points of contact with the ground. 
  • For the frog hop, you will squat down, with your feet wide and your palms on the ground in front of you. You will hold yourself on your hands as your feet hop up to come even with your hands. Then, you will reach out in front of you with your hands and repeat. At no point should both your hands and your feet be off the ground at the same time. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout (Fairy Tail)

After the guild is destroyed by the Phantom Lord Guild, all the members of Fairy Tail pitch in to help rebuild the guild building. There's a lot of lifting and carrying going on in the midst of construction and that is what this workout hopes to mimic.

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout

1. "Lumber Carry" Barbell Complex

  1. Deadlift
  2. Clean
  3. Front Squat
  4. Push Press
  5. Back Squat
  6. Barbell Lunge
  7. Barbell Yoke Carry- 50 Meters
  8. Push Press
--10 to 20 Rounds

2. "Bucket Carry" Dumbbell Complex, increasing weight
  1. 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  2. 100 Meter Run
--5 to 10 Rounds

3. 200 Sledgehammer Swings

  • The Barbell Complex is only one rep of each exercise. You'll approach the bar, bend down and do a Deadlift, sit the bar down (but don't let it go) and immediately go into a full Clean. After the Clean, do a Front Squat (the bar racked on your chest and delts). At the top of the Front Squat, bend your knees and hips slightly and use the momentum from the upward movement of your legs to help you press the weight completely overhead for the Push Press. From the overhead position, bring the weight down on your shoulders and do a Back Squat. From the Back Squat, perform a Barbell Lunge on each leg. Next walk 50 meters with the weight still on your shoulders. At the end of the 50 meters, perform another Push Press from the bars current position. You may either bring the weight down to your chest and reverse the motion of the clean to put the bar back down or you may just drop the weight in front of you (but make sure you are out of the way). Repeat 10 to 20 times depending on your fitness. 
  • The limiting factor as far as weight goes for the Barbell Complex will most likely be the Push Press. Starting with 45-95# is probably a good place to begin. 
  • The Dumbbell Complex will require several increasingly heavier DBs or a set of varying weight dumbbells. You'll pick up the first set of dumbbell and walk 100 meters, then set them down and jog 100 meters back to the start. Then, you'll pick up the next set of DBs and do the next set. For instance, the complex may work like this: 15#, 25#, 35#, 45#, 55#. 
  • Ideally, you should be swinging the sledgehammer down onto a tire. If sledgehammer swings get too easy at the end of your workout, use a heavier hammer. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
After the guild is destroyed by the Phantom Lord Guild, all the members of Fairy Tail pitch in to help rebuild the guild building. There's a lot of lifting and carrying going on in the midst of construction and that is what this workout hopes to mimic.

"Rebuild the Guild" Workout

1. "Lumber Carry" Barbell Complex

  1. Deadlift
  2. Clean
  3. Front Squat
  4. Push Press
  5. Back Squat
  6. Barbell Lunge
  7. Barbell Yoke Carry- 50 Meters
  8. Push Press
--10 to 20 Rounds

2. "Bucket Carry" Dumbbell Complex, increasing weight
  1. 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  2. 100 Meter Run
--5 to 10 Rounds

3. 200 Sledgehammer Swings

  • The Barbell Complex is only one rep of each exercise. You'll approach the bar, bend down and do a Deadlift, sit the bar down (but don't let it go) and immediately go into a full Clean. After the Clean, do a Front Squat (the bar racked on your chest and delts). At the top of the Front Squat, bend your knees and hips slightly and use the momentum from the upward movement of your legs to help you press the weight completely overhead for the Push Press. From the overhead position, bring the weight down on your shoulders and do a Back Squat. From the Back Squat, perform a Barbell Lunge on each leg. Next walk 50 meters with the weight still on your shoulders. At the end of the 50 meters, perform another Push Press from the bars current position. You may either bring the weight down to your chest and reverse the motion of the clean to put the bar back down or you may just drop the weight in front of you (but make sure you are out of the way). Repeat 10 to 20 times depending on your fitness. 
  • The limiting factor as far as weight goes for the Barbell Complex will most likely be the Push Press. Starting with 45-95# is probably a good place to begin. 
  • The Dumbbell Complex will require several increasingly heavier DBs or a set of varying weight dumbbells. You'll pick up the first set of dumbbell and walk 100 meters, then set them down and jog 100 meters back to the start. Then, you'll pick up the next set of DBs and do the next set. For instance, the complex may work like this: 15#, 25#, 35#, 45#, 55#. 
  • Ideally, you should be swinging the sledgehammer down onto a tire. If sledgehammer swings get too easy at the end of your workout, use a heavier hammer. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

This workout is based solely on what it would take to make you a Pokemon trainer on a world-wide journey. It's an endurance workout utilizing a few different kinds of training. It starts out slow and gradually adds things, just like the game. You'll be walking, running, hiking, climbing a little, and swimming. However, the workouts are not exactly just doing what you would do on a journey, but also what it would take to get your prepared for that daily grind. The first workout is that preparation.

That's a long-ass way to walk, if you ask me. 

Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

  1. Walk 1 Mile OR Cycle 2 Miles
  2. Deadlift, Squat, OR Clean- 5 x 5 Reps
  3. 30 Step-ups on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  4. 1 Minute Plank
  5. Dumbbell Shrugs- 5 x 5 Reps
  6. 30 Step-downs on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  7. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  8. 30 Push-ups
  9. 30 Lunges w/Rotation (each side)
  10. 1 Minute Plank
  11. 5 x 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  12. 30 Squats
  13. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  • For the bodyweight exercises, when you can do all 30 reps without stopping, it's time to add weight in the form of a weighted vest, a backpack, or dumbbells. Try 10# at a time to begin with.
  • The weights are at the beginning of the workout to make sure that you're able to lift as much as possible. Remember to go up in weight if you are able to complete all five sets. You can either pick a weight and stay there for each set or go up after each one. I recommend starting a little lighter and adding weight, so that at the end, the 5th rep is the last possible rep you could have done. 
  • For the step-ups, make sure both feet make it to the top of the bench before you step down. You can alternate legs each rep or just power through one side and then do the other. 
  • The step-downs start from the top of the bench or box. You'll bend your knee, allowing your other foot to go toward the floor. As soon as the foot touches the floor, press with the leg on the bench or box and come back to standing.
  • On DB shrugs, just hold a weight in each hand and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.
  • This workout is useful for building your leg and back strength and core endurance, so that you can stay strong during runs, hikes, and long days out biking or swimming. 
  • When you lunge forward, rotate over the leg that is stepping out, making sure to keep your body straight up and down and turning as far as you can over that leg. Reverse the twist as you come back to standing.
  • Start light on the farmer's walk and work your way up. You should be relatively spent at this point. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
This workout is based solely on what it would take to make you a Pokemon trainer on a world-wide journey. It's an endurance workout utilizing a few different kinds of training. It starts out slow and gradually adds things, just like the game. You'll be walking, running, hiking, climbing a little, and swimming. However, the workouts are not exactly just doing what you would do on a journey, but also what it would take to get your prepared for that daily grind. The first workout is that preparation.

That's a long-ass way to walk, if you ask me. 

Pokemon Trainer Workout #1- Preparation

  1. Walk 1 Mile OR Cycle 2 Miles
  2. Deadlift, Squat, OR Clean- 5 x 5 Reps
  3. 30 Step-ups on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  4. 1 Minute Plank
  5. Dumbbell Shrugs- 5 x 5 Reps
  6. 30 Step-downs on 12-18" box/bench (each side)
  7. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  8. 30 Push-ups
  9. 30 Lunges w/Rotation (each side)
  10. 1 Minute Plank
  11. 5 x 100 Meter Farmer's Walk
  12. 30 Squats
  13. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
  • For the bodyweight exercises, when you can do all 30 reps without stopping, it's time to add weight in the form of a weighted vest, a backpack, or dumbbells. Try 10# at a time to begin with.
  • The weights are at the beginning of the workout to make sure that you're able to lift as much as possible. Remember to go up in weight if you are able to complete all five sets. You can either pick a weight and stay there for each set or go up after each one. I recommend starting a little lighter and adding weight, so that at the end, the 5th rep is the last possible rep you could have done. 
  • For the step-ups, make sure both feet make it to the top of the bench before you step down. You can alternate legs each rep or just power through one side and then do the other. 
  • The step-downs start from the top of the bench or box. You'll bend your knee, allowing your other foot to go toward the floor. As soon as the foot touches the floor, press with the leg on the bench or box and come back to standing.
  • On DB shrugs, just hold a weight in each hand and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.
  • This workout is useful for building your leg and back strength and core endurance, so that you can stay strong during runs, hikes, and long days out biking or swimming. 
  • When you lunge forward, rotate over the leg that is stepping out, making sure to keep your body straight up and down and turning as far as you can over that leg. Reverse the twist as you come back to standing.
  • Start light on the farmer's walk and work your way up. You should be relatively spent at this point. 

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

In the anime, there is a filler arc where Rock Lee is shown running for days at a time and he ends up almost dying, but is given some amazing curry and brought back to the realm of the living. This workout is about the mental toughness to push yourself further and further and to move forward, even if you're just barely moving at all.

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

-Run X+1 Miles.  X= The # of time you've completed the workout.


  • You'll start with 1 mile the first time you do the workout. After that, you'll do 2 miles. If you complete 2, then run 3. If you complete 3, then run 4. This continues for as long as you can handle it. 
  • I would avoid doing this workout every day, because it's a very quick way to over train due to the ever increasing distance. 
  • For longer distances, make sure that you are consuming enough water and carbohydrates. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour or so when you are running or working out continuously. 
  • If you are going to be running very long distances, make sure that you wear decent clothing that is not going to chafe, as well as possibly a phone and money for emergency purposes. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
In the anime, there is a filler arc where Rock Lee is shown running for days at a time and he ends up almost dying, but is given some amazing curry and brought back to the realm of the living. This workout is about the mental toughness to push yourself further and further and to move forward, even if you're just barely moving at all.

Rock Lee's "Curry of Life" Workout

-Run X+1 Miles.  X= The # of time you've completed the workout.


  • You'll start with 1 mile the first time you do the workout. After that, you'll do 2 miles. If you complete 2, then run 3. If you complete 3, then run 4. This continues for as long as you can handle it. 
  • I would avoid doing this workout every day, because it's a very quick way to over train due to the ever increasing distance. 
  • For longer distances, make sure that you are consuming enough water and carbohydrates. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour or so when you are running or working out continuously. 
  • If you are going to be running very long distances, make sure that you wear decent clothing that is not going to chafe, as well as possibly a phone and money for emergency purposes. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Natsu's Combat Workout (Fairy Tail)

This workout is designed with the specific techniques that we see Natsu perform during the course of the series. Only the ones that have potential real-life analogs were included (for obvious reasons).

Natsu's Combat Workout 

  1. Fire Dragon's Claw- 100 Roundhouse Kicks to Heavy Bag (each side)
  2. Fire Dragon's Iron Fist- 100 Straight Punches to Heavy Bag (each side)
  3. Fire Dragon's Wing Attack- 50 Throws of Heavy Bag from Bear Hug/Underhook 
  4. Fire Dragon's Sword Horn- 20 Headbutts (top of head) to Heavy Bag
  5. Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist- 30 Sec On/30 Sec Off All-Out Punching to Heavy Bag (until tired)
  6. Free Fight Training- 3 x 5 Minutes of Shadowboxing/Heavy Bag/Mitt Work/Sparring (pick any)
  • Make sure you keep good form for this workout. The main point of the first part of the workout is just perfecting technique and building strength. You should set up each strike and make sure your form is perfect and then hit the bag with full force. You can build cardio and your rhythm and everything else during the last part.
  • You may land kicks with your foot or shin, your choice.
  • Your straight punches can be boxing-style, karate-style, or whatever style of martial arts you practice.
  • Try to throw the heavy bag over your head if you can. If that is not possible, try to throw it behind you over your shoulder or around your body.
  • On the headbutts, try to start light and build up to being able to hit hard. You don't want to injure your neck or your brain by slamming your skull into the bag super hard right off the bat.
  • The 30 sec all-out/30 sec off just means you will hit the bag as hard and fast as possible for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. You will repeat this until you are unable to continue another round.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

This workout is designed with the specific techniques that we see Natsu perform during the course of the series. Only the ones that have potential real-life analogs were included (for obvious reasons).

Natsu's Combat Workout 

  1. Fire Dragon's Claw- 100 Roundhouse Kicks to Heavy Bag (each side)
  2. Fire Dragon's Iron Fist- 100 Straight Punches to Heavy Bag (each side)
  3. Fire Dragon's Wing Attack- 50 Throws of Heavy Bag from Bear Hug/Underhook 
  4. Fire Dragon's Sword Horn- 20 Headbutts (top of head) to Heavy Bag
  5. Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist- 30 Sec On/30 Sec Off All-Out Punching to Heavy Bag (until tired)
  6. Free Fight Training- 3 x 5 Minutes of Shadowboxing/Heavy Bag/Mitt Work/Sparring (pick any)
  • Make sure you keep good form for this workout. The main point of the first part of the workout is just perfecting technique and building strength. You should set up each strike and make sure your form is perfect and then hit the bag with full force. You can build cardio and your rhythm and everything else during the last part.
  • You may land kicks with your foot or shin, your choice.
  • Your straight punches can be boxing-style, karate-style, or whatever style of martial arts you practice.
  • Try to throw the heavy bag over your head if you can. If that is not possible, try to throw it behind you over your shoulder or around your body.
  • On the headbutts, try to start light and build up to being able to hit hard. You don't want to injure your neck or your brain by slamming your skull into the bag super hard right off the bat.
  • The 30 sec all-out/30 sec off just means you will hit the bag as hard and fast as possible for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. You will repeat this until you are unable to continue another round.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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Natsu Trains for Erza (Fairy Tail)

After challenging Erza to a fight, Natsu is shown doing a training session in Lucy's apartment. He's doing a series of calisthenics and appears to have a dumbbell, so this workout is based on that. It's fairly simple and, because of that, would likely be the kind of training that Natsu would do.
Natsu Trains for Erza

  1. Dumbbell Curls- 10 x 25# (One arm at a time on all DB exercises)
  2. Dumbbell OHP- 10 x 35#
  3. Dumbbell Front Raise- 10 x 10#
  4. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise- 10 x 10#
  5. 50 Sit-ups
  6. 50 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

  • The Dumbbell exercises are all done one arm at a time. This will also work your core while you are lifting and allow you to get accustomed to real-world lifting. 
  • For the DB curls, make sure that your elbow stays at your side the whole time and that you are completing the full Range of Motion for the exercise. That means a full hang at the bottom and curling until your arm doesn't bend any further at the elbow. 
  • On the DB Overhead Press, start with the weight racked on your shoulder, palm turned in toward the center line of the body. Press the weight up, while keeping your elbow from winging out too far, and rotate the dumbbell so that your palm is facing the away from you at the top of the movement. Achieve full extension of the arm at the top of the movement and return to the start. 
  • For a DB Front Raise, hold the DB in one hand, palm facing down with the weight resting against your leg. Lift the weight in front of your body with your arm almost completely straight (arm slightly bent) and your palm facing downward. Raise the weight until it reaches the height of your head and then return to start. 
  • The DB Side Lateral Raise is very similar to the Front Raise, but the weight now begins against the side of your leg and travels up along the side of your body with your arm straight out. The palm of your hand is once again facing down and the weight will raise until it is level with the top of your head before returning to start. 
  • Your shoulders, arms, and chest are going to take a beating on this workout, so if you have to do less than five rounds, that's perfectly fine. If you feel like the workout is getting too easy, you may either do more rounds or increase the weight of the DBs. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
After challenging Erza to a fight, Natsu is shown doing a training session in Lucy's apartment. He's doing a series of calisthenics and appears to have a dumbbell, so this workout is based on that. It's fairly simple and, because of that, would likely be the kind of training that Natsu would do.
Natsu Trains for Erza

  1. Dumbbell Curls- 10 x 25# (One arm at a time on all DB exercises)
  2. Dumbbell OHP- 10 x 35#
  3. Dumbbell Front Raise- 10 x 10#
  4. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise- 10 x 10#
  5. 50 Sit-ups
  6. 50 Push-ups
--5 Rounds

  • The Dumbbell exercises are all done one arm at a time. This will also work your core while you are lifting and allow you to get accustomed to real-world lifting. 
  • For the DB curls, make sure that your elbow stays at your side the whole time and that you are completing the full Range of Motion for the exercise. That means a full hang at the bottom and curling until your arm doesn't bend any further at the elbow. 
  • On the DB Overhead Press, start with the weight racked on your shoulder, palm turned in toward the center line of the body. Press the weight up, while keeping your elbow from winging out too far, and rotate the dumbbell so that your palm is facing the away from you at the top of the movement. Achieve full extension of the arm at the top of the movement and return to the start. 
  • For a DB Front Raise, hold the DB in one hand, palm facing down with the weight resting against your leg. Lift the weight in front of your body with your arm almost completely straight (arm slightly bent) and your palm facing downward. Raise the weight until it reaches the height of your head and then return to start. 
  • The DB Side Lateral Raise is very similar to the Front Raise, but the weight now begins against the side of your leg and travels up along the side of your body with your arm straight out. The palm of your hand is once again facing down and the weight will raise until it is level with the top of your head before returning to start. 
  • Your shoulders, arms, and chest are going to take a beating on this workout, so if you have to do less than five rounds, that's perfectly fine. If you feel like the workout is getting too easy, you may either do more rounds or increase the weight of the DBs. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Real Anime Training Demonstrations: The Muscle up

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Rock Lee's "Springtime of Youth" Workout

This workout is an accumulation of several of the things seen in Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals.

Rock Lee's "Springtime of Youth" Workout

  1. Forward/Backward Roll Practice- 10 Minutes
  2. MAX Push-ups
  3. Heavy Sandbag/Stone/Log Lifting- 10 Minutes
  4. Sandbag/Ankle Weight Deadlifts to Side Lateral Raises- 5 Minutes
  5. Gymnastic Bridge Walking- 5 Minutes
  6. Slow Practice of techniques/forms/shadowboxing with wrist and ankle weights- 30 Minutes
  7. Partner Carry- 5 Minutes
  8. Dodging Practice- 10 Minutes
  9. Wooden Dummy Practice- 10 Minutes
  10. Sparring- 10 Minutes
  11. Hill Sprints- 15 Minutes
  • When practicing your forward and backward rolls, try to roll from one shoulder to the opposite hip. You shouldn't roll directly along your spine. It's best to start practicing from one knee on the ground and then gradually move to standing. Eventually, when you get good enough, you can run and even jump while doing your rolls. It's also best to start on mats, because it takes a lot of practice to roll on harder surfaces. 
  • Whatever you have for the lifts, be it a log, a sandbag, a bar, or a large stone, it should be relatively heavy. Pick it up as best you can, maintaining proper spinal alignment and get the weight as high as possible. The lighter the weight, the higher you should be able to lift it. I would recommend using a variety of objects of varied weights in order to train yourself for a lot of different situation. 
  • Using whatever ankle weights you have, place them on the floor in front of you, bend down, and pick them up. When you bend down, keep your butt down, your head up, and your back straight, just like a normal deadlift. Your arms will stay straight down until you completely stand up. At this point, raise your arms out to the side until, with your palms down, until your hands are level with the top of your head. Reverse the movement until the weights are back on the floor. Repeat this until the time is up. 
  • Walking in a gymnastic bridge is very difficult, so take frequent breaks. You can walk in any direction you like, but don't try to go too fast, at least not at first. 
  • Practicing your techniques slowly while wearing the weights on your wrists and ankles will protect your joints and will build strength in those techniques. Make sure you really focus on the form of each of the movements, whatever style you practice. 
  • The partner carry can be over your shoulders, a piggy-back ride, a bear hug in front, sitting on your shoulders, or held in your arms. Your choice. Pick up your partner and move. Rest when needed. 
  • For dodging practice, you can have people throw tennis balls or dodgeballs at you. Try to maintain your fighting postures as much as you can, so that you could potentially counterstrike whenever possible. 
  • If you don't have a wooden dummy (which is likely, because most people don't), you can use a heavy bag or a wooden post or even a tree. You can hit the hard parts of a post or tree with your forearms, the bottoms of your feet, and your palms; however, if you are going to hit with your fists at all, I'd recommend wrapping those places in some sort of padding, at least to begin with. Hand conditioning is a long and arduous process. 
  • During sparring, you should wear gear. Gloves, mouthpiece, cup, headgear, shin guards: This is training-- don't hurt yourself.
  • For the hill sprints, the steeper the hill the better. Sprint to the top and then walk back down. When you get to the bottom of the hill, take a few deep breaths and repeat. If you need to stop during this section, because you aren't in shape yet, that's fine, but do your best to push on. 
  • If you need to rest in between any of these exercises, please do. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
This workout is an accumulation of several of the things seen in Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals.

Rock Lee's "Springtime of Youth" Workout

  1. Forward/Backward Roll Practice- 10 Minutes
  2. MAX Push-ups
  3. Heavy Sandbag/Stone/Log Lifting- 10 Minutes
  4. Sandbag/Ankle Weight Deadlifts to Side Lateral Raises- 5 Minutes
  5. Gymnastic Bridge Walking- 5 Minutes
  6. Slow Practice of techniques/forms/shadowboxing with wrist and ankle weights- 30 Minutes
  7. Partner Carry- 5 Minutes
  8. Dodging Practice- 10 Minutes
  9. Wooden Dummy Practice- 10 Minutes
  10. Sparring- 10 Minutes
  11. Hill Sprints- 15 Minutes
  • When practicing your forward and backward rolls, try to roll from one shoulder to the opposite hip. You shouldn't roll directly along your spine. It's best to start practicing from one knee on the ground and then gradually move to standing. Eventually, when you get good enough, you can run and even jump while doing your rolls. It's also best to start on mats, because it takes a lot of practice to roll on harder surfaces. 
  • Whatever you have for the lifts, be it a log, a sandbag, a bar, or a large stone, it should be relatively heavy. Pick it up as best you can, maintaining proper spinal alignment and get the weight as high as possible. The lighter the weight, the higher you should be able to lift it. I would recommend using a variety of objects of varied weights in order to train yourself for a lot of different situation. 
  • Using whatever ankle weights you have, place them on the floor in front of you, bend down, and pick them up. When you bend down, keep your butt down, your head up, and your back straight, just like a normal deadlift. Your arms will stay straight down until you completely stand up. At this point, raise your arms out to the side until, with your palms down, until your hands are level with the top of your head. Reverse the movement until the weights are back on the floor. Repeat this until the time is up. 
  • Walking in a gymnastic bridge is very difficult, so take frequent breaks. You can walk in any direction you like, but don't try to go too fast, at least not at first. 
  • Practicing your techniques slowly while wearing the weights on your wrists and ankles will protect your joints and will build strength in those techniques. Make sure you really focus on the form of each of the movements, whatever style you practice. 
  • The partner carry can be over your shoulders, a piggy-back ride, a bear hug in front, sitting on your shoulders, or held in your arms. Your choice. Pick up your partner and move. Rest when needed. 
  • For dodging practice, you can have people throw tennis balls or dodgeballs at you. Try to maintain your fighting postures as much as you can, so that you could potentially counterstrike whenever possible. 
  • If you don't have a wooden dummy (which is likely, because most people don't), you can use a heavy bag or a wooden post or even a tree. You can hit the hard parts of a post or tree with your forearms, the bottoms of your feet, and your palms; however, if you are going to hit with your fists at all, I'd recommend wrapping those places in some sort of padding, at least to begin with. Hand conditioning is a long and arduous process. 
  • During sparring, you should wear gear. Gloves, mouthpiece, cup, headgear, shin guards: This is training-- don't hurt yourself.
  • For the hill sprints, the steeper the hill the better. Sprint to the top and then walk back down. When you get to the bottom of the hill, take a few deep breaths and repeat. If you need to stop during this section, because you aren't in shape yet, that's fine, but do your best to push on. 
  • If you need to rest in between any of these exercises, please do. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Natsu Hates Transportation (Fairy Tail)

While Natsu is extremely tough and very brave, he lacks the ability to ride in any type of vehicle. If he so much as sets foot on a moving car, boat, ship, aircraft, or even walking vehicle, he is immediately incapacitated with severe motion sickness. Due to this, Natsu will often suggest things like swimming to an island instead of taking a boat or he will just run somewhere that he needs to go, avoiding transportation unless it is absolutely necessary. Because of this, it is very likely that Natsu can run and swim long distances with relative ease and that is the purpose of this workout.

Natsu Hates Transportation 


  1. Run 1 Mile
  2. Swim 400 Meters
  3. Run 800 Meters
  4. Swim 200 Meters
  5. Run 400 Meters
  6. Swim 100 Meters
  1. Run 2 Miles
  2. Swim 800 Meters
  3. Run 1 Mile
  4. Swim 400 Meters
  5. Run 800 Meters
  6. Swim 200 Meters
  1. Run 3.5 Miles
  2. Swim 1200 Meters
  3. Run 2 Miles
  4. Swim 800 Meters
  5. Run 1 Mile
  6. Swim 400 Meters
  1. Run 5 Miles
  2. Swim 1600 Meters
  3. Run 3.5 Miles
  4. Swim 1200 Meters
  5. Run 2 Miles
  6. Swim 800 Meters

  • You may have some difficulty finding a place to run and swim, but you may do this with a pool or a pond/lake. This is simple, but hard, because you're having to switch between running a swimming multiple times. 
  • Only move up to the next level of the workout if you are able to complete each of the running and swimming sets without stopping on three separate occasions. 
  • Make sure that you stay hydrated and that you bring a carbohydrate source with you when you train. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour are going to be training. That means, you may not need any at all during the first level of the workout, but you certainly will need a carb source after that. 
  • If you are unable to complete a distance, that's perfectly fine. You can walk to finish it or just wait until the next workout. You cannot, however, advance to the next level until you complete it on three separate occasions, without having to stop to cover a listed distance. If you aren't used to long distance training, just do your best and stop when you feel like you need to. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
While Natsu is extremely tough and very brave, he lacks the ability to ride in any type of vehicle. If he so much as sets foot on a moving car, boat, ship, aircraft, or even walking vehicle, he is immediately incapacitated with severe motion sickness. Due to this, Natsu will often suggest things like swimming to an island instead of taking a boat or he will just run somewhere that he needs to go, avoiding transportation unless it is absolutely necessary. Because of this, it is very likely that Natsu can run and swim long distances with relative ease and that is the purpose of this workout.

Natsu Hates Transportation 


  1. Run 1 Mile
  2. Swim 400 Meters
  3. Run 800 Meters
  4. Swim 200 Meters
  5. Run 400 Meters
  6. Swim 100 Meters
  1. Run 2 Miles
  2. Swim 800 Meters
  3. Run 1 Mile
  4. Swim 400 Meters
  5. Run 800 Meters
  6. Swim 200 Meters
  1. Run 3.5 Miles
  2. Swim 1200 Meters
  3. Run 2 Miles
  4. Swim 800 Meters
  5. Run 1 Mile
  6. Swim 400 Meters
  1. Run 5 Miles
  2. Swim 1600 Meters
  3. Run 3.5 Miles
  4. Swim 1200 Meters
  5. Run 2 Miles
  6. Swim 800 Meters

  • You may have some difficulty finding a place to run and swim, but you may do this with a pool or a pond/lake. This is simple, but hard, because you're having to switch between running a swimming multiple times. 
  • Only move up to the next level of the workout if you are able to complete each of the running and swimming sets without stopping on three separate occasions. 
  • Make sure that you stay hydrated and that you bring a carbohydrate source with you when you train. You should consume 30-60 carbs every hour are going to be training. That means, you may not need any at all during the first level of the workout, but you certainly will need a carb source after that. 
  • If you are unable to complete a distance, that's perfectly fine. You can walk to finish it or just wait until the next workout. You cannot, however, advance to the next level until you complete it on three separate occasions, without having to stop to cover a listed distance. If you aren't used to long distance training, just do your best and stop when you feel like you need to. 
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Cadets' Movement Workout

The Cadets in Shingeki no Kyojin are extremely mobile. They have to be. Movement is vital to their survival, because the Titans are not just going to stand still and let them attack. Dodging attacks, scaling walls, and running at break-neck speed are just some of the things required of a Cadet. This workout is set up to build the ability to switch between running, climbing, and jumping when necessary.

When you run out of gas, you're gonna have to run your butt off.
Get ready!!

Cadet's Movement Workout

Jog 1 Mile, then 5 to 10 Rounds of

  1. 200 Meter Sprint
  2. 10 Meter Climb
  3. 10 Long Jump Squats
Finally, after the 5 to 10 Rounds
  • Run 2 Miles

  • The first mile is just a jog, so keep it at a very easy, conversational pace. It's just an additional warm-up for the middle part of the workout. 
  • Go for 80-90% of your top speed on the sprints. You don't want to go 100%, except maybe on the last round. 
  • For the climb, you can use a rope, a rock wall, or a tree. Be safe, whatever you do. If you don't have but 10-12 feet to climb, you can do multiple ascents. 
  • When you get done with the climb, immediately do 10 Long Jump Squats. You'll squat down deep then drive forward explosively with your hips as you come up, leaping forward. As you land, make sure you land in a squat and then immediately start the next rep. Try not to pause in between squats. Make sure that you stay on your heels during the squat, your knees stay in line with your toes, and that you are squatting with your hips and not your knees. 
  • For the last 2 miles, put everything you have into it. Push, push, push. The Titans are chasing you. You've fought as much as you could. It's time to run. Get back to the wall as FAST AS YOU CAN!

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
The Cadets in Shingeki no Kyojin are extremely mobile. They have to be. Movement is vital to their survival, because the Titans are not just going to stand still and let them attack. Dodging attacks, scaling walls, and running at break-neck speed are just some of the things required of a Cadet. This workout is set up to build the ability to switch between running, climbing, and jumping when necessary.

When you run out of gas, you're gonna have to run your butt off.
Get ready!!

Cadet's Movement Workout

Jog 1 Mile, then 5 to 10 Rounds of

  1. 200 Meter Sprint
  2. 10 Meter Climb
  3. 10 Long Jump Squats
Finally, after the 5 to 10 Rounds
  • Run 2 Miles

  • The first mile is just a jog, so keep it at a very easy, conversational pace. It's just an additional warm-up for the middle part of the workout. 
  • Go for 80-90% of your top speed on the sprints. You don't want to go 100%, except maybe on the last round. 
  • For the climb, you can use a rope, a rock wall, or a tree. Be safe, whatever you do. If you don't have but 10-12 feet to climb, you can do multiple ascents. 
  • When you get done with the climb, immediately do 10 Long Jump Squats. You'll squat down deep then drive forward explosively with your hips as you come up, leaping forward. As you land, make sure you land in a squat and then immediately start the next rep. Try not to pause in between squats. Make sure that you stay on your heels during the squat, your knees stay in line with your toes, and that you are squatting with your hips and not your knees. 
  • For the last 2 miles, put everything you have into it. Push, push, push. The Titans are chasing you. You've fought as much as you could. It's time to run. Get back to the wall as FAST AS YOU CAN!

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

The cadets in SNK (Attack on Titan) have a lot to deal with and need to have to strength to handle extremely dangerous situations if they are going to be able to save themselves, their comrades, and humanity from the bellies of the Titans. This workout (the first of three) will build a baseline of strength for the movement and skill training the cadets will have to undergo before splitting into the Scouting Division, the Stationary Division, and the Military Police. The requirements to be a member of these divisions include using 3D Gear, running and climbing with weight, carrying fellow teammates, and fighting with various weapons.

Hip and core strength would be massively important in the operation of the 3D Gear, so there will be a large emphasis on developing these.

We're gonna need a lot more hip strength, here, guys.

Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Dips
  3. 5 Depth Jumps
  4. 5 Sandbag/Log Overhead Presses
  5. 10 Push-ups
  6. 10 Sit-ups
  7. 10 Jump Squats
  8. 10 Sandbag/Log Cleans
  9. 15 Hip Thrusts
  10. 15 Plank Lifts
  11. 15 Side Plank Lifts
  12. 15 Sandbag/Log Deadlifts
  13. 30 Second Straight Bridge
  14. 30 Second Plank
  15. 30 Second Side Plank
  16. 30 Second Sandbag Drag
--5 Rounds

  • The pull-ups can be any grip you like. Actually, I would recommend changing your grip, just so you can train pulling in different ways. You can even change in between rounds. If you can't do pull-ups, you could even do jumping pull-ups, where you jump up while holding the bar to utilize momentum in the pull. Make sure to use a full range of motion, even to the point of doing chest-to-bar pull-ups. 
  • The dips can be close or wide, but you should always go as deep as you can and have a full lock out at the top of the movement. 
  • For a depth jump, you'll start with about a 12 inch box or step. You take a step off and the simultaneously land with both feet, dropping your hips into a partial squat to absorb the shock of the fall. You don't really jump off, you just step. After a few successful workouts, add a few inches to the exercise. This is very good for training your ability to absorb force on a jump, which will translate to better rebound in jumping. 
  • The sandbag or log should be relatively heavy, because you're only doing five reps, but be careful not the drop it on your head. If you feel like you are going to drop the weight, just let it go and get out of the way. 
  • On any of the bodyweight movements, if they become too easy, add a weighted vest to the workout. 
  • Your jump squats only require your feet to come off the ground. You don't have to jump very high, although you can if you want to. It might be good to do high jump squats every few attempts of this workout. 
  • The basic mechanics of the clean start out like a deadlift, but once the weight hits mid-thigh, you use a hip pop, a shoulder shrug, and a high-pull (like an upright row) to pull the weight as high as possible, before diving into a squat underneath it and shooting your elbows forward and underneath the weight so that it rests on the fronts of your shoulders. You should be in a full squat at the bottom and then, to end the movement, you drive your hips forward to lift the weight. You may drop the weight from here to start the next rep or reverse the motion to go back down. With the sandbag, you'll be gripping the outside of the bag, so you'll get some good grip training from it. With the log, you'll have to modify your technique by using an alternating grip (one hand over the top, one under it) and then getting both hands underneath it during the pop/shrug/pull portion of the lift. 
  • For the hip thrusts, you will lay flat on the ground, with your knees bent and feet up towards your butt, flat on the ground. From this position, you will drive your hips up, pushing your feet and your shoulders into the ground. The top of the position should have your torso and legs from shoulders to your knees in as straight a line as possible. 
  • For plank lifts, begin on your hands or forearms in a basic plank position, remembering to keep your body straight and hips neutral. From this position, you will drop your hips to the floor slowly and then, once they touch, reverse the motion to return to the neutral position. 
  • Side plank lifts are performed the same way as plank lifts, but just in the side plank position. 
  • You should make sure you have the sandbag or log as close to your legs as possible on the deadlift. From this position, squat down with your head up and your back straight. Your upper body will lean forward to counter balance you. Keep your arms straight, think about pushing your heels through the floor and driving your hips forward. The motion for the deadlift comes from the hips. Don't focus on anything else. Grasp the weight, plant your feet, tighten your core and DRIVE your hips! At the top of the movement, lock your hips forward and your shoulders back. Be careful not to bend your arms or shrug. Reverse the movement in the same exact fashion, keep everything tight and release the weight down while pushing your hips back. 
  • The straight bridge is performed by propping yourself up on your hands and the bottom of your heels, while keeping your hips up and your body in a straight line. It is the opposite of a plank. 
  • For the sandbag drag, you can pull it in any way you like-- walking backwards, forwards, sideways, one armed, under your legs or whatever way you can think. 
The cadets in SNK (Attack on Titan) have a lot to deal with and need to have to strength to handle extremely dangerous situations if they are going to be able to save themselves, their comrades, and humanity from the bellies of the Titans. This workout (the first of three) will build a baseline of strength for the movement and skill training the cadets will have to undergo before splitting into the Scouting Division, the Stationary Division, and the Military Police. The requirements to be a member of these divisions include using 3D Gear, running and climbing with weight, carrying fellow teammates, and fighting with various weapons.

Hip and core strength would be massively important in the operation of the 3D Gear, so there will be a large emphasis on developing these.

We're gonna need a lot more hip strength, here, guys.

Cadets' Strength and Conditioning Workout

  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 5 Dips
  3. 5 Depth Jumps
  4. 5 Sandbag/Log Overhead Presses
  5. 10 Push-ups
  6. 10 Sit-ups
  7. 10 Jump Squats
  8. 10 Sandbag/Log Cleans
  9. 15 Hip Thrusts
  10. 15 Plank Lifts
  11. 15 Side Plank Lifts
  12. 15 Sandbag/Log Deadlifts
  13. 30 Second Straight Bridge
  14. 30 Second Plank
  15. 30 Second Side Plank
  16. 30 Second Sandbag Drag
--5 Rounds

  • The pull-ups can be any grip you like. Actually, I would recommend changing your grip, just so you can train pulling in different ways. You can even change in between rounds. If you can't do pull-ups, you could even do jumping pull-ups, where you jump up while holding the bar to utilize momentum in the pull. Make sure to use a full range of motion, even to the point of doing chest-to-bar pull-ups. 
  • The dips can be close or wide, but you should always go as deep as you can and have a full lock out at the top of the movement. 
  • For a depth jump, you'll start with about a 12 inch box or step. You take a step off and the simultaneously land with both feet, dropping your hips into a partial squat to absorb the shock of the fall. You don't really jump off, you just step. After a few successful workouts, add a few inches to the exercise. This is very good for training your ability to absorb force on a jump, which will translate to better rebound in jumping. 
  • The sandbag or log should be relatively heavy, because you're only doing five reps, but be careful not the drop it on your head. If you feel like you are going to drop the weight, just let it go and get out of the way. 
  • On any of the bodyweight movements, if they become too easy, add a weighted vest to the workout. 
  • Your jump squats only require your feet to come off the ground. You don't have to jump very high, although you can if you want to. It might be good to do high jump squats every few attempts of this workout. 
  • The basic mechanics of the clean start out like a deadlift, but once the weight hits mid-thigh, you use a hip pop, a shoulder shrug, and a high-pull (like an upright row) to pull the weight as high as possible, before diving into a squat underneath it and shooting your elbows forward and underneath the weight so that it rests on the fronts of your shoulders. You should be in a full squat at the bottom and then, to end the movement, you drive your hips forward to lift the weight. You may drop the weight from here to start the next rep or reverse the motion to go back down. With the sandbag, you'll be gripping the outside of the bag, so you'll get some good grip training from it. With the log, you'll have to modify your technique by using an alternating grip (one hand over the top, one under it) and then getting both hands underneath it during the pop/shrug/pull portion of the lift. 
  • For the hip thrusts, you will lay flat on the ground, with your knees bent and feet up towards your butt, flat on the ground. From this position, you will drive your hips up, pushing your feet and your shoulders into the ground. The top of the position should have your torso and legs from shoulders to your knees in as straight a line as possible. 
  • For plank lifts, begin on your hands or forearms in a basic plank position, remembering to keep your body straight and hips neutral. From this position, you will drop your hips to the floor slowly and then, once they touch, reverse the motion to return to the neutral position. 
  • Side plank lifts are performed the same way as plank lifts, but just in the side plank position. 
  • You should make sure you have the sandbag or log as close to your legs as possible on the deadlift. From this position, squat down with your head up and your back straight. Your upper body will lean forward to counter balance you. Keep your arms straight, think about pushing your heels through the floor and driving your hips forward. The motion for the deadlift comes from the hips. Don't focus on anything else. Grasp the weight, plant your feet, tighten your core and DRIVE your hips! At the top of the movement, lock your hips forward and your shoulders back. Be careful not to bend your arms or shrug. Reverse the movement in the same exact fashion, keep everything tight and release the weight down while pushing your hips back. 
  • The straight bridge is performed by propping yourself up on your hands and the bottom of your heels, while keeping your hips up and your body in a straight line. It is the opposite of a plank. 
  • For the sandbag drag, you can pull it in any way you like-- walking backwards, forwards, sideways, one armed, under your legs or whatever way you can think. 
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Gene Starwind's Training

Gene Starwind runs a jack-of-all-trades business, taking any job he can get. In the story, he comes across a ship, taking him out into space and forcing him to butt heads with a variety of opponents and pushing him into a lot of dangerous situations. This workout is designed to mimic the types of activities that Gene would have to do (and is seen doing) during the course of the series.

Gene Starwind's Training

  1. Headbutt- 10+ Strikes to Heavy Bag
  2. Dodging (Single)- 3 Hits  
  3. Sprinting- 100 Meters
  4. Dodging (Multiple)- 3 Hits
  5. Hurdles- 100 Meters 
  6. Head Movement Practice (Weaving)- 1 Minute
  7. Heavy Bagwork- 1 Minute
  8. 24-32" Box Jumps- 20 Jumps
  9. 10 Forward Rolls (each side) 
--5 Rounds, then
  • Long-Range Accuracy Training- Using a ball, shuriken, knife, or even a gun (don't use any real weapons unless you have been specifically instructed in their use. In cases where you are using real weaponry, it is best that you go to a location specifically designed for their use, like a shooting range. No definite time for practice, but 30-60 minutes is a good length if you aren't sure what to do. 

  • With the headbutts, you should start very light and only hit with the very top of your forehead or the top of your head, where it is the hardest. What "10+" means is that you will start with 10 the first time you do the workout and then add one more strike every time you do the workout after that. You'll be doing a total of 50 strikes the first time you do the workout, anyway. 
  • Single Dodging just means you have one thing being thrown at you. Since it's only one thing, a larger projectile, such as a dodgeball, soccerball, or something of the sort would be a good choice. You will continue dodging until you are hit three times. After that, move on to the next part of the workout. You can have one person just throwing it at you, in which case your back should be against a wall or you can be in the middle of a few people as they toss it at you. 
  • Try to go all out on the sprint. 
  • Multiple Dodging is dodging several projectiles. The best option here is probably tennis balls because you are not likely to hurt yourself. Once again, you can have one person throwing them at you with your back against a wall or a group surrounding you. 
  • Hurdling requires a lot of technique and, well, hurdles. If you have neither, then you may just want to settle on trying to clear a few obstacles along a running path. Jumping over a small fence or climbing up a wall would be sufficient. If you actually have access to hurdles and the have the skill to hurdle, you can do that, too. 
  • With the head movement drill, you'll need someone to throw punches at your head (slowly at first), while you dodge them. They can be standing in front of you or mounted on top of you. Either way, start slow and progress slowly. You don't really want to get hit in the face. Honestly, it's best if you have mats and both of you wear gear as well: gloves, mouthpiece, and headgear.
  • You can throw whatever strikes you want for the bagwork. 
  • On the box jumps, you need to make sure that once you jump on the box, you stand all the way up before you jump or step back down.
  • The forward rolls will be from one shoulder down to the opposite hip, making your body into as much of a circle as you can to turn the downward force of gravity into forward motion. If you are not used to rolling, start on mats or sand and then you can eventually move to harder surfaces once you have the technique down. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
Gene Starwind runs a jack-of-all-trades business, taking any job he can get. In the story, he comes across a ship, taking him out into space and forcing him to butt heads with a variety of opponents and pushing him into a lot of dangerous situations. This workout is designed to mimic the types of activities that Gene would have to do (and is seen doing) during the course of the series.

Gene Starwind's Training

  1. Headbutt- 10+ Strikes to Heavy Bag
  2. Dodging (Single)- 3 Hits  
  3. Sprinting- 100 Meters
  4. Dodging (Multiple)- 3 Hits
  5. Hurdles- 100 Meters 
  6. Head Movement Practice (Weaving)- 1 Minute
  7. Heavy Bagwork- 1 Minute
  8. 24-32" Box Jumps- 20 Jumps
  9. 10 Forward Rolls (each side) 
--5 Rounds, then
  • Long-Range Accuracy Training- Using a ball, shuriken, knife, or even a gun (don't use any real weapons unless you have been specifically instructed in their use. In cases where you are using real weaponry, it is best that you go to a location specifically designed for their use, like a shooting range. No definite time for practice, but 30-60 minutes is a good length if you aren't sure what to do. 

  • With the headbutts, you should start very light and only hit with the very top of your forehead or the top of your head, where it is the hardest. What "10+" means is that you will start with 10 the first time you do the workout and then add one more strike every time you do the workout after that. You'll be doing a total of 50 strikes the first time you do the workout, anyway. 
  • Single Dodging just means you have one thing being thrown at you. Since it's only one thing, a larger projectile, such as a dodgeball, soccerball, or something of the sort would be a good choice. You will continue dodging until you are hit three times. After that, move on to the next part of the workout. You can have one person just throwing it at you, in which case your back should be against a wall or you can be in the middle of a few people as they toss it at you. 
  • Try to go all out on the sprint. 
  • Multiple Dodging is dodging several projectiles. The best option here is probably tennis balls because you are not likely to hurt yourself. Once again, you can have one person throwing them at you with your back against a wall or a group surrounding you. 
  • Hurdling requires a lot of technique and, well, hurdles. If you have neither, then you may just want to settle on trying to clear a few obstacles along a running path. Jumping over a small fence or climbing up a wall would be sufficient. If you actually have access to hurdles and the have the skill to hurdle, you can do that, too. 
  • With the head movement drill, you'll need someone to throw punches at your head (slowly at first), while you dodge them. They can be standing in front of you or mounted on top of you. Either way, start slow and progress slowly. You don't really want to get hit in the face. Honestly, it's best if you have mats and both of you wear gear as well: gloves, mouthpiece, and headgear.
  • You can throw whatever strikes you want for the bagwork. 
  • On the box jumps, you need to make sure that once you jump on the box, you stand all the way up before you jump or step back down.
  • The forward rolls will be from one shoulder down to the opposite hip, making your body into as much of a circle as you can to turn the downward force of gravity into forward motion. If you are not used to rolling, start on mats or sand and then you can eventually move to harder surfaces once you have the technique down. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Luffy's New World Training (One Piece)

After the showdown at the end of the Marineford Arc, Luffy and the others go off a two year training journey, each to different locations. Luffy trains in the wilderness with the help of Rayleigh, attaining new levels of power and ability by mastering his Haki. This workout is based on that training time.

Luffy's New World Training

Strength and Conditioning
  1. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  2. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters
  3. Muscle-ups- MAX REPS
  4. 100 Meter Sprint
  5. Full Power Push-ups- MAX REPS
  6. 100 Meter Sprint
  7. High Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  8. 100 Meter Sprint
  9. Long Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  10. 100 Meter Sprint
  11. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  12. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters

Combat Skills
  1. Full Power Striking to Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  2. All-out Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  3. Stick Dodging- 5 Minutes
  4. Tennis Ball Dodging- 5 Minutes
  5. Target Practice - 5 Minutes
  6. Sparring- 3 x 5 Minutes
  • For the stone lifts and the stone carry, you'll try to lift whatever stone you have as high as you possibly can, with the eventual goal being locking the weight out directly overhead. The heavier the stone or weight is the less likely you will be to raise it to full lockout and that's okay. We're looking for a weight that's very heavy to begin with so you can gradually build up your strength over time. During the stone carry, you may carry the stone or weight however is most comfortable for you. 
  • For stick dodging you will need some sort of padded stick, or you can actually use a real stick if you are okay with getting hit (not really recommended, but I can't stop some people). All of the strikes will be swings, so do not have your partner thrust at you. The swings will come down or across and will be aimed at the head, in which case you will either move your head to the left or right or duck. Please, please, please begin slowly.
  • For target practice, you can use a speed bag, focus mitts, a tennis ball hanging from a string, several tennis balls thrown at you, a double end bag or anything else that is difficult to strike. You'll want to throw as many types of strikes at the particular target as possible. 
  • For sparring, you can go against one or multiple opponents, but if you are new to sparring, please go slow and hit softer. You will want to use gear, such as headgear, a mouthpiece, a cup, gloves, and shin guards in order to protect yourself during sparring. The main purpose of sparring is skill development. This is no time to get injured. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
After the showdown at the end of the Marineford Arc, Luffy and the others go off a two year training journey, each to different locations. Luffy trains in the wilderness with the help of Rayleigh, attaining new levels of power and ability by mastering his Haki. This workout is based on that training time.

Luffy's New World Training

Strength and Conditioning
  1. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  2. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters
  3. Muscle-ups- MAX REPS
  4. 100 Meter Sprint
  5. Full Power Push-ups- MAX REPS
  6. 100 Meter Sprint
  7. High Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  8. 100 Meter Sprint
  9. Long Jump Squats- MAX REPS
  10. 100 Meter Sprint
  11. Heavy Stone Lifts- 10 Reps
  12. Heavy Stone Carry- 100 Meters

Combat Skills
  1. Full Power Striking to Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  2. All-out Heavy Bag- 3 x 1 Minute Rounds
  3. Stick Dodging- 5 Minutes
  4. Tennis Ball Dodging- 5 Minutes
  5. Target Practice - 5 Minutes
  6. Sparring- 3 x 5 Minutes
  • For the stone lifts and the stone carry, you'll try to lift whatever stone you have as high as you possibly can, with the eventual goal being locking the weight out directly overhead. The heavier the stone or weight is the less likely you will be to raise it to full lockout and that's okay. We're looking for a weight that's very heavy to begin with so you can gradually build up your strength over time. During the stone carry, you may carry the stone or weight however is most comfortable for you. 
  • For stick dodging you will need some sort of padded stick, or you can actually use a real stick if you are okay with getting hit (not really recommended, but I can't stop some people). All of the strikes will be swings, so do not have your partner thrust at you. The swings will come down or across and will be aimed at the head, in which case you will either move your head to the left or right or duck. Please, please, please begin slowly.
  • For target practice, you can use a speed bag, focus mitts, a tennis ball hanging from a string, several tennis balls thrown at you, a double end bag or anything else that is difficult to strike. You'll want to throw as many types of strikes at the particular target as possible. 
  • For sparring, you can go against one or multiple opponents, but if you are new to sparring, please go slow and hit softer. You will want to use gear, such as headgear, a mouthpiece, a cup, gloves, and shin guards in order to protect yourself during sparring. The main purpose of sparring is skill development. This is no time to get injured. 
Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout (Fairy Tail)

Natsu Dragneel is a Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Slayer. Meaning he kills dragons.

Well, to be fair, he hasn't actually killed a dragon yet. He was just taught Dragon Slaying Magic from his Dragon foster father, Igneel. He has a massive amount of power, strength, and endurance and... oh, yeah-- he can breathe fire. (Plus he has amazing abs!)

This workout was inspired by the "Fire Dragon's Roar" technique and the concept of breathing fire.

Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout

  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 1 Minute Plank
  3. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
--AMRAP until plank fails

  • You should push yourself on the sprints. It should be 80-90% speed on these.
  • Essentially, you will continue on this workout until you fail to reach 1 Minute on either plank or side plank. If you fail, you should still complete that round, meaning that you do the full minute on each of the exercises, but you should not do another round after that.
  • The workout is called "Breath of Fire," because after a couple of rounds, you'll be breathing extremely hard, especially while trying to hold the plank. It will sound like you are trying to breathe fire. :D
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

Natsu Dragneel is a Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Slayer. Meaning he kills dragons.

Well, to be fair, he hasn't actually killed a dragon yet. He was just taught Dragon Slaying Magic from his Dragon foster father, Igneel. He has a massive amount of power, strength, and endurance and... oh, yeah-- he can breathe fire. (Plus he has amazing abs!)

This workout was inspired by the "Fire Dragon's Roar" technique and the concept of breathing fire.

Natsu's "Breath of Fire" Workout

  1. 100 Meter Sprint
  2. 1 Minute Plank
  3. 1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
--AMRAP until plank fails

  • You should push yourself on the sprints. It should be 80-90% speed on these.
  • Essentially, you will continue on this workout until you fail to reach 1 Minute on either plank or side plank. If you fail, you should still complete that round, meaning that you do the full minute on each of the exercises, but you should not do another round after that.
  • The workout is called "Breath of Fire," because after a couple of rounds, you'll be breathing extremely hard, especially while trying to hold the plank. It will sound like you are trying to breathe fire. :D
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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MMA Conditioning Video

This video has a lot of older clips in it. Love seeing all of this together!

This video has a lot of older clips in it. Love seeing all of this together!

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Stephen Makes Stuff Up #3: "The Curse of 5"

I get the joy of making up a lot of workouts for my day job, but I have to say that this is one of my favorites so far. I got the idea from a friend of mine who I have the opportunity to train. He often has the problem of getting stuck on the number "5" while counting reps or rounds in his workouts. He then suggested that we make a workout with five exercises, each for five reps, for five rounds. I took this as a challenge and this is what I came up with.

The Curse of Five

  1. 5 Deadlifts
  2. 5 Burpee Pull-ups
  3. 5 Manmakers (w/KB or DB)
  4. 5 One-Arm Push-ups (each side)
  5. 5 One Arm KB/DB Thrusters (each side)
--5 Rounds

  • The deadlifts should be heavy. Not necessarily your 5RM, but something you would normally be able to get 8 reps with should be fine. 
  • A Manmaker starts with a Kettlebell or a Dumbbell pressed overhead on each side. You then, bend down and place the weights on the floor, shooting your legs out behind you like a burpee. However, you should have your feet be wide for this next part. You then row one of the weights, while pressing the other into the ground. After placing the weight down again, you do a push-up while holding onto the weight and then row on the other side. Next, jump your feet back up and stand up, pressing the weights back over head. That's one rep. This should be fairly heavy, since it's only five reps. 
  • The One-Arm Push-ups should be done with your feet close together. If you cannot do them with your feet close together, you may start with them spread out and move them closer as you get stronger. You may also do a OAPU Progression, which is starting with both hands directly underneath your shoulders. You do one push-up and, while keeping one arm close to your side, move one arm out a little ways from your body and do another push-up. Do this once more, reaching out farther. Ideally, you should try to reach the non-pressing arm out to full extension. 
  • For the One Arm Thruster, hold the KB or DB in one hand at the bottom position of a shoulder press. Squat down deep, below parallel, and, as you come up, press the weight to full extension. You are using the drive from your legs to help press the weight. Once again, we're looking for a heavy weight.
  • The most important thing in this workout is not how fast you complete it, but maintaining good form with the heaviest weight possible and completing the bodyweight movements as described.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
I get the joy of making up a lot of workouts for my day job, but I have to say that this is one of my favorites so far. I got the idea from a friend of mine who I have the opportunity to train. He often has the problem of getting stuck on the number "5" while counting reps or rounds in his workouts. He then suggested that we make a workout with five exercises, each for five reps, for five rounds. I took this as a challenge and this is what I came up with.

The Curse of Five

  1. 5 Deadlifts
  2. 5 Burpee Pull-ups
  3. 5 Manmakers (w/KB or DB)
  4. 5 One-Arm Push-ups (each side)
  5. 5 One Arm KB/DB Thrusters (each side)
--5 Rounds

  • The deadlifts should be heavy. Not necessarily your 5RM, but something you would normally be able to get 8 reps with should be fine. 
  • A Manmaker starts with a Kettlebell or a Dumbbell pressed overhead on each side. You then, bend down and place the weights on the floor, shooting your legs out behind you like a burpee. However, you should have your feet be wide for this next part. You then row one of the weights, while pressing the other into the ground. After placing the weight down again, you do a push-up while holding onto the weight and then row on the other side. Next, jump your feet back up and stand up, pressing the weights back over head. That's one rep. This should be fairly heavy, since it's only five reps. 
  • The One-Arm Push-ups should be done with your feet close together. If you cannot do them with your feet close together, you may start with them spread out and move them closer as you get stronger. You may also do a OAPU Progression, which is starting with both hands directly underneath your shoulders. You do one push-up and, while keeping one arm close to your side, move one arm out a little ways from your body and do another push-up. Do this once more, reaching out farther. Ideally, you should try to reach the non-pressing arm out to full extension. 
  • For the One Arm Thruster, hold the KB or DB in one hand at the bottom position of a shoulder press. Squat down deep, below parallel, and, as you come up, press the weight to full extension. You are using the drive from your legs to help press the weight. Once again, we're looking for a heavy weight.
  • The most important thing in this workout is not how fast you complete it, but maintaining good form with the heaviest weight possible and completing the bodyweight movements as described.
That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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Furinji Saiga's Primal Strength Workout

Establishing good movement patterns in "Furinji Saiga's Primal Movement Workout" is only one half of the equation. It is also necessary to build the raw, primal strength that Saiga possesses, both as we've seen in the short time he's been in the manga, as well as what we can imagine based on the Elder. I find it likely that Saiga possesses the power to break his opponent in his hands without the use of any martial arts at all. That is the premise of this workout.

Furinji Saiga's Primal Strength Workout

-Practice Martial Arts- 1 Hour
-Primal Strength (Using various weights of logs and stones. As reps increase, weights should decrease.)
  1. 10 Deadlifts
  2. 10 Cleans 
  3. 20 Shoulders
  4. 20 Squats
  5. 30 Clean and Press
  6. 30 Thrusters
  7. 40 Push Press
  8. 40 Overhead Press
  9. 50 Slams
  10. 50 Biceps Curls/Chest Raises
  11. Tree Striking/Rending- 15 Minutes
  12. Sled Push/Pull- 5 x 100 Meters
  13. Sprints (pick 2): 100 Meter Forward, 100 Meter Backward, 1 Set of 90 Degree Sprints, 40 Yard Suicide x 5 Sets of each chosen
4-6 Hours Later
-If you still feel good after the morning training, then repeat the entire workout over again. I don't mean, "Hey, I can still walk, let me make it so I can't anymore." What I mean is, if you breeze right through the workout and you still feel pretty strong, then attempt to complete the workout again in its entirety. This is less likely than during the "Primal Movement" workout, because you'll be lifting fairly heavy and the intensity should take your endurance out. However, in the case that it does not, please feel free to go at it again. You may have to adjust your weights down and you can feel free to stop whenever needed.


  • Once again, martial arts can be a variety of different things: techniques, sparring, forms, or a class for example.
  • Covered Deadlifts in the Primal Movement workout.
  • Cleans are performed similarly to a deadlift, but as the weight comes across the top of your thighs, you use pop your hips forward, shrug slightly, and jump slightly. You will then pull the bar up in a straight line up your body before diving/squatting underneath it, your arms rotating around the bar until it rests on your front delts, your elbows pointed out, and with you in the bottom of the squat position. Stand up to complete the movement. You may drop the bar/log in between reps. If you are using a log, you may have to have a very close, alternating grip and then release the top hand so that both arms catch the log as it comes up. For all squats and cleans, your goal is to have your butt get as low as possible. We're building functional strength and that means full range of motion.
  • Shouldering is pick the log or rock up from the ground and placing it on your shoulder. It should still be a relatively heavy weight, so you shouldn't be able to just pick it up in your hands and put it on your shoulder. You should have to hug it close to you. 
  • For the squats, you can do front squats, which would have the weight up on your arms and front delts or back squats, where the weight is sitting across your shoulders. You may have to clean the weight to get it into position, so it's not going to be a very heavy weight, especially since you're looking to do 20 reps with it. If you have to set it down in between reps, that's fine. The idea here is to build strength, so eventually, a heavy thing won't feel so heavy and you'll need to find something heavier to manipulate. 
  • A clean and press is starts of the same as a clean, but at the top of the movement, you press the weight overhead.
  • Thrusters start in a front squat position. You then squat down and, as you come up out of the bottom, you use the momentum of the squat to help you press the weight overhead.
  • A push press starts with you holding the weight on your chess, you bend your knees and hips a little bit and forcefully explode upward, using the momentum to press the weight overhead. Make sure that your head comes forward ahead of your arms on each rep.
  • An overhead press is similar to a push press, except that you are using pure strength to push the weight instead of momentum. Remember to keep your elbows tucked in slightly to ease the tension on your shoulders.
  • For the slams, you will pick a rock up over your head and throw it forcefully to the ground. Pick it up and repeat. Be careful not to crush your toes. 
  • For biceps curls, you can use two small rocks, one big rock, or a small log. At the start of the movement, you will be standing with your arms extended, elbows at your side, weight or weights in your hands. You will then bend at the elbows until your arms are fully flexed, but your elbows will not move from your side at any time during the movement. If you are holding one weight in each arm, make sure you do 50 reps on each side. 
  • Tree striking/rending means hitting trees with any strikes the you like or grabbing them and trying to manipulate them. Your goal is to try to break branches (small at first) with strikes and by grabbing and trying to twist or snap them. In the anime, we see the elder pruning his trees with just two fingers. This is a ridiculous example of what I'm talking about. 
  • You can push or pull a specially made weight sled or a tire or even a car if you want. The idea is you want to push or pull something very heavy for an extended period of time. Rest two minutes in between each 100 meter push/pull.
  • 90 Degree Sprints are like running a baseball diamond. One set is each direction
  • A 40 Yard Suicide will require you to place markers at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards.  You will sprint to the 10 yard line and back to start, then immediately go to the 20 yard line and back to start, then the 30 yard line and back to start, then to the 40 yard line and back to start. That's one suicide. 
  • If you end up having the energy to do the whole workout again, it includes the martial arts section. 
Establishing good movement patterns in "Furinji Saiga's Primal Movement Workout" is only one half of the equation. It is also necessary to build the raw, primal strength that Saiga possesses, both as we've seen in the short time he's been in the manga, as well as what we can imagine based on the Elder. I find it likely that Saiga possesses the power to break his opponent in his hands without the use of any martial arts at all. That is the premise of this workout.

Furinji Saiga's Primal Strength Workout

-Practice Martial Arts- 1 Hour
-Primal Strength (Using various weights of logs and stones. As reps increase, weights should decrease.)
  1. 10 Deadlifts
  2. 10 Cleans 
  3. 20 Shoulders
  4. 20 Squats
  5. 30 Clean and Press
  6. 30 Thrusters
  7. 40 Push Press
  8. 40 Overhead Press
  9. 50 Slams
  10. 50 Biceps Curls/Chest Raises
  11. Tree Striking/Rending- 15 Minutes
  12. Sled Push/Pull- 5 x 100 Meters
  13. Sprints (pick 2): 100 Meter Forward, 100 Meter Backward, 1 Set of 90 Degree Sprints, 40 Yard Suicide x 5 Sets of each chosen
4-6 Hours Later
-If you still feel good after the morning training, then repeat the entire workout over again. I don't mean, "Hey, I can still walk, let me make it so I can't anymore." What I mean is, if you breeze right through the workout and you still feel pretty strong, then attempt to complete the workout again in its entirety. This is less likely than during the "Primal Movement" workout, because you'll be lifting fairly heavy and the intensity should take your endurance out. However, in the case that it does not, please feel free to go at it again. You may have to adjust your weights down and you can feel free to stop whenever needed.


  • Once again, martial arts can be a variety of different things: techniques, sparring, forms, or a class for example.
  • Covered Deadlifts in the Primal Movement workout.
  • Cleans are performed similarly to a deadlift, but as the weight comes across the top of your thighs, you use pop your hips forward, shrug slightly, and jump slightly. You will then pull the bar up in a straight line up your body before diving/squatting underneath it, your arms rotating around the bar until it rests on your front delts, your elbows pointed out, and with you in the bottom of the squat position. Stand up to complete the movement. You may drop the bar/log in between reps. If you are using a log, you may have to have a very close, alternating grip and then release the top hand so that both arms catch the log as it comes up. For all squats and cleans, your goal is to have your butt get as low as possible. We're building functional strength and that means full range of motion.
  • Shouldering is pick the log or rock up from the ground and placing it on your shoulder. It should still be a relatively heavy weight, so you shouldn't be able to just pick it up in your hands and put it on your shoulder. You should have to hug it close to you. 
  • For the squats, you can do front squats, which would have the weight up on your arms and front delts or back squats, where the weight is sitting across your shoulders. You may have to clean the weight to get it into position, so it's not going to be a very heavy weight, especially since you're looking to do 20 reps with it. If you have to set it down in between reps, that's fine. The idea here is to build strength, so eventually, a heavy thing won't feel so heavy and you'll need to find something heavier to manipulate. 
  • A clean and press is starts of the same as a clean, but at the top of the movement, you press the weight overhead.
  • Thrusters start in a front squat position. You then squat down and, as you come up out of the bottom, you use the momentum of the squat to help you press the weight overhead.
  • A push press starts with you holding the weight on your chess, you bend your knees and hips a little bit and forcefully explode upward, using the momentum to press the weight overhead. Make sure that your head comes forward ahead of your arms on each rep.
  • An overhead press is similar to a push press, except that you are using pure strength to push the weight instead of momentum. Remember to keep your elbows tucked in slightly to ease the tension on your shoulders.
  • For the slams, you will pick a rock up over your head and throw it forcefully to the ground. Pick it up and repeat. Be careful not to crush your toes. 
  • For biceps curls, you can use two small rocks, one big rock, or a small log. At the start of the movement, you will be standing with your arms extended, elbows at your side, weight or weights in your hands. You will then bend at the elbows until your arms are fully flexed, but your elbows will not move from your side at any time during the movement. If you are holding one weight in each arm, make sure you do 50 reps on each side. 
  • Tree striking/rending means hitting trees with any strikes the you like or grabbing them and trying to manipulate them. Your goal is to try to break branches (small at first) with strikes and by grabbing and trying to twist or snap them. In the anime, we see the elder pruning his trees with just two fingers. This is a ridiculous example of what I'm talking about. 
  • You can push or pull a specially made weight sled or a tire or even a car if you want. The idea is you want to push or pull something very heavy for an extended period of time. Rest two minutes in between each 100 meter push/pull.
  • 90 Degree Sprints are like running a baseball diamond. One set is each direction
  • A 40 Yard Suicide will require you to place markers at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards.  You will sprint to the 10 yard line and back to start, then immediately go to the 20 yard line and back to start, then the 30 yard line and back to start, then to the 40 yard line and back to start. That's one suicide. 
  • If you end up having the energy to do the whole workout again, it includes the martial arts section. 
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Frequency of Posts

I haven't been posting as frequently as I would like due to my work and training schedule. I'm currently teaching nearly 20 classes a week, while working on both my own strength and conditioning and skill work for a scheduled fight in October. I've also been spending a lot of time working on Personalized Training Programs. I've been very excited to work on the first few programs and would love to make more (one step closer to making this blog my full time job, which means I could post a heck of a lot more, but I digress).

In any case, I'm going to do my best to continue posting at least once a week for you guys, so thank you for your patience with all of this. You guys have been awesome and you're the whole reason for this blog to begin with!

Until next time, good luck and train hard!
I haven't been posting as frequently as I would like due to my work and training schedule. I'm currently teaching nearly 20 classes a week, while working on both my own strength and conditioning and skill work for a scheduled fight in October. I've also been spending a lot of time working on Personalized Training Programs. I've been very excited to work on the first few programs and would love to make more (one step closer to making this blog my full time job, which means I could post a heck of a lot more, but I digress).

In any case, I'm going to do my best to continue posting at least once a week for you guys, so thank you for your patience with all of this. You guys have been awesome and you're the whole reason for this blog to begin with!

Until next time, good luck and train hard!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Furinji Saiga's Primal Movement Workout

We haven't seen much of Furinji Saiga's training in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, but we do know that he is the son of the "Invincible Superman," Furinji Hayato. Therefore, because of that, we can guess that he is similarly trained and/or skilled. The Elder uses a lot of "Ancient Martial Arts" and is also capable of ridiculous feats of strength such as trimming his trees with just his fingers or running across the tops of trees or even water.

When we first really get to see Saiga, he manages to defeat five Master-class fighters before a coat has time to fall to the ground and the remaining Fists of Yami are wary and possibly even afraid of him. I have based this workout on the concept of "Ancient Primal Power." I will probably do another workout for Saiga, if we ever get some concrete training scenes for him.

Furinji Saiga's Primal Movement Workout

-Practice Martial Arts: 1 Hour (see notes)
-Primal Movement (All Exercises are MAX Reps, one right after the next. Choose one from each group. Choose a different exercise each time you do the workout.)

  1. Squat: Conventional, Sumo, Hindu, Split, or Pistol
  2. Lunge: Forward, Side, Reverse, or Walking
  3. Push: Push-up, One-Arm Push-up, Dip, or Handstand Push-ups
  4. Pull: Pull-up, Body Row, Upside Down Row, or One-Arm Variations
  5. Bend and Lift: Deadlift, Single-Arm Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift(45#/25#)
  6. Rotational Movement: Waist Twist or Wood Chop
  7. Barefoot Walking/Running: 30 Minutes, as is comfortable
  8. Swimming: 30 Minutes, any style
  9. Climbing: 30 Minutes (Rope, Tree, Rock)
4-6 Hours Later
-If you still feel good after the morning training, then repeat the entire workout over again. I don't mean, "Hey, I can still walk, let me make it so I can't anymore." What I mean is, if you breeze right through the workout and you still feel pretty strong, then attempt to complete the workout again in its entirety. You're only required to do max reps of the the movements, so whenever you fail is fine; however, you are free to stop whenever you need to during the second run through.  
    • Practicing martial arts can be anything you like: it can be any type of bag work, forms, shadowboxing, sparring, a martial arts class, or even just practicing single techniques.
    • Conventional Squats would be feet directly under hips, sumo would be feet wide and pointing out, hindu are feet right under hips, but knees come out over the toes, and a split squat is done from a lunge position. Remember to do each side for the split squats.
    • For forward lunges, step out in front of you, bending at the forward knee until your rear knee almost touches the ground. Reverse the movement by pushing off the front foot and return to standing. One rep is each side. Side lunges require you to step out to the side and squat back, with the other leg straight. Return to the start by pushing off the lunging leg. A reverse lunge means the leg that is moving is the rear leg. The to return back to start, push off the rear leg and return to standing. A walking lunge just means that you will lunge forward and step through to the lunge on the opposite side. 
    • Pull-ups and body rows can be any grip you like. Upside down rows are done by hanging upside down on a bar by your hands, with your feet straight up in the air. You will then pull yourself up by bringing your hands to your shoulders. This is a fairly difficult movement so be careful.
    • For the deadlift, you can use a bar or a log. You will squat down and grab the bar or log with straight arms. Your head will be up, your butt will be down, and your back will be straight. Then, you will push down through your heels and drive your hips forward to lift the weight. The bar will travel up close to your shins and thighs for the whole movement. Your arms will stay straight and you will not shrug your shoulders. At the top of the movement, you will have your hips fully extended, shoulders back. Then, you will slowly reverse the movement and sit the weight down. That's one rep. The single arm variation has a weight on either side of the body. You'll complete the reps on your weakest side and then complete the same number of reps on the other. The single-leg variation is a little different, because your non-lifting leg will extend out behind you as you bend at the waist. Your lifting leg will be only slightly bent and the majority of the motion will come from your hip and waist movement.
    • The waist twist is done with very little or no weight and is really just for loosening up. The wood chopping should be actual wood chopping with an ax. You can do swings from shoulder to hip or you can do sideways swings. 
    • You'll notice a lot of differences in your stride in walking and running if you've never done it barefoot. At the beginning, you should try to stay on grass or sand, until you toughen your feet up some. 
    • On the climbing portion, make sure that you only climb to a height with which you are comfortable. 10-12 feet is generally a good height when you are by yourself. If you have access to a rock wall with climbing support, that can be really helpful, too.
    • If you decide to repeat the workout, that includes the hour of martial arts. 
    That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

    We haven't seen much of Furinji Saiga's training in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, but we do know that he is the son of the "Invincible Superman," Furinji Hayato. Therefore, because of that, we can guess that he is similarly trained and/or skilled. The Elder uses a lot of "Ancient Martial Arts" and is also capable of ridiculous feats of strength such as trimming his trees with just his fingers or running across the tops of trees or even water.

    When we first really get to see Saiga, he manages to defeat five Master-class fighters before a coat has time to fall to the ground and the remaining Fists of Yami are wary and possibly even afraid of him. I have based this workout on the concept of "Ancient Primal Power." I will probably do another workout for Saiga, if we ever get some concrete training scenes for him.

    Furinji Saiga's Primal Movement Workout

    -Practice Martial Arts: 1 Hour (see notes)
    -Primal Movement (All Exercises are MAX Reps, one right after the next. Choose one from each group. Choose a different exercise each time you do the workout.)

    1. Squat: Conventional, Sumo, Hindu, Split, or Pistol
    2. Lunge: Forward, Side, Reverse, or Walking
    3. Push: Push-up, One-Arm Push-up, Dip, or Handstand Push-ups
    4. Pull: Pull-up, Body Row, Upside Down Row, or One-Arm Variations
    5. Bend and Lift: Deadlift, Single-Arm Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift(45#/25#)
    6. Rotational Movement: Waist Twist or Wood Chop
    7. Barefoot Walking/Running: 30 Minutes, as is comfortable
    8. Swimming: 30 Minutes, any style
    9. Climbing: 30 Minutes (Rope, Tree, Rock)
    4-6 Hours Later
    -If you still feel good after the morning training, then repeat the entire workout over again. I don't mean, "Hey, I can still walk, let me make it so I can't anymore." What I mean is, if you breeze right through the workout and you still feel pretty strong, then attempt to complete the workout again in its entirety. You're only required to do max reps of the the movements, so whenever you fail is fine; however, you are free to stop whenever you need to during the second run through.  
      • Practicing martial arts can be anything you like: it can be any type of bag work, forms, shadowboxing, sparring, a martial arts class, or even just practicing single techniques.
      • Conventional Squats would be feet directly under hips, sumo would be feet wide and pointing out, hindu are feet right under hips, but knees come out over the toes, and a split squat is done from a lunge position. Remember to do each side for the split squats.
      • For forward lunges, step out in front of you, bending at the forward knee until your rear knee almost touches the ground. Reverse the movement by pushing off the front foot and return to standing. One rep is each side. Side lunges require you to step out to the side and squat back, with the other leg straight. Return to the start by pushing off the lunging leg. A reverse lunge means the leg that is moving is the rear leg. The to return back to start, push off the rear leg and return to standing. A walking lunge just means that you will lunge forward and step through to the lunge on the opposite side. 
      • Pull-ups and body rows can be any grip you like. Upside down rows are done by hanging upside down on a bar by your hands, with your feet straight up in the air. You will then pull yourself up by bringing your hands to your shoulders. This is a fairly difficult movement so be careful.
      • For the deadlift, you can use a bar or a log. You will squat down and grab the bar or log with straight arms. Your head will be up, your butt will be down, and your back will be straight. Then, you will push down through your heels and drive your hips forward to lift the weight. The bar will travel up close to your shins and thighs for the whole movement. Your arms will stay straight and you will not shrug your shoulders. At the top of the movement, you will have your hips fully extended, shoulders back. Then, you will slowly reverse the movement and sit the weight down. That's one rep. The single arm variation has a weight on either side of the body. You'll complete the reps on your weakest side and then complete the same number of reps on the other. The single-leg variation is a little different, because your non-lifting leg will extend out behind you as you bend at the waist. Your lifting leg will be only slightly bent and the majority of the motion will come from your hip and waist movement.
      • The waist twist is done with very little or no weight and is really just for loosening up. The wood chopping should be actual wood chopping with an ax. You can do swings from shoulder to hip or you can do sideways swings. 
      • You'll notice a lot of differences in your stride in walking and running if you've never done it barefoot. At the beginning, you should try to stay on grass or sand, until you toughen your feet up some. 
      • On the climbing portion, make sure that you only climb to a height with which you are comfortable. 10-12 feet is generally a good height when you are by yourself. If you have access to a rock wall with climbing support, that can be really helpful, too.
      • If you decide to repeat the workout, that includes the hour of martial arts. 
      That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

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      2nd Star Commander Junas' Training (Psyren)

      Junas is the 2nd Star Commander under Amagi Miroku and is one scary guy. He's super fast, incredibly agile, very skilled at combat, and has an ability that allows him to cut through virtually anything with his Psi. Junas' most impressive attribute is his speed, but he's not just fast. He has an incredible endurance that allows him to keep his speed for a long period of time. When Kagetora was chasing him in the Present, Junas ran (while carrying a child) for 3 whole days!

      We do need to remember that these abilities are all Psi based and not necessarily based in a training program. However, I've built this workout based on the attributes Junas displays throughout the series. It will focus on speed and speed-endurance (which is the ability to maintain speed for an extended time.)

      Junas' Training

      Sprint/Explosive Movement Complex

      1. Light Jog- 5 Minutes
      2. 8" Hurdle Hops- 5 x 20 Reps
      3. Slalom Run- 5 x 25 Meters
      4. Agility Ladder- 2 x 3 Drills (see notes)
      5. High Jump Squats- 3 x 10 Reps
      6. Box Up-and-Overs- 3 x 10 Reps
      7. 50 Meter Sprint/Walk Back
      8. 100 Meter Sprint/Walk Back
      9. 50 Meter Zig-Zag Sprint/Walk Back
      10. 100 Meter Zig-Zag Sprint/Walk Back
      11. 90 Degree Sprint- 1 Set Each Side
      12. 100 Meter Sprint/Backpeddle
      13. 50 Meter Sprint/Backpeddle

      Additional Attribute Training (Choose 1)
      -Sword Work
      1. 100 Downward Swings
      2. Draw Sword-Block-Parry-Strike- 25 Times (each side)
      3. 100 Downward Swings
      1. 15 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      2. 30 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      3. 45 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      4. 60 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      5. 90 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      6. 120 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      7. 180 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      1. Running- 30 Minutes+10%
      2. 40# Run-Carry- Until fatigued

      • For the hurdle hops, you'll keep your legs mostly straight, but with knees soft. Using as little motion as possible, hop over an 8" hurdle for listed number of reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • For the Slalom Run, you'll put cones every few feet for the listed distance and you'll alternatively run through them. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • Here is a video of some agility drills. Pick 3 and do 2 sets each. Rest 30 seconds between each drill.
      • Box Up-and-Overs, you perform a box jump and then hop off the box on the other side. That's one rep. Turn around and repeat for listed reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • Sprints should be 90-100% effort. The walk back is your rest period.
      • For Zig-Zag sprints, you will turn at a 45 degree angle and start your sprint. On your fifth step, you will turn 90 degrees and run back toward the center line of the field or road you are on. On the fifth step of that, you will reverse and repeat this every fifth step to cut a zig-zag back and forth across the listed distance. The walk back is your rest period.
      • For the last sprints, the back peddle does not have to be a sprint, but should at least be at a nice run-like pace.
      • After the first part of the workout, rest 5 minutes and pick on of the attribute trainings.
      • For the sword work, you can use a sword, a wooden sword, a stick, or even a sledgehammer. 
      • During the speed endurance, you will not rest between sets except for the allotted time for walking. This training is designed to push your lactate threshold higher so that you can sustain a higher intensity for a longer period.
      • For the endurance portion, "30 Minutes+10%" means that when you first do the workout, you will attempt to run for 30 minutes straight. When you are capable of doing this, add 10% more time to this. That means you will run 33 minutes if you can run 30 successfully, approximately 36 Minutes and 15 Seconds if you can run 33, 39 Minutes 45 Seconds if you can run the 36'15" and so on. It doesn't have to be as precise with the seconds. You can certainly round up or down to the nearest minute.
      • The second part of the endurance training is done right after the first. Using any compact weight: a medicine ball, a plate, a backpack-- you will carry it with your arms however you need to and run as far as you can go without stopping. If you stop or have to drop the weight even one time, you are done for the day.
      • When you pick an attribute, try not to train that attribute two workouts in a row. 
      Junas is the 2nd Star Commander under Amagi Miroku and is one scary guy. He's super fast, incredibly agile, very skilled at combat, and has an ability that allows him to cut through virtually anything with his Psi. Junas' most impressive attribute is his speed, but he's not just fast. He has an incredible endurance that allows him to keep his speed for a long period of time. When Kagetora was chasing him in the Present, Junas ran (while carrying a child) for 3 whole days!

      We do need to remember that these abilities are all Psi based and not necessarily based in a training program. However, I've built this workout based on the attributes Junas displays throughout the series. It will focus on speed and speed-endurance (which is the ability to maintain speed for an extended time.)

      Junas' Training

      Sprint/Explosive Movement Complex

      1. Light Jog- 5 Minutes
      2. 8" Hurdle Hops- 5 x 20 Reps
      3. Slalom Run- 5 x 25 Meters
      4. Agility Ladder- 2 x 3 Drills (see notes)
      5. High Jump Squats- 3 x 10 Reps
      6. Box Up-and-Overs- 3 x 10 Reps
      7. 50 Meter Sprint/Walk Back
      8. 100 Meter Sprint/Walk Back
      9. 50 Meter Zig-Zag Sprint/Walk Back
      10. 100 Meter Zig-Zag Sprint/Walk Back
      11. 90 Degree Sprint- 1 Set Each Side
      12. 100 Meter Sprint/Backpeddle
      13. 50 Meter Sprint/Backpeddle

      Additional Attribute Training (Choose 1)
      -Sword Work
      1. 100 Downward Swings
      2. Draw Sword-Block-Parry-Strike- 25 Times (each side)
      3. 100 Downward Swings
      1. 15 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      2. 30 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      3. 45 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      4. 60 Second Sprint/15 Second Walk
      5. 90 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      6. 120 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      7. 180 Second Sprint/30 Second Walk
      1. Running- 30 Minutes+10%
      2. 40# Run-Carry- Until fatigued

      • For the hurdle hops, you'll keep your legs mostly straight, but with knees soft. Using as little motion as possible, hop over an 8" hurdle for listed number of reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • For the Slalom Run, you'll put cones every few feet for the listed distance and you'll alternatively run through them. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • Here is a video of some agility drills. Pick 3 and do 2 sets each. Rest 30 seconds between each drill.
      • Box Up-and-Overs, you perform a box jump and then hop off the box on the other side. That's one rep. Turn around and repeat for listed reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
      • Sprints should be 90-100% effort. The walk back is your rest period.
      • For Zig-Zag sprints, you will turn at a 45 degree angle and start your sprint. On your fifth step, you will turn 90 degrees and run back toward the center line of the field or road you are on. On the fifth step of that, you will reverse and repeat this every fifth step to cut a zig-zag back and forth across the listed distance. The walk back is your rest period.
      • For the last sprints, the back peddle does not have to be a sprint, but should at least be at a nice run-like pace.
      • After the first part of the workout, rest 5 minutes and pick on of the attribute trainings.
      • For the sword work, you can use a sword, a wooden sword, a stick, or even a sledgehammer. 
      • During the speed endurance, you will not rest between sets except for the allotted time for walking. This training is designed to push your lactate threshold higher so that you can sustain a higher intensity for a longer period.
      • For the endurance portion, "30 Minutes+10%" means that when you first do the workout, you will attempt to run for 30 minutes straight. When you are capable of doing this, add 10% more time to this. That means you will run 33 minutes if you can run 30 successfully, approximately 36 Minutes and 15 Seconds if you can run 33, 39 Minutes 45 Seconds if you can run the 36'15" and so on. It doesn't have to be as precise with the seconds. You can certainly round up or down to the nearest minute.
      • The second part of the endurance training is done right after the first. Using any compact weight: a medicine ball, a plate, a backpack-- you will carry it with your arms however you need to and run as far as you can go without stopping. If you stop or have to drop the weight even one time, you are done for the day.
      • When you pick an attribute, try not to train that attribute two workouts in a row. 
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      Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

      Ogata is amazingly versatile in his martial arts. He can grapple just as well as he strikes and he possesses all manner of inventive techniques in each type of discipline he engages in.  This workout, while not giving you the martial skills of Kensei, will help cultivate the attributes that he possesses as a martial artist: balance, toughness, flexibility, and strength.

      Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

      1. Round Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      2. Nukite (Spear Hand) into Sand*- 100 each side
      3. Side Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      4. Short Power Strikes- 100 each side (see notes)
      5. Back Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      6. Tree Striking- 200 Strikes, as is comfortable
      7. Front Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      8. Diamond Finger- 100 Strikes each side
      9. Side Split Stretch- 3 x 2 Minutes
      10. Gliding Step Foowork- 5 Minutes
      11. Front Split Stretch- 3 x 1 Minute each side
      12. 40-100# Sand Bag Throwing- 15 Minutes
      13. Heavy Bag Work- 15 Minutes
      14. Seikuuken Training- 30 Minutes
      15. Sparring

      • You may do the kicks for balance with support to begin with, but ideally you should not use support for all 100 kicks. Your goal should be to not put your foot down at all during any of the balance kicking.
      • For the spear hand strikes, it's best to fill a 5 gallon bucket or a big blue wash bin with sand for the strikes. After 100 workouts, remove a cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot and mix it all together. Continue to remove one cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot every other workout after that. In order to not dump out any of your steel shot, you should dump the scoop of sand into a strainer atop another bucket to make sure you catch any shot you may have picked up. There are 16 cups in a gallon, so once you start the process of removing a cup of sand every other workout (after the first 100), you should be completely steel shot somewhere around workout 260, if you were using the 5-gallon bucket. This should be long enough for you to build up a good base for your hand training and a gradual enough increase to keep you from hurting yourself.
      • Short power strikes means that you will practice hitting a target from 3 or less inches away. You are working to activate all of your muscles involved in the strike as quickly as possible. Eventually, you should work up to being able to strike the target from point-blank range. If you're looking for an example of this power, check out a demonstration I did with a friend of mine a couple of years back. 
      • For tree striking, you may use any strike you like-- punches, kicks, knees, elbows, shoulder bumps, chops or whatever. Do them as comfortably as you can and you will be able to build upon that later. This will take time, so be patient and don't get overzealous, because injury is a very real possibility if you hit the tree to hard. It's best if you start on softer, flatter trees. 
      • For the side split stretch, you will spread your legs as wide as possible and reach forward for 30 seconds. Then reach to the left for 30 seconds. Then reach to the right for 30 seconds. Then reach back to the the center, trying to stretch just a little farther for 30 seconds. Rest by walking around and shaking your legs out for 1 minute. Repeat for the listed sets.
      • For the front split stretch, you will put one foot forward as far as possible and one foot back as far as possible. You will place the back of your heel down on the front foot and the knee down on the opposite leg behind you. You will lean forward, the heel of your front foot sliding away from you, while your opposite hip is moving toward the ground. Stretch this way for 1 minute, then switch sides. Rest for 1 minute by walking around and shaking out your legs. Repeat for the listed sets.
      • The footwork for the gliding step is not very clear in the manga, however, what you should practice is shuffling your feet to one side or the other as quickly as you can. One foot will reach out to the side in a step, the other foot will slide to meet it and you will repeat the motion as quickly as possible. You can also do this movement in a circle or change directions abruptly as well.
      • For the sand bag throws, you can fill a canvas laundry bag with sand (it leaks, though), rubberized mulch or real wood chips, pea gravel, or steel shot. I think your best option is rubberized mulch, because it is the middle ground for cost, as well as not being super messy. You'll want to secure the bag with a good line or rope or even have it sewn up with fishing line. The actual technique of the exercise is up to you. You can throw the bag overhead, you can pick it up and throw it down, you can try to spin and toss it for distance, or you can practice any body throws from Judo or Wrestling that you may know. 
      • The heavy bag work is time for you to play with your techniques. Throw whatever you like as fast or as slow or as soft or hard as you like. You can use it as a cardio or strength session or purely just to play with new strikes. I recommend bag gloves if you are not used to hitting a heavy bag, to save the skin on your knuckles. Eventually, you may remove the gloves as your hands toughen up from the other training, but always err on the side of caution with training, because injuries can sideline you for extended periods of time.
      • Reference Kenichi's Seikuuken Training for the Seikuuken portion of this workout. 
      • There are no limits or rules for your sparring. You may do no contact, full contact, just grappling or striking, multi-person sparring or whatever you feel. Just be careful and work up to more difficult things as you feel comfortable. I recommend wearing gloves, a cup, and a mouthpiece in order to keep yourself safe. The sparring sessions are really about skill. You've toughened yourself up with the rest of your training.
      That's all for today! Good luck and train hard!
      Ogata is amazingly versatile in his martial arts. He can grapple just as well as he strikes and he possesses all manner of inventive techniques in each type of discipline he engages in.  This workout, while not giving you the martial skills of Kensei, will help cultivate the attributes that he possesses as a martial artist: balance, toughness, flexibility, and strength.

      Ogata Isshinsai's Martial Arts Conditioning

      1. Round Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      2. Nukite (Spear Hand) into Sand*- 100 each side
      3. Side Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      4. Short Power Strikes- 100 each side (see notes)
      5. Back Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      6. Tree Striking- 200 Strikes, as is comfortable
      7. Front Kicks for Balance- 100 each side
      8. Diamond Finger- 100 Strikes each side
      9. Side Split Stretch- 3 x 2 Minutes
      10. Gliding Step Foowork- 5 Minutes
      11. Front Split Stretch- 3 x 1 Minute each side
      12. 40-100# Sand Bag Throwing- 15 Minutes
      13. Heavy Bag Work- 15 Minutes
      14. Seikuuken Training- 30 Minutes
      15. Sparring

      • You may do the kicks for balance with support to begin with, but ideally you should not use support for all 100 kicks. Your goal should be to not put your foot down at all during any of the balance kicking.
      • For the spear hand strikes, it's best to fill a 5 gallon bucket or a big blue wash bin with sand for the strikes. After 100 workouts, remove a cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot and mix it all together. Continue to remove one cup of sand and add one cup of steel shot every other workout after that. In order to not dump out any of your steel shot, you should dump the scoop of sand into a strainer atop another bucket to make sure you catch any shot you may have picked up. There are 16 cups in a gallon, so once you start the process of removing a cup of sand every other workout (after the first 100), you should be completely steel shot somewhere around workout 260, if you were using the 5-gallon bucket. This should be long enough for you to build up a good base for your hand training and a gradual enough increase to keep you from hurting yourself.
      • Short power strikes means that you will practice hitting a target from 3 or less inches away. You are working to activate all of your muscles involved in the strike as quickly as possible. Eventually, you should work up to being able to strike the target from point-blank range. If you're looking for an example of this power, check out a demonstration I did with a friend of mine a couple of years back. 
      • For tree striking, you may use any strike you like-- punches, kicks, knees, elbows, shoulder bumps, chops or whatever. Do them as comfortably as you can and you will be able to build upon that later. This will take time, so be patient and don't get overzealous, because injury is a very real possibility if you hit the tree to hard. It's best if you start on softer, flatter trees. 
      • For the side split stretch, you will spread your legs as wide as possible and reach forward for 30 seconds. Then reach to the left for 30 seconds. Then reach to the right for 30 seconds. Then reach back to the the center, trying to stretch just a little farther for 30 seconds. Rest by walking around and shaking your legs out for 1 minute. Repeat for the listed sets.
      • For the front split stretch, you will put one foot forward as far as possible and one foot back as far as possible. You will place the back of your heel down on the front foot and the knee down on the opposite leg behind you. You will lean forward, the heel of your front foot sliding away from you, while your opposite hip is moving toward the ground. Stretch this way for 1 minute, then switch sides. Rest for 1 minute by walking around and shaking out your legs. Repeat for the listed sets.
      • The footwork for the gliding step is not very clear in the manga, however, what you should practice is shuffling your feet to one side or the other as quickly as you can. One foot will reach out to the side in a step, the other foot will slide to meet it and you will repeat the motion as quickly as possible. You can also do this movement in a circle or change directions abruptly as well.
      • For the sand bag throws, you can fill a canvas laundry bag with sand (it leaks, though), rubberized mulch or real wood chips, pea gravel, or steel shot. I think your best option is rubberized mulch, because it is the middle ground for cost, as well as not being super messy. You'll want to secure the bag with a good line or rope or even have it sewn up with fishing line. The actual technique of the exercise is up to you. You can throw the bag overhead, you can pick it up and throw it down, you can try to spin and toss it for distance, or you can practice any body throws from Judo or Wrestling that you may know. 
      • The heavy bag work is time for you to play with your techniques. Throw whatever you like as fast or as slow or as soft or hard as you like. You can use it as a cardio or strength session or purely just to play with new strikes. I recommend bag gloves if you are not used to hitting a heavy bag, to save the skin on your knuckles. Eventually, you may remove the gloves as your hands toughen up from the other training, but always err on the side of caution with training, because injuries can sideline you for extended periods of time.
      • Reference Kenichi's Seikuuken Training for the Seikuuken portion of this workout. 
      • There are no limits or rules for your sparring. You may do no contact, full contact, just grappling or striking, multi-person sparring or whatever you feel. Just be careful and work up to more difficult things as you feel comfortable. I recommend wearing gloves, a cup, and a mouthpiece in order to keep yourself safe. The sparring sessions are really about skill. You've toughened yourself up with the rest of your training.
      That's all for today! Good luck and train hard!
      reade more... Résuméabuiyad

      Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

      Ogata Isshinsai, often called Kensei, is a young member of the One Shadow, Nine Fists. He was previously the number one disciple of Ryouzanpaku and was trained by the Elder, Akisame, and Ma. He has mastered at least one of the Elder's 108 secret techniques. Through his disciples, we've managed to see several of Ogata's techniques and the skills that he possesses as a fighter. These workouts are based on the accumulation of everything seen of Kensei.

      Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

      -Run 3 Miles
      -500 Yard Bear Crawl

      4-6 Hours Later

      1. Up and Down Hill Sprints- 5 x 50-100 Meters
      2. 50 Fingertip Push-ups+
      3. 50 High Jump Squats
      4. 50 Fingertip Pull-ups+
      5. 50 Box Jumps (Start at 18")
      6. 50 40-100# Sandbag Overhead Toss
      7. 50 Depth Jumps (Start at 12")
      8. 50 Sandbag Shoulder and Slams (25 each side)
      9. Pick 5 calisthenic exercises and perform 100 reps of each.
      • For up and down hill sprints, you sprint up a hill of 50-100 meters and then, when you get to the top, you immediately turn and sprint back down. You have to be careful sprinting downhill, so you can just jog at first, then run, then work up to a sprint. The steeper the hill, the better. This is training the ability Rimi used to run up and down a wall. 
      • On the fingertip push-ups and fingertip pull-ups, you'll work up to doing 50 non-stop repetitions. Once you get to 50, then you'll attempt 10 more without your pinky. After you accomplish that, you'll do ten more without your ring finger. You'll continue with this until you are just using your thumb. If you cannot complete 50 in one set, break it into as many sets as needed until you get to 50. 
      • For high jump squats, you will perform a jump squat, but attempt to jump as high as you possibly can on each rep. 
      • On the box jumps, you'll jump both feet up on top of the box at the same time and stand-up completely before jumping or stepping off the box. 
      • For the sandbag toss, just toss the sandbag over your head as far as you can.
      • For a depth jump, you will stand atop a box and step off like you are walking off a plank. As your second foot leaves, it will square up with your first foot and you will land in a half squat position. 
      • For sandbag slams, you'll pick the sandbag up, then using your a knee and your arms, place the bag on one shoulder and then slam it down. You can do all 25 on one side and switch to the other side OR you can alternate on each rep. 
      • I'll leave a list of sample calisthenic exercises you can do here: push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, mountain climbers, burpees, jumping jacks, handstand push-ups, dips, body weight rows, etc. You could also do one-limb versions of these exercises. This is an opportunity for you to build from previous training however you need to. 
      That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

      Ogata Isshinsai, often called Kensei, is a young member of the One Shadow, Nine Fists. He was previously the number one disciple of Ryouzanpaku and was trained by the Elder, Akisame, and Ma. He has mastered at least one of the Elder's 108 secret techniques. Through his disciples, we've managed to see several of Ogata's techniques and the skills that he possesses as a fighter. These workouts are based on the accumulation of everything seen of Kensei.

      Ogata Isshinsai's General Strength and Conditioning

      -Run 3 Miles
      -500 Yard Bear Crawl

      4-6 Hours Later

      1. Up and Down Hill Sprints- 5 x 50-100 Meters
      2. 50 Fingertip Push-ups+
      3. 50 High Jump Squats
      4. 50 Fingertip Pull-ups+
      5. 50 Box Jumps (Start at 18")
      6. 50 40-100# Sandbag Overhead Toss
      7. 50 Depth Jumps (Start at 12")
      8. 50 Sandbag Shoulder and Slams (25 each side)
      9. Pick 5 calisthenic exercises and perform 100 reps of each.
      • For up and down hill sprints, you sprint up a hill of 50-100 meters and then, when you get to the top, you immediately turn and sprint back down. You have to be careful sprinting downhill, so you can just jog at first, then run, then work up to a sprint. The steeper the hill, the better. This is training the ability Rimi used to run up and down a wall. 
      • On the fingertip push-ups and fingertip pull-ups, you'll work up to doing 50 non-stop repetitions. Once you get to 50, then you'll attempt 10 more without your pinky. After you accomplish that, you'll do ten more without your ring finger. You'll continue with this until you are just using your thumb. If you cannot complete 50 in one set, break it into as many sets as needed until you get to 50. 
      • For high jump squats, you will perform a jump squat, but attempt to jump as high as you possibly can on each rep. 
      • On the box jumps, you'll jump both feet up on top of the box at the same time and stand-up completely before jumping or stepping off the box. 
      • For the sandbag toss, just toss the sandbag over your head as far as you can.
      • For a depth jump, you will stand atop a box and step off like you are walking off a plank. As your second foot leaves, it will square up with your first foot and you will land in a half squat position. 
      • For sandbag slams, you'll pick the sandbag up, then using your a knee and your arms, place the bag on one shoulder and then slam it down. You can do all 25 on one side and switch to the other side OR you can alternate on each rep. 
      • I'll leave a list of sample calisthenic exercises you can do here: push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, mountain climbers, burpees, jumping jacks, handstand push-ups, dips, body weight rows, etc. You could also do one-limb versions of these exercises. This is an opportunity for you to build from previous training however you need to. 
      That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

      reade more... Résuméabuiyad

      Kaoru-chan Training Special (Submission for KSKM)

      This workout was submitted by Adam Gorman for "Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru." I liked it, so I didn't really feel like I needed to make modifications and so the text is almost entirely as it was submitted to me. 

      Kaoru-chan Training Special

      Physical Conditioning
      1. 25+ Knuckle Push-ups (build up to say 100 then do 1 handed)
      2. 25+ Sit-ups (if you reach 100 do decline or weighted)
      3. 25+Jump Squats (build up to 100 then 1 legged)
      4. 20+ Split Squats (build up as high as you can)
      5. 15 Dumbbell Punches (each side)

      1. 4 x 3 min Speed Ladder Work
      2. 4 x 3 min Slip Bag Work
      3. 4 x 3 min Thai Pads
      4. 4 x 3 min Boxing Mitts
      5. 5 x 3 min Muay Thai Sparring, Kumite or Heavy Bag
      6. 50 reps of "Kaoru-chan Missile" ( see through this chapter for explantion
      7. 50 reps of "Hyakuman Goku Upper" ( same as above
      8. "Kaoru-chan Machine Gun" (1-2s as fast as possible)
      9. Lunging upper to an overhand right (later becomes his signature technique) (
      10. Shrimp Attack (
      11. 2-4 x 3 min of "Speed Hell"  (
      • This workout is aimed at building the speed and explosive power Hamada had as well as conditioning your body in a way similar to his, as well as having you practice his signature techniques.
      • It's likely he weight trains as he goes from a lightweight to middle in a year.
      • (From here on the notes are all from Real Anime Training)
      • We've pretty much covered everything in the first part, except for split squats. A split squat is done from the top of a lunge position. You squat down to the bottom of the lunge, with knee touching the floor, then you stand up. You feet will remain with one leg out front and one leg back. When you complete all of the reps, do the other side. 
      • The punches with the dumbbell should start out light, like 1 or 2 lbs. 
      • For the speed ladder, here is a video with some good drills.
      • Below is a picture of a slip bag, if you didn't know what it was. You hit it and then practice slipping to the side like a punch is coming in. 

      That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard! If anyone has character or anime workouts they want to submit, please do so at! 
      This workout was submitted by Adam Gorman for "Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru." I liked it, so I didn't really feel like I needed to make modifications and so the text is almost entirely as it was submitted to me. 

      Kaoru-chan Training Special

      Physical Conditioning
      1. 25+ Knuckle Push-ups (build up to say 100 then do 1 handed)
      2. 25+ Sit-ups (if you reach 100 do decline or weighted)
      3. 25+Jump Squats (build up to 100 then 1 legged)
      4. 20+ Split Squats (build up as high as you can)
      5. 15 Dumbbell Punches (each side)

      1. 4 x 3 min Speed Ladder Work
      2. 4 x 3 min Slip Bag Work
      3. 4 x 3 min Thai Pads
      4. 4 x 3 min Boxing Mitts
      5. 5 x 3 min Muay Thai Sparring, Kumite or Heavy Bag
      6. 50 reps of "Kaoru-chan Missile" ( see through this chapter for explantion
      7. 50 reps of "Hyakuman Goku Upper" ( same as above
      8. "Kaoru-chan Machine Gun" (1-2s as fast as possible)
      9. Lunging upper to an overhand right (later becomes his signature technique) (
      10. Shrimp Attack (
      11. 2-4 x 3 min of "Speed Hell"  (
      • This workout is aimed at building the speed and explosive power Hamada had as well as conditioning your body in a way similar to his, as well as having you practice his signature techniques.
      • It's likely he weight trains as he goes from a lightweight to middle in a year.
      • (From here on the notes are all from Real Anime Training)
      • We've pretty much covered everything in the first part, except for split squats. A split squat is done from the top of a lunge position. You squat down to the bottom of the lunge, with knee touching the floor, then you stand up. You feet will remain with one leg out front and one leg back. When you complete all of the reps, do the other side. 
      • The punches with the dumbbell should start out light, like 1 or 2 lbs. 
      • For the speed ladder, here is a video with some good drills.
      • Below is a picture of a slip bag, if you didn't know what it was. You hit it and then practice slipping to the side like a punch is coming in. 

      That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard! If anyone has character or anime workouts they want to submit, please do so at! 
      reade more... Résuméabuiyad

      Mutou's Basic Training (KSKM)

      Mutou's Karate training was built on a combination of basic technique and kata practice, as well as a high volume of sparring. I'm fairly certain, with the musculature that he possesses, that he also performed regular strength training. The main idea behind Mutou is that he has burned Karate into his soul and that means endless practicing of the basics, kata, and kumite. His bulging muscles came with time, gradually adding to his training, but the main bulk of his training should have been his Karate.

      1. 25 Pull-ups
      2. 50 Knuckle Push-ups
      3. 100 Sit-ups
      4. 150 Squats
      5. Kihon- 10 Techniques at 100 Reps each side (Using makiwara, heavy bag, or in the air)
      6. Kata- 100 Times 
      7. Kumite- 10 x 2 Minute Rounds
      8. Run 10k (6.2 miles)
      9. Pick One Technique: 1000 Reps each side
      • If you need help with the exercises, you can do negative, jumping, or assisted pull-ups; you may do knee push-ups or not use your knuckles for all of them; you can start with crunches; and you can do half squats to start. You can break them into as many sets and reps as you need to in order to complete the reps or you can just cut the reps entirely. Make it work for you. 
      • Pull-ups can be any grip. When you are able to do all 25 in a row, you can add weight or try to do pull-ups to your sternum instead of just under your chin. 
      • For the sit-ups, you can use a decline bench or weight to make them more difficult. 
      • For the squats, you can add weight to make them more difficult once you reach the 150 rep mark.
      • Kihon is "basic training." You just pick individual techniques and hammer them out. 
      • If you don't know any kata, you can find any number of kata online. Kyokushin, Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, or whatever style of Karate you like. Find a kata or two and practice the hell out of them.
      • If you don't have a sparring partner, you may do bag work or shadowboxing. If you are sparring, try to use gloves, a mouthpiece, and headgear if you are striking to the face. Otherwise, you can go bare knuckle if you feel like you can handle it. 
      • After the rest of the training, running the 10k is probably going to be more an exercise in endurance instead of how fast you can actually run it. 
      • After all is said and done, maybe even a few hours later, you can pick a single technique and do 1,000 reps of it on each side. If you've never done 1,000 reps of a technique, let me tell you, it becomes very meditative and you begin to understand how you can throw the move more efficiently as you begin to tire. 
      • You can always scale back any of these workouts as far as the number of reps or weights or anything.  Make things easier, so that you can do them and then you can eventually do the full version. 
      That's all for today. Until next time, good luck and train hard!
      Mutou's Karate training was built on a combination of basic technique and kata practice, as well as a high volume of sparring. I'm fairly certain, with the musculature that he possesses, that he also performed regular strength training. The main idea behind Mutou is that he has burned Karate into his soul and that means endless practicing of the basics, kata, and kumite. His bulging muscles came with time, gradually adding to his training, but the main bulk of his training should have been his Karate.

      1. 25 Pull-ups
      2. 50 Knuckle Push-ups
      3. 100 Sit-ups
      4. 150 Squats
      5. Kihon- 10 Techniques at 100 Reps each side (Using makiwara, heavy bag, or in the air)
      6. Kata- 100 Times 
      7. Kumite- 10 x 2 Minute Rounds
      8. Run 10k (6.2 miles)
      9. Pick One Technique: 1000 Reps each side
      • If you need help with the exercises, you can do negative, jumping, or assisted pull-ups; you may do knee push-ups or not use your knuckles for all of them; you can start with crunches; and you can do half squats to start. You can break them into as many sets and reps as you need to in order to complete the reps or you can just cut the reps entirely. Make it work for you. 
      • Pull-ups can be any grip. When you are able to do all 25 in a row, you can add weight or try to do pull-ups to your sternum instead of just under your chin. 
      • For the sit-ups, you can use a decline bench or weight to make them more difficult. 
      • For the squats, you can add weight to make them more difficult once you reach the 150 rep mark.
      • Kihon is "basic training." You just pick individual techniques and hammer them out. 
      • If you don't know any kata, you can find any number of kata online. Kyokushin, Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, or whatever style of Karate you like. Find a kata or two and practice the hell out of them.
      • If you don't have a sparring partner, you may do bag work or shadowboxing. If you are sparring, try to use gloves, a mouthpiece, and headgear if you are striking to the face. Otherwise, you can go bare knuckle if you feel like you can handle it. 
      • After the rest of the training, running the 10k is probably going to be more an exercise in endurance instead of how fast you can actually run it. 
      • After all is said and done, maybe even a few hours later, you can pick a single technique and do 1,000 reps of it on each side. If you've never done 1,000 reps of a technique, let me tell you, it becomes very meditative and you begin to understand how you can throw the move more efficiently as you begin to tire. 
      • You can always scale back any of these workouts as far as the number of reps or weights or anything.  Make things easier, so that you can do them and then you can eventually do the full version. 
      That's all for today. Until next time, good luck and train hard!
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